Title: Media Images Negatively Affecting Young America
1Media Images Negatively Affecting Young America
By. Rachel Roach Amy Thomas Tiffany
Jefferson Sarena Hicks Rickie Hannon
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3- 42 of girls in first through third grades state
they want to be thinner - 81 of ten-year-old girls are afraid of being
fat. - A study found that adolescent girls were more
fearful of gaining weight, than getting cancer,
nuclear war or losing their parents. - Over one half of normal weight white adolescent
girls consider themselves fat.
4The negative effects of unrealistic images in the
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10The average model is 511 and weighs 117lbs.
- The average woman is 54 and weighs 140lbs.
118 million people in the US are suffering from an
Eating Disorder, and of that number 10 are men.
5-14 of males deliberately vomit after eating
Many men are reluctant to admit having a problem
that is so strongly associated with women,
fearing they will seem unmanly.
12Several male actors thought they were to heavy
for the big screen.
13The number of people with eating disorder and
borderline conditions is triple the number of
people living with AIDS.
The annual death rate associated with anorexia is
more than 12 times higher than the annual death
rate due to all other causes combined for females
between 15 and 24 years old.
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17How to force the media and fashion industry to
act more responsibly
- Laws to regulate models BMIs
- Caption under images stating an altered image.
- Permission to alter images.
- Health Certificates
- Benefits to designers aimed at promoting
healthier behavior among its highly paid models. - Age limits on models at least 16 years old.
- Probationary period where models can be educated
on health and fitness. - Regulate weight for actors/actresses
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19Success Story
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