Title: The INFNPAT MEMS Project
1The INFN-PAT MEMS Project
- R. Battiston
- University and INFN of Perugia
- 2nd Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Detectors
(3D and p-type) - IRST february 13-14th 2006
2Why a MEMS program the INFN view
- tradition of INFN scientists in the development
of state of the art radiation detectors to be
used in particle physics, medical physics,
environmental and artistics monitoring .. - MEMS technologies have a development potential
comparable to the microelectronics in the early
eighties. It is possible to reach a technological
and scientific leadership, in a vital sector of
the XXIst century - Strenghthen the collaborationwith ITC-irst, who
has demonstrated the capability to built high
quality detectors and microsystems (bolometers,
AMS and ALICE microstrips, medical radiation
3Why a MEMS program the PAT/ITC-irst view
- strenghthen the ITC-irst design and construction
infrastructures in the framework of the available
resources - strenghthen a strategic collaboration with a
National Research Institute - the link among
- basic research ? continued innovation
- and
- applicaton of social interest ? dual projects
4The MEMS Program
- The MEMS program foresee four pilot projects
having a joint INFN/ITC-irst interest - 3D radiation silicon detectors
- SiPM matrices for fast photon counting
- Microbolometers array
- Thick Silicon detectors Low Temperature Silicon
Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and Normal
Temperature Silicon Detectors for high precision
5Framework Program PAT-INFN
- MEMS Program
- P1. 3D Silicon Detectors
6ITC-irst 3D Single Tipe Columns - basic concept
C. Piemonte et al, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 541
Detector layout
ionizing particle
Inter electrods section
Holes drfit in the central Region and diffuse to
the p contact
Electrons are collected thanks to the tresverse
p-type substrate
grid-like bulk contact
Advantage with respect to the classic 3D standard
Only one type of columns only one etching
step only one doping step
7Testing the column process
- Deposizione polisilicio e ossido
- Ossidazione
- Deposizione metalli
- Litografia
8Strip detectors - layout
Guard ring interno (bias line)
Apertura contatto
9.from the literature
10.from the literature
11.from the literature
12Dual interest of the 3D Silicon Detectors
- Very high rate imaging
- Radiation resistance
13Framework Program PAT-INFN
MEMS Program P2. SiPM photon counters
14Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM)
50 0hm
- SiPM main features
- Sensitive size 1x1mm2 on chip 1.5x1.5 mm2
- Gain 2?106
- Ubias50V
- Recovery time lt 100 ns/pixel
- Number of pixels 1000/mm2
- Nuclear counter effect negligible (due to
Geiger mode - Insensitive to magnetic field
- Dynamic range 103/mm2
for details NIMA 504(2003)48
15SiPMT characterstics compared
16Single photoelectron (single pixel) spectra
- SiPM
- excellent single photoelectron resolution
- low ENF expected
17Photo of an ITC-wafer
Photo of a ITC-irst SiPM
18ITC-irst SiPM signals under pulsed light
Preliminary results
BLUE pulsed light (470 nm)
SiPM signal
- SiPM sensible to the blue light
RED pulsed light
- Pisa measurements
- Very good resolution of single
- photoelectrons
19SiPM arguments in favour
- Low noise,high gain
- Good single electron resolution
- Very good timing
- Small recovery time
- Low charge particle/photon sensitivity
- Insensitivity to B
- Low bias voltage
- Low power consumption
- Compactness
- Room temperature operation
- Good temperature and voltage stability
- Simplest electronics
- Relatively low cost(low resistivity Si,simple
20 SiPM drawbacksand limitation
to be considered separately for
concrete application
21Timing by SiPM
- SiPM is quite fast discharge time is
- typically about 500 ps
- Rise time is 1 ns
