Title: Progressive Enhancement
1Progressive Enhancement
Steve Branson Department of Health Services
2What isProgressive Enhancement
- Progressive enhancement is an approach to web
design that builds documents for the least
capable devices first - then moves on to enhance those documents with
separate logic for presentation - in ways that do not place an undue burden on
baseline devices but which allow a richer
experience for those users with modern graphical
browser software.
hancement_paving_way_for_future.html - Steve
3Progressive Enhancement Uses
- Longstanding characteristics of markup
- Bugs in various browsers
- Relies on the client request to determine the
appropriate style rather than on browser sniffing
4Why Progressive Enhancement
- Cost Savings
- Improved User Experience
- Inclusive
5Obsolete Browsers
- Not being maintained
- Not getting new features
- But, old bugs are reliably . . . Buggy
6Exploit Browser Differences
- Child Selector
- CSS Signature
- Will the Browser Apply the Rule?
- http//centricle.com/ref/css/filters/
7Objective forChild Selector
- Create an alternate design for Internet Explorer
that looks good and renders smoothly.
8The Child Selector
- It is written using the gt combinator
- It must appear between two other selectors.
- For example bodygtp color green
- This rule will make green any paragraph which is
a direct child of the body element. Therefore,
any paragraph which is the child of some other
element-- for example, a div or a table cell--
will not be matched by this rule.
9Lets Create Different behavior for Capitol image
for IE
- divextraDiv2
- background-image url(CapitolBuilding.gif)
- background-repeat no-repeat
- background-position left bottom
- position absolute
- left 0
- bottom 0
- height 600px
- width 265px
10And now the cool stuff, hiding from IE with
- bodyca-dot-govgtdivextraDiv2
- background-image url(CapitolBuilding.gif)
- background-repeat no-repeat
- background-position left bottom
- position fixed
- left 0
- bottom 0
- height 594px
- width 300px
- z-index 2
11Why Does This Work?
- Because child selectors imply greater
specificity, the rule takes precedence - But, only if the browser understands it.
12Other Important Topics
- Bugs are Your Friends
- Print Anywhere
- Adjacent Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- Pattern Matching