Title: 6 iPhone X features that you must know
1- 6 iPhone X features that you must know
2- Since iphone has been launched there is a buzz in
the market about its features and looks. But the
most people are talking about is the efficiency
that has never been given before. Lets go by the
details below-
3The pushdown button for Siri
Siri is not new in iphone what new is that it can
be activated instantly by push down side button
on the right-hand side.
Open Apple Play with a click
By just double click you can reach to the apply
play on the right side of the handset. Its good
for paying your monthly bills says iphone 7
replacement parts providers.
A swift return to home
It often takes several clicks to take us back to
the home button, but now its easier to be back
direct on home button with the help of home
indicator. Here just need to swip the bottom edge
to get to page one.
4Switching between apps with a swipe
To handle multiple apps in one go you have manage
by going back and forth to your apps. This time
just swap right and left on home page and you
will get to the desired app says iphone 7 screen
Access to control center
Access to control panel in iphone x is fast
compared to other hand sets. Swipe from the right
side of the cell and you will get to control
panel directly.
Screenshot with iPhone X
By pressing the side button and top volume button
you will get a clear shot of an open window. The
same feature is available with many phone, but
with your iphone x still a lot more can be done.
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