Title: Electric Manual Meat Tenderizers - Meat Tenderizer
1A Brief Introduction to Meat Tenderizer
2Meat is among the trickiest dishes when it comes
to cooking. Reason? The best quality of old or
new meat is always available in coarse to hard
texture. Therefore, cooking it right requires
tenderizing. What serves the purpose here is a
meat tenderizer.
meat tenderizer
Tenderizing causes the meat to become soft,
lending it the ability to absorb the flavors
better. This means that the cooked meal will be
rich in flavors and optimally cooked to treat
those taste buds.
3Meat Tenderizer The utensil
American Eagle Electric Meat Tenderizer (Item
600299) Has 33 Stainless Steel blades also has
1 hp motor. Works Great! Easy to clean.Opening
Size is 7 1/2" x 1"
meat tenderizer
The tenderizer is available in two forms. The
first is as a utensil. There is nothing complex
in the structure and design of this utensil. It
is a simple, manually operated tool to soften the
meat slabs in the course of cooking. It can
actually be any handy tool that can easily smack
the meat to serve the purpose of tenderizing.
4The three most common designs are
- The dual head tool Available in the options of
metal and wood, it is shaped more or less like a
mallet or hammer that has a short handle to be
easily held by hand, with a comfortable grip.
Just as a hammer, this tool too has one flat side
and other pyramid shaped side. - Potato masher lookalike This tool has a large
metal face and short yet easy to hold handle. The
metal surface may be designed smooth or carved
with multiple pyramid shaped tenderizers. - Puncture tool This tool has several blades that
cut into the meat, puncturing it thoroughly so as
to disintegrate the fiber component of the
5Meat treated with the above stated tools is left
tender, making them chewable and easy to digest.
It is ideal for preparing well cut steak portions
and also with cooking methods such as steaming
and broiling.
Electric - Manual Meat Tenderizers