Title: Motivation
A camera is modeled as a map from a space pt
(X,Y,Z) to a pixel (u,v) by
homogeneous coordinates have been used to
treat translations multiplicatively in
matrices (translation was additive in vectors),
but this is not the full story
This will be re-used in computer graphics,
computer vision and robotics!
2Basic geometric concepts to understand
- Affine, Euclidean geometries (inhomogeneous
coordinates) - projective geometry (homogeneous coordinates)
- plane at infinity affine geometry
- (absolute conic Euclidean geometry)
NB some of the content in this part is only
optional!!!, dont worry ?
3Introduction to projective geometry
- Intuitive ideas from projective geometry
- (Formal definition of projective spaces)
4Intuitive introduction
Naturally everything starts from the known vector
- add two vectors
- multiply any vector by any scalar
- zero vector origin
- finite basis
5- Vector space to affine isomorph, one-to-one
- vector to Euclidean as an enrichment scalar
prod. - affine to projective as an extension add ideal
Pts, lines, parallelism
Angle, distances, circles
Pts at infinity
6Points at infinity
Algebraic extension to pts at infinity
introduction of homogeneous coordiantes
Rq the homogeneous coordinates are not unique,
up to a scale.
7On a plane,
Can we see the pts at infinity?
The direction d is a pt at infinity
8Provisional summary
a projective space is an affine space some pts
at infinity
a projective space is a space of homogeneous
9((Formal) definition of projective geometry)
Given KR or C, can be defined as the
nonzero equivalent classes determined by the
relation on
If there is non-zero real number such that
Any element of the
equivalent class will be called the homogeneous
coordinates of the point.
10- A projective space is nothing but a quotient
space (space of equivalent classes) - A space of homogeneous coordinates
- Basic structure linear dependence of points
Definition a pt x is said to be linearly
dependent on a set of pts if
11Relation between Pn (homo) and Rn (in-homo)
Rn --gt Pn, extension, embedded in
Pn --gt Rn, restriction,
P2 and R2
12One example of construction of projective line
by quotient space
13Examples of projective spaces
- Projective plane P2
- Projective line P1
- Projective space P3
14Projective plane
Space of homogeneous coordinates (x,y,t)
Pts are elements of P2
Pts are elements of P2
Pts at infinity (x,y,0), the line at infinity
4 pts determine a projective basis
3 ref. Pts 1 unit pt to fix the scales for
ref. pts
Relation with R2, (x,y,0), line at inf., (0,0,0)
is not a pt
Linear combination of two algebraically
independent pts
Operator is span or join
Line equation
16Point/line duality
- Point coordinate, column vector
- A line is a set of linearly dependent points
- Two points define a line
- Line coordinate, row vector
- A point is a set of linearly dependent lines
- Two lines define a point
- What is the line equation of two given points?
- line (a,b,c) has been always homogeneous
since high school!
17Given 2 points x1 and x2 (in homogeneous
coordinates), the line connecting x1 and x2 is
given by
Given 2 lines l1 and l2, the intersection point x
is given by
NB cross-product is purely a notational device
18Compute the intersection point of two lines, each
defined by two points
Conics a curve described by a second-degree
- 33 symmetric matrix
- 5 d.o.f
- 5 pts determine a conic
- affine classification with pts at inf
- the line tangent to a conic at a pt
- dual conic
- pole and polar
- one numerical example
20Tangent to a conic at a pt x on C is given by
Dual conic (in line coordinates) is given by lT
C-1 l 0
Polar of a pt x is l C x and is also a tangent
on C from x
21Line at infinity
22Projective line
Homogeneous pair (x1,x2)
Finite pts Infinite pts how
many? Topology? A basis by 3 pts Fundamental
inv cross-ratio
23- Euclidean coordinate
- the distance
- Affine coordinate
- the ratio of the distances (x-a/a-o)
- Projective coordinate
- the ratio of the ratio of the distances
- (cross-ratio, double ratio)
- ((x-a)/(a-o)) / ((x-b)(b-o))
24Projective space P3
- Pts, elements of P3
- Relation with R3, plane at inf.
