Title: Tweed Fabrics
1Kashmiri Lal Tarun Khanna P. Ltd.
- Mr.Kashmiri Lal Khanna established the
Company in 1975, with the aim to manufacture
export Textile Fabrics. Prior to that all
operations were in the export of Tea to
Afghanistan Morrocco under the name of Kashmiri
Lal Kasturi Lal Co., which had been in business
since the 1940s. When the present Company was
incorporated, the two businesses were
amalgamated. The Company is entirely family
owned. In 2006, the company was certified as
an ISO 90012000 company.
4Tweed Fabric Trendy as Well as Warm Material.
- Tweed fabric weigh is medium to heavy its
often found in jackets, coats, and suits. Its
beneficial to tackle the cold winters. Tweed
fabric is also used by many of the designers to
design many trending outfits. - Tweed is the perfect fabric for the men as
they consider it a durable fabric that is perfect
for suits and hats. Though Tweed Fabrics are
preferred by the womens too as they can get a
stylish jacket out of the fabric. The colors of
the fabric are also dominated by earthy tones.
6Best Material Used to Sew Jackets in winters
- You can buy Wool Jacketing Fabric to sew the
best-designed coats for you. So its important to
know about the various types of fabric. There are
various materials in the market and most of them
are very good. So its important to choose to
invest in something that you will be wearing for
at least several seasons.
- Website http//www.kkpl.co.in/
- Email mail_at_kkpl.co.in
- Phone 01832292455
- Address 555, Golden Temple Road, P.O. Golden
Temple,Amritsar - 143 006 (Punjab) India.
Amritsar, Punjab 143006, India