Title: Improving Spelling through
1Improving Spelling through
- Using Rhythm and Melody to Teach Spelling Rules
2In Partial Fulfillment of a Masters Degree in
Education Technology and Curriculum
University of Phoenix Online
Kathryn S. Morrison, Researcher
3Table of Contents
1. Statement of Problem 2. Description of
Community 3. Discussion of Literature 4.
Method of Intervention 5. Results 6.
Resources and References
4Statement of Problem
5Statement of Problem
Second grade students in a predominantly
African-American semi-urban public school setting
are failing to perform at or near national norms
in spelling
6Statement of Problem
particularly in attempts to memorize and use
generalized rules when adding suffixes to root
swim er put ing drive er
try ing copy ed safe est
7Description of Community
8Description of Community
- Public school system in urban Southeastern US
- District comprised of
- 31 Elementary Schools
- 5 Middle Schools
- 5 High Schools
9Description of Community
In a community of 250,000, only 10 are enrolled
in public schools.
10Description of Community
The school for this study has a student
population of approximately 400 students, grades
Pre-K through 6.
11Description of Community
- 98 African-American
- 1.5 Caucasian
- 0.5 Other
12Description of Community
- 95 of the student population qualifies for
free or reduced price lunches - 25 qualify for special education
- 12 retention in grade level
13Description of Community
Language Arts Nationally Norm-Referenced Test
Scores 2001-2002
14(No Transcript)
15Description of Community
- High degree of reciprocal community involvement
through - partnership with area businesses/churches
- PTA and parental education programs
- After school programs
16Discussion of Literature
17Discussion of Literature
Students who have been unable to intuitively
grasp rules of English structure benefit from
introduction to and more structured work with
generalizations (Abbott, M. 2000)
18Discussion of Literature
Rather than teaching to the generic mean,
students would benefit from teachers who can
match their teaching to the unique qualities of
their students (Jennings, 1997)
19Discussion of Literature
By fourth grade less than half of
African-American students are performing at grade
level (Howard, 2001)
20Discussion of Literature
If learning structures and stimuli are grounded
in a cultural context familiar to students, the
potential for cognitive expansion is increased
(Howard, 2001)
21Discussion of Literature
- Foster and Peale (1999) suggest the three Rs of
- rhythm,
- recitation, and
- repetition
- in order to reach and teach African-American
22Method of Intervention
23Method of Intervention
Spelling rules were divided into three general
- Root words with 1 syllable, 1 vowel, and
single ending consonant
- Root words ending in silent e
- Root words ending in consonant then y
24Method of Intervention
1. A pre-test was administered
2. One rule was taught through song
3. Students practiced application of the rule in
rhythmic call and response for three weeks
4. A quiz was administered
25Method of Intervention
5. The process was repeated with each of the
other two rules (song, practice, and quiz)
6. All three rules were reviewed for one week
7. A post-test was administered to the study group
26Method of Intervention
Silent E Rule Song
When do we drop silent e We want to add a
Can you tell me, whats the rule? This is what we
learned in school
27Method of Intervention
If you see
- e-s-t,
- e-d,
- i-n-g
But leave e to add l-y Its so easy when
you try.
28Method of Intervention
Rhythmic Practice
- Silent E Rule
Word Bike
With a b and an i
and a k and an e
drop the e
Add an i and an n and a g
Expected outcome
Bring class mean spelling test score up to 70,
plus or minus 5.
(net improvement between 9 and 19)
- Actual net improvement 10
32(No Transcript)
Although the net gain in test scores did not
bring the class average up to 70, the
intervention did result in an overall improvement
of 10.
This improvement was within the margin of error
established prior to intervention
(14, plus or minus 5).
35Results - Conclusion
The addition of elements of music (song, rhythmic
speech, call and response) was effective in
improving spelling of African-American second
grade students when adding suffixes to root words.
36Resources and References
37Resources and References
Special thanks go to Patsy Stevens, composer of
the three songs used in this project.
Interested parties can find a wealth of
information on her web site at http//www.gardenof
38Abbott, M. (2000). Identifying reliable
generalizations for spelling words The
importance of multilevel analysis. Electronic
version The Elementary School Journal, 101(2),
233-245. Foster, M. Peele, T. (1999).
Teaching and learning in the contexts of African
American English and culture. Electronic
version Education and Urban Society, 31(2)
177-189 Howard, T. C., (2001). African-American
students A case of four teachers. Electronic
version Urban Education, 36(2),
179-202. Jennings, M., (1997). Individualize your
spelling instruction. Electronic version
Preventing school failure, 42(1), 44. Kaplan, A.
Maehr, M.L. (1999). Enhancing the motivation of
African American students An achievement goal
theory perspective. Electronic version The
Journal of Negro Education, 68(1), 23-41.
39Music moves us!