Title: Japanamester 2005
1Japanamester 2005
2Japanmester 2005
THREE WEEK PROGRAM This is a three-week program
led by Professors Christopher Gerteis and
Nelljean Rice. After one week in the classroom at
CCU, youll spend two weeks exploring the
fast-paced life of 21st Century Tokyo (top right)
as well as the sites and sounds of ancient Kyoto
(bottom right).
3Japanmester 2005 - Tokyo
In addition to seeing first-hand the high
spirited and showy fashions of Omotesando and
Shibuya (left), we will tour the medieval capital
city Kamakura take walking tours of the Fish
Market at Tsukiji and the traditional residences
and shops of Old Tokyo (above) and pay our
respects to the famed 47 samurai enshrined at
Sengakuji temple.
4Japanmester 2005 - Kyoto
Our third week finds us in the ancient capital of
Kyoto, where we will explore some of the
continental origins of things and practices we
commonly understand as Japanese. Left Great
Buddha at Nara. Above Shinto shrine at Ise.
5Japanmester 2005
Japanamester 2005 International Programs Coastal
Carolina University Tel (843) 349-2684 or
Email internationalprograms_at_coastal.edu