More on GUI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More on GUI


More on GUI. We continue our examination of GUI features by first revisiting JLabels and ... We continue our examination of GUIs by looking at how to interact ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: More on GUI

More on GUI
  • We continue our examination of GUI features by
    first revisiting JLabels and JButtons
  • As we saw last time, we can place a String into a
    JLabel or JButton
  • We can also insert pictures instead of or in
    addition to Strings
  • JLabel label1 new JLabel(image)
  • JButton button1 new JButton(image)
  • image must be an ImageIcon which you can create
    by specifying the images location on disk (such
    as ImageIcon image new ImageIcon(flag.gif) )
  • You can include both text and image in a JButton
    or JLabel by specifying both a String and then an
  • JLabel label2 new JLabel(Left, new
  • You can change the item in the JButton or JLabel
    using setText( ) or setIcon( ) as in
  • You can also alter what appears in the JButton
    based on whether the mouse is pointing at it
    (called Rollover) or if the button is currently
    being pressed
  • JButton button2 new JButton(icon1)
  • button2.setPressedIcon(icon2)
  • button2.setRolloverIcon(icon3)

More Details
  • For JButtons, JCheckBoxes and JRadioButtons, you
    can also specify a key mnemonic or a tool tip
    (pop-up box that instructs the user what the
    JButton does)
  • For details, see the examples in sections
  • You can align or position your text or image
    inside a button or label
  • Horizontal alignments are LEADING, LEFT, CENTER,
    RIGHT, TRAILING, vertical alignments are TOP,
    CENTER, BOTTOM, use them like this
  • button.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT
  • Text positions can be set the same way (they use
    the same constants as the horizontal and vertical
  • see pages 452-453 for examples

Mouse Listeners
  • We continue our examination of GUIs by looking at
    how to interact with the mouse
  • Just as Java creates Events when the user
    interacts with GUI components, similarly mouse
    movements generate Events
  • To have your program respond, you must implement
    MouseListeners and MouseMotionListeners
  • this is a bit more involved than the previous
    listeners because there are 7 methods that must
    be implemented between the two Listeners
  • Fortunately, we can implement most as empty
  • public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) // does
  • We will often keep track of where the mouse is or
    where it was and now where it has been moved to
  • Example When the mouse button is pressed,
    remember its x and y coordinates, when the mouse
    button is released, remember the new x and y
    coordinates, now draw a line from (old x, old y)
    to (new x, new y)
  • In such a way, we can build a paint type program

Mouse Listeners and Methods
  • We divide the Mouse listeners into
  • MouseListener
  • this Listener deals with mouse button operations
    and must implement the following methods
  • mousePressed
  • mouseReleased
  • mouseClicked
  • mouseEntered
  • mouseExited
  • when you hold down the mouse button or click the
    mouse button, both mousePressed and mouseClicked
    are called, when you release the mouse button or
    click the mouse button, both mouseReleased and
    mouseClicked are called
  • we wont be using mouseEntered or mouseExited
  • MouseMotionListener
  • this listener deals with moving the mouse
  • mouseMoved
  • mouseDragged
  • To specify that your program should listen for
    mouse events, you will add a mouse listener or
    motion listener as in
  • addMouseListener(this)
  • addMouseMotionListener(this)

Example Drawing a line
  • Here, we see how to use the MouseListener to draw
    a line on a JPanel when the mouse is dragged
  • As usual, we have created a JFrame which itself
    adds the JPanel below (MouseExample) to its

public class MouseExample extends
JPanel implements MouseListener
private int x1, x2, y1, y2 public
MouseExample( ) x1 x2 y1 y2
0 addMouseListener(this) public void
mousePressed(MouseEvent e) x1 e.getX(
) y1 e.getY( )
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) x2
e.getX( ) y2 e.getY( ) repaint( )
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.setColor( g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2,
y2) // end class
We would also implement mouseEntered,
mouseExited and mouseClicked as
Example 2 Drawing dots
  • Here, we place a dot every time you drag the mouse

public class DotDrawer extends JPanel implements
MouseMotionListener private static int x,
y public DotDrawer( ) x y
0 addMouseMotionListener(this)
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
x e.getX( ) y e.getY( ) repaint( )
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
super.paintComponent(g) g.setColor(
g.fillOval(x-1, y-1, 2, 2) // end class
KeyListener and Keyboard Events
  • Just as we can implement listeners to handle
    mouse events, we can do the same for keyboard
    events (keypresses)
  • To implement KeyListener, you must implement
    three methods keyPressed, keyReleased and
  • all three methods receive a KeyEvent
  • to determine which key was pressed you can pass
    the event the message getKeyChar( )
  • In order for your Java program to watch for key
    presses, you also have to get your container
    (probably a JPanel) to watch the keyboard, this
    is done by saying
  • panel.setFocusable(true)
  • We will look at code that uses KeyListener to
    implement a typewriter and an etch-a-sketch
    type program
  • you might also use KeyListener for a computer
    game where the user uses the keyboard to control
    movement in the game