Single pixel recovery timelt100ns - (RpixelxCpixel 30 ns)
- Timing by SiPM has been studied using very fast
laser(FWHM40 ps)
22Timing by SiPM
The best
PMT R-5320
FWHM Laser (40 ps) electronics (40 ps) gt SiPM
(100 ps)
50 ps sigma for single ph.e. by leading edge
- SiPM timing performance competes with MCP PM
23SiPM Possible Applications in Particle Physics
The main field
Low Light Level (LLL) detection
- LLL scintillation Readout
- Fast(lt100 ps) timing for single photon
- Superfast(10ps) LLL timing
24Sci tileWLS fiber readout Application for
Hadron Tile Calorimeter
TESLA HCAL-sci tiles 50x50x5mm interlayered by 2
cm Fe
Plastic sci Vladimir WLS fiber Kuraray
Y-11 1mm Reflector 3M SiPM 1x1mm,1024 pixels
Electron 4 GeV
Test beam DESY
9 layers of 3x3 sci tiles
with 2cm Fe in between
Readout by SiPMs
Without any amplifiers
MIP in Sci tile 50x50x5 mm
Limitations for Tile calorimetry based on
SciWLS fiberSiPM readout
1. Limited dynamic range
Number of photoelectrons/tile lt number of SiPM
- GEANT3 based simulations show
- no impact on HCAL energy resolution up to
- hadron jet energy of 25 GeV
27Silicon Photomultiplier Tiles on the Lazio SiRad
counters on the ISS (first time in space, april
28Individual SiPM counting rate
LAZIO-SiRad flight data
R.B., R. Bencardino
29SiPM for a single photon countingPossible
application for EUSO experiment
xtreme niverse pace bservatory
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31EUSO needs
- 300000 Photodetectors,working in a single
- photon counting mode(TPC Calorimeter)
- Sensitivity in 300-400 nm range,PD eff
- Fast(lt10 ns), compact,low weight,
- low power consuming
Baseline option is MAPMTs
(weght?power consumption?packing eff?QE?)
32SiPM for fast single photon timingPossible
applications for a new generationof Cherenkov
Imaging Detectors for High Luminosity B-factories
etector of nternal eflected herenkov light
ime f ropagation detector
33DIRC for BaBar upgrade
Cherenkov angle is extracted from (x,y) space
Single photon timing info
- To reduce the chromatic
- aberrations
Timing100 ps
MA Hamamatsu PMT H8500(138 ps)
Burle 8501 MPC PMT(54 ps)
-gt low gain,non uniform response
34SiPM Example for superfast timing
TOF Positron Emission Tomography(TOF PET)
with 3D reconstruction of each event
GEANT based simulation gives
ZnO(In) crystal size (4.5 mm)
SiPM size 4.5x4.5 mm
Sigma of SiPM 50 ps
Sigma electronics 5 ps
Photon Detection eff. 30
3D TOF PET resolution of 2 mm(sigma) can be
(TOF timing of 13 ps for 400ph.e)
SiPM Limitations Size 4.5x4.5mm, PD
efficiency 30
35Dual interest of the 3D Silicon Detectors
- 3d imaging, fast timing gives the third
coordinate - Automotive applications (active illumination)
- 10 ps 3 mm / 2 1.5 mm
- Medical applications (without active
illumination) 10 ps 3 mm -
36Framework Program PAT-INFN
MEMS Program P3. Array of Microbolometers
37- Cryogenic Bolometers
- Direct neutrino mass
- Micromachining and bolometer construction
- Uncooled Bolometers
- Applications
- Technologies and goals
38Cryogenics Bolometers
- Application
- Cryogenic microcalorimeters are usedto measure
effects due to neutrino mass - This approach is complementary to the
spettrometric technique
39Cryogenic Bolometers
Integrated microbolometrs
Micromachining allows to integrat the thermal
Integrated microcalorimeter built using a
multiple implantation on silicon and
40MARE phase I MIBETA2 options
ITC-IRST TMAH micromachined arrays with SU8
supports for the absorbers. Implanted silicon
with the technology developed for the MIBETA
single devices. STATUS 10 devices arrays
fabrication ongoing. IRST process BL12
NTD Ge array (LBL Bonn). STATUS preferred for
the larger e-ph thermal coupling.
Reproducibility to be demonstrated.
NASA 6?6 silicon array (XRS2). STATUS
encouraging first results with 450?g AgReO4.
Coupling and electronics to be optimized.
