Title: The use of some new media in ppt lectures
1The use of some new media in ppt lectures
- Letty Moss-Salentijn, DDS, PhD
- Columbia University,
- College of Dental Medicine
- Annotations on tablet PC
- Videoclips
- Annotations on tablet PC
- Videoclips
5There is a lot more to learn in the biomedical
sciences than a few years ago.Student require
high yield sessions to budget their time most
6- Student quote Dont use it (technology) as an
excuse not to teach. It should supplement
education, not replace it. Professors use
PowerPoint as a means of packing more information
than they should into a lecture, because if they
were to have to actually write it on the board,
it would take three hours instead of one.
7Concepts rather than excerpts from textbook
8Grimm, Inc 8/22/08
9Development external face (6-8 wks)
10Facial development animation
Watt MA, Sanders C, University of Glasgow
11Facial development animation 2
Watt MA, Sanders C, University of Glasgow
12Gasser R (2006)
1310-fold linear increase in size !
Moss-Salentijn L et al, 1972
14(No Transcript)
15Between 5 and 6 weeks the size of the MNP
- Decreases absolutely
- Increases at same rate as the rest of the face
- Increases at a slower rate than the rest of the
16Between 5 and 6 weeks the size of the MNP
- Decreases absolutely
- Increases at same rate as the rest of the face
- Increases at a slower rate than the rest of the
17- One can't replace a good lecturer by the use of
technology. Bad teachers teach badly with or
without technology, good teachers do it right
with or without it.