Title: Communication Technology
1Communication Technology
- An Evolution from the Beginning of History
2The First Communications
- Where did Communication begin?
Cavemen drew pictures about hunts and adventures
3Written Communications
- Paintings were visual representations of events.
Eventually symbols were used to represent events
or characters. Those pictured below are
4Written Communications
- After picture symbols, the first civilization to
develop a written language was the Sumerian in
Mesopotamia. They used an information system
called cuneiform. Even this form of written
language developed from pictographs to symbols as
seen in the three pictures below.
5Evolution of Language
- The symbols of the Sumerians look very different
from our alphabet. English letters evolved from
Greek and Latin Letters.
6Pen and Paper Evolution
- The Sumerians used a stylus to write into soft
clay tablets. In about 2600 B.C., the Egyptians
started writing on the papyrus plant.
7Pen and Paper Evolution
- In 100 A.D. the Chinese made paper from rags, on
which modern day papermaking is based. - Religious leaders in Mesopotamia kept the
earliest books - The Egyptians kept scrolls.
- Around 600 B.C. the Greeks started folding
papyrus leaves and bound them together.
8The Beginning of Computing
- The first calculator was the abacus
9Mechanical Computing
- Before the widespread use of electricity, most
computing devices were mechanically driven, such
as this difference engine.
10The Electromechanical Age
- With the discovery of how to harness electricity,
knowledge and information could be converted to
electrical impulses.
Mark I - Paper stored data and instructions
11Telephone and Radio
- During the electromechanical age, Alexander
Graham Bell invented the telephone. - Soon following, it was discovered electrical
waves can travel through space, which led to the
12Electronic Age
- The Electronic Numerical Integer and Computer
(ENIAC) was the first computer to use vacuum
tubes, and was the first electronic computer.
13The Four Generations of Digital Computing
- First Generation - Vacuum tubes
Most of the Computers with vacuum tubes took up
entire rooms!
14The Four Generations of Computing
- Second Generation - Transistors
Magnetic Tape and disks began to
replace punchcards as the main storage medium.
15The Four Generations of Computing
- Third Generation - Integrated Circuits
Punch cards become a thing of the past. Magnetic
core internal memory gives way to silcon-backed
16The Four Generations of Computing
- Fourth Generation - Microprocessors
Microprocessors allow for personal computers to
be developed and used in the home. Original
Version of Microsoft Windows was no good - it
didnt take off until version 3. Macs first
graphical user interface debuted in 1984.