- lines linear comb of 2 pts, but 34 matrix,
complicated back later - planes linear comb of 3 pts
- Basis by 4 (ref pts) 1 pts (unit)
- quadrics two classes---ruled and unruled
- (topology of P3)
Line equation?
Plane equation ...
In practice, take SVD
Homework compute plane normal vector?
26(Plucker coordinates of lines in P3)
How many d.o.f???
6 22 minors,
Two lines intersect in space iff
27(Quadric surfaces)
Ruled hyperboloid of one sheet,
1,1,-1,-1---topo torus
Unruled sphere, ellipsoid, hyperboloid and
paraboloid 1,1,1,-1 ---- topo
28Key points
- Homo. Coordinates are not unique
- 0 represents no projective pt
- finite points embedded in proj. Space (relation
between R and P) - pts at inf. (x,0) missing pts, directions
- hyper-plane (co-dim 1)
- dualily between u and x,
29Introduction to transformation
2D general Euclidean transformation
2D general affine transformation
2D general projective transformation
30Projective transformation
collineation homography
Consider all functions
All linear transformations are represented by
matrices A
Note linear but in homogeneous coordinates!
- (n1)(n1) -1 d.o.f.
- all projective properties are left invariant by
A - all transformations form a group GL(n,R)
N2 pts to determine a trans. a proj. basis
Check the most important one linear dependency,
i.e. lines into lines as line is just a span
Starting pt for new investigation Kleins
Erlangen program
Inversely, we may also prove that any 1-1 transf.
Preserving lines is a linear trans in homogeneous
32(Some examples of transformations)
on pts, lines and conics
Transforms contravariantly
Co-variantly to preserve incidence
NB co-,contra-variance is w.r.t. the basis
trans. Transpose is of no importance, il
accommodates row/column vectors
Some numerical examples of transformation on P2
33How to compute (canonical or standard)
coordinates?--- affine case
Given 4 pts, x1, x2, x3, x4, find the affine
coord of x4 w.r.t. x1, x2 and x3
- by definition,
- vector(x4-x1) a vector(x2-x1) b
vector(x3-x1) - by canonical transformation,
- x1-gt(0,0), x2-gt(1,0), x3-gt(0,1), get
transfromation A, then Ax4
How to solve Axb?
34Canonical projective coordinates?
Given 5 pts, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5find the affine
coord of x5 w.r.t. x1, x2, x3, x4
By canonical transformation
How to solve Ax0?
35A transformation between 2 spaces?
Compute the transformation from (0,0,1),
(1,0,1), (0,1,1) and (1,1,1) into (0,0,1),
(1,1/4,1),(0,1,1) and (1,3/4,1)
37(Geometry as an invariant theory of
transformation groups)
- projective geom. GL(n,R)
cross-ratio - affine geom. Subgroup A(n,R)
ratio - Euclidean geom. Subgroup E(n,R)
All proj. Transformations nicely form a group!
Each geometry is associated with a (sub)group!
Hierarchy of geometry
38Example of dim 2
From projective to affine
Affine transformation is a projective one which
leaves the line at inf. invariant x3x30
39From affine to euclidean
Similarity transformation is an affine one which
leaves the circular pts I and J invariant
What are the circular points?
40Circular points
The line at infinity of a usual plane
The pair of circular points
Intuitive introduction of circular pts
41Example of transformation in P3
Affine transformation leaves the plane at inf.
Similarity (euclidean) leaves the absolute conic
(globally, not point-wise) invariant
What is the absolute conic?
42(Absolute conic)
Euclidean structure in projective space by the
absolute conic
- A space conic on the plane at infinity
- In point coordinates
- In plane coordinates
- rank 3 space quadricabsolute quadric
43(No Transcript)
44Key message from projective geometry for vision
- abstract camera is a projective transformation
from P3 to P2, so 34 matrix - the intrinsic parameters of the camera are the
image of the absolute conic!
- transformation and geometry
- group of transformation
- affine group hyper-plane at inf.
- euclidean group absolute pts