Title: Photon-assisted electron-hole shot noise in multi-terminal conductors
1Photon-assisted electron-hole shot noise in
multi-terminal conductors
In collaboration with Mikhail Poliansky and
Markus Büttiker
University of Geneva, Switzerland
cond-mat/0507276. To appear in PRB
- Motivation
- Scattering formalism
- Electron-hole picture of AC shot noise
- Experimental setup
- Probability game
- Correlation experiment
- HBT-like experiment
- Conclusions
Recent review on AC transport G. Platero and R.
Phys. Rep. 395 (1-2) 1 (2004)
Beenakker, Titov, and Trauzettel, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 94, 186804 (2005)
Samuelsson and Buttiker, Phys. Rev. B 71, 245317
4L.-H. Reydellet et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90,
176803 (2003)
Do electrons and holes produce shot noise
- HBT-like experiments
- New information about sample?
Possible observation of electron-hole
5Scattering formalism
- The goal is to calculate shot noise at zero
frequency - Scattering matrix describes scattering of
particles - Current operator
6Electron-hole picture of transport
- Electrons and holes
- Weak AC-voltage
- Zero temperature
- Scattering matrix is energy independent
electron-hole symmetry, no interactions. - Role of interactions, dephasing see Poliansky,
Samuelson, Buttiker cond-mat/0507336
- Current operator
- Shot noise
7Two terminal geometry
Probability game
Not all N attempts are made!
8Correlation experiment
Since pairs come rarely, correlation measurement
show correlations between particles in pairs.
9HBT interferometer
Hanbury Brown, Twiss. Nature 177 (1956)
Van Langen, Buttiker PRB 56 (1997)
HBT-interferometer. Current-current correlations
in DC case
HBT-interferometer. Intensity-intensity
correlations from incoherent sources
RMT Cavity with single channel contacts
- In the limit of weak AC voltage
- In 2 terminal conductors electron-hole
correlations coexist with electron-electron and
hole-hole correlations - In 3 terminal geometry correlation between
currents at different leads are pure
electron-hole correlations - HBT-like experiments provide complete information
about exchange interference - Statistical distribution of exchange interference
term is found