Multiple Listeners
  • So far we have concentrated on implementing a
    single Listener in our GUI program
  • several GUI items are handled by the one Listener
  • We can implement multiple listeners instead if
  • consider implementing different Listeners for two
  • now we cant just do b1.addActionListener(this)
    and b2.addActionListener(this)
  • this would require that b1 and b2 both implement
    their listeners in this class by having the
    actionPerformed method implemented here, but we
    cant have 2 of these in the same class, so
  • we create new inner classes that will implement
    our action Listeners
  • b1.addActionListener(new ListenerClass1( ))
  • b2.addActionListener(new ListenerClass2( ))
  • Just as earlier we implemented an inner class to
    extend a JPanel, we will implement an inner class
    which implements ActionListener
  • this inner class will only contain one method,

Handling CheckBox/RadioButtons
  • These GUI components when changed will generate
    both ActionEvents and ItemEvents
  • You can handle this through an ActionListener or
    an ItemListener
  • If your GUI already has JButtons though, since
    they cause ActionEvents, it might be better to
    have CheckBox and RadioButton components handled
    by an ItemListener
  • This requires adding implements ItemListener to
    the class header, adding the listener to each GUI
    object such as checkBox1.addItemListener(this)
    and implementing the ItemListener class
  • if you implement the ItemListener in this class,
    then you merely have to add a itemStateChanged
  • you can also determine what state one of these
    items is in by using isSelected( ) which returns
    true or false, you can also change the setting by
    using setSelected(true) or setSelected(false)

Example Multiple Handlers
private JCheckBox j1, j2, j3 private
JRadioButton r1, r2, r3 private JLabel lab new
JLabel( ) public
GUIExample( ) // instantiate the 6 GUI
items j1.addItemListener(new ItemListener1(
)) j2.addItemListener(new ItemListener1(
)) j3.addItemListener(new ItemListener1(
)) r1.addItemListener(new ItemListener2(
)) r2.addItemListener(new ItemListener2(
)) r3.addItemListener(new ItemListener2(
)) // add items and lab to
JPanel private class ItemListener1 implements
ItemListener public void
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) if(e.getItem(
) j1) lab.setText(j1.getText( )) else
if(e.getItem( ) j2) lab.setText(j2.getText(
)) else if(e.getItem( ) j3)
lab.setText(j3.getText( ))
private class ItemListener2 implements
ItemListener public void
itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e)
if(e.getItem( ) r1) lab.setText(r1.getText(
)) else if(e.getItem( ) r2)
lab.setText(r2.getText( )) else
if(e.getItem( ) r3) lab.setText(r3.getText(
  • There are three GUI components that allow you to
    create lists for the user to select from
  • JList a list of items is presented, the user
    can select any combination (0 or more items)
  • JComboBox a list of items is made available
    through a drop box, the user selects exactly one
  • JMenu same as the JComboBox except that the
    menu is attached to the title bar
  • we wont be using JMenus here
  • To set up a list, you have to specify the items
    to appear in the list as an array of Strings
  • once set up, you can determine what item(s)
    has(have) been selected (what String) or what
    position(s) was(were) selected, or change the
  • the JList is a little trickier because multiple
    items can be selected, so you have to be able to
    check to see if a given item was selected rather
    than find the item selected or obtain the entire
    list of selected items as an array

JComboBox Example
  • Here we have code that creates a JFrame that
    consists of a JComboBox and a JLabel
  • when an item is selected in the JComboBox, the
    item selected is output in the JLabel

public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent
e) if(jcb.getSelectedIndex( )!0)
lab.setText("Selection "
(String)jcb.getSelectedItem( )) else
private JComboBox jcb private JLabel lab public
ListExample() String list Select an
Item, , , jcb new
JComboBox(list) lab new JLabel("Selection
") jcb.addItemLis
tener(this) JPanel panel new JPanel(new
GridLayout(1, 2)) panel.add(jcb) panel.add(
lab) getContentPane( ).add(panel)
Notice the extra space here, why do you suppose
it is needed?
getSelectedItem( ) does not return a String, but
instead returns an Object, since the items are
Strings, we have to cast it as a String
before using it in the setText operation
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