41Cryogenic Bolometers
- Goals
- Develop and array of 200 microcalorimeters
- Optimization for the thermistor implantation
- VLSI routing of the electrical connetions
(microbridges) having an extremely low thermal
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45 INFN-PAT Attività Microwave Kinetic Inductance
Detectors (MKID) INFN Experiment RIC (gruppo V)
People coinvolte allIRST Pierluigi Bellutti -
IRST Benno Margesin - IRST Alessandro Monfardini
INFN-PAT Persone di riferimento INFN Roberto
Battiston INFN-PAT Paolo Debernardis
Responsabile nazionale RIC Sezioni
coinvolte Roma, Perugia Trento ?
46MKID in short
Le quasi-particelle generate dalla radiazione
incidente determinano una variazione di
impedenza di una strip di SC. Se la strip è
parte di un circuito risonante (1-10GHz) questo
si traduce in variazione di fase in trasmissione.
- Detector utile
- Risuonatore
- Feeding radiazione incidente
- qp trapping (quasi-optical)
- stripline (antenna coupling)
Resonator Day et al., NATURE (2003)
47Prototype Resonators design
- - Diversi disegni del risonatore ?/2 e ?/4
- Dispositivi più interessanti per la
realizzazione - di veri rivelatori ?/4 (come JPL, SRON)
- Niobio per iniziare (Tc9K richiede solo un
- criostato 3He pompato)
- IMPROVEMENTS del nuovo disegno
- Accoppiamento capacitivo senza break del
- piano di massa
- Eventuale realizzazione dei dispositivi su
- membrana ONO (SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2) di spessore
- sub-micron. Riduzione delle perdite e del
- rumore dielettrico.
48Uncooled InfraRed Sensors
- Applications
- Fire fighting
- Night vision
- Access control
- Surveillance and Security
- Process control
- Quality control
- Medical imaging
49Uncooled InfraRed Sensors
InfraRed Imaging System
- Option A a single device in CMOS compatible
technology - Integration of bolometer and readout circuits at
pixel level
Option B bolometer array in dedicated technology
readout circuits in standard CMOS technology
- 2D array of bolometers in IRST technology
- 2D array of readout circuits in standard CMOS
technology - Bump bonding and flip chip assembly technologies
50Dual interest of the microbolometers array
- - thermal imaging at room temperature
51Framework Program PAT-INFN
MEMS Program P4. Silicon TPC (cold) Thick
Silicon (uncooled)
52Photo wafer Run CRIO1
53Cryogenics laboratory at LNL T77K e 4K
- Max 3 dispositivi in camera alla volta
- 2 giorni per raggiungere i 4K
- Misure manuali con tempi di attesa di
- stabilizzazione di 30 minuti
- Idiode e Igr acquisite non contemporaneamente
Supporto per wafer
Supporto per campione
541 cm thick wafer before the thermal oxidation
55- The measured quantities in Compton imaging are
- x, y, z-co-ordinates in the first detector
- x, y, z-co-ordinates in the second detector
- Energy of recoil electron in first detector
- Energy of scattered photon in second detector
- Not measurable with Compton Cameras for medical
applications Direction of recoil electron, which
leads to the conical ambiguity. This leads to
more complicated image reconstruction algorithms.
Illustration of conical ambiguity in the
reconstruction of a point source
56Requirements on the first detector
Ratio of Compton Cross Section to
Photo-absorption Cross Section
- Excellent energy and good position resolution.
- Mature processing and wide-spread use
- Simple operating conditions (hospitals!!!)
- Robustness.
- High Compton to photo-interaction ratio
- Affordable price.
- Silicon is the only and the best choice for the
first detector
57Dual interest of Thick Silicon
- Medical applications high resolution PET
- Astrophysical applications compton camera
Small animal PET P. Weilhammer et al. 2003 G.
Zavattini et aL. 2005
?-ray spectrometer B.F. Phlips et al. IEEE
- The MEMS like technologies will have a strong
inpact in area ranging from fundamental research
to applications - ITC-irst INFN MEMS program timely offer a frame
of collaboration among the research and the
technology communities - Good results have already been achieved in the
first 18 months, more to come