Business Process Model and Notation BPMN Specification 2.0 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Process Model and Notation BPMN Specification 2.0


Human Interactions: for the specification of Human Activities ... Specific behavior of activity types (service task, human task, subprocess, event ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business Process Model and Notation BPMN Specification 2.0

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
Specification 2.0
Initial Submission In response to Business
Process Model and Notation RFP (OMG Document
March 10, 2008
  • Overview
  • Goals and Market Requirements
  • Design Rationale
  • Benefits of the Approach
  • Notation and Diagrams
  • Detailed Drill Down
  • Metamodel Structure
  • Choreography
  • Human Interactions
  • Events
  • Execution Semantics Alignment
  • Schema and Model Interchange
  • Summary

Primary Goals and Market Requirements
  • Satisfy OMG BPMN 2.0 RFP requirements
  • Resolve BPMN 1.1 inconsistencies and ambiguities
  • Formalize choreography as part of the BPMN
  • A metamodel whose constructs are clearly
    recognizable as BPMN elements
  • Formalize BPMN 1.1s implicit metamodel
  • Correspondence of notional elements to metamodel
    constructs should be natural (minimize complex
  • Refine and formalize BPMN execution semantics
  • BPM scenarios are broader than any single
    execution environment
  • Nonetheless want to enable straightforward
    deployment to WS-BPEL 2.0
  • Create XML-based process model interchange
  • Domain model and diagram layout
  • XMI based format and a simpler, non-XMI based
  • Provide formal BPMN extensibility mechanisms
  • Semantic extensions and visual extensions
  • Enables coverage of or extensibility to all
    relevant process-related artifacts (e.g.,
    resources, simulation, etc.)

Other Goals and Market Requirements
  • Formalization of human interactions as primary
    elements of the BPMN specification
  • Enhance use of Data in BPMN by formalizing
  • Data flow modeling
  • How external type systems can be used for data
  • How external expression languages can be used for
    data manipulation
  • E.g. XPath
  • Refine event composition and event correlation
  • Formalize the hooks to use external role and
    organization models in BPMN

Design Rationale
  • BPMN 1.1 used as a base line
  • Introduce Core and Extension Layers
  • Core Includes the most fundamental modeling
  • Extension Layers Includes Choreography, Data
    modeling, Events, Human Interactions
  • BPMN Graphical Elements designed based on
    end-user modeling requirements and needs
  • BPMN, through a combination of Graphical and
    Supporting elements, must contain sufficient
    information to generate executable processes
  • This does not restrict BPMN from having
    capabilities to model non-executable elements or
  • For each element in the diagram, there is a
    single element in the metamodel
  • Reuse of and alignment with existing technologies
    and standards
  • XML Schema, XPath, WS-BPEL, WSDL
  • Provides both XMI based and simple non-XMI based
    exchange formats
  • Support of MDA and non-MDA tools

Design Rationale (cont.)
BPDM?BPMN Relationship
BPMN (Notation)
BPMN (Notation)
Explicit Same scope as BPDM
Implicit Conceptual sub-set of BPDM
BPMN (Metamodel)
BPMN (Metamodel)
BPDM (Metamodel)
BPDM (Metamodel)
Current Standards Situation A metamodel-to-notatio
n mapping
Proposal for BPMN 2.0 A metamodel-to-metamodel
Benefits of the Approach
  • BPMN 2.0 Metamodel is based on BPMN 1.1 The
    metamodel formalizes the implicit metamodel of
    BPMN 1.1
  • Extends BPMN 1.1 Upward compatible extension of
    BPMN 1.1 so complications of upgrading to BPMN
    2.0 are minimized
  • Reuse of adopted technologies Relies on widely
    adopted standards where possible, e.g XML Schema,
  • Portability of processes Achieved through
    exchange formats and execution semantics
  • Modular design The BPMN specification is
    structured in layers, where each layer builds on
    top of and extends lower layers
  • Extendable language for future innovations The
    language is extendable so that additional
    capabilities can be introduced on top of it

  • Overview
  • Goals and Market Requirements
  • Design Rationale
  • Benefits of the Approach
  • Notation and Diagrams
  • Detailed Drill Down
  • Metamodel Structure
  • Choreography
  • Human Interactions
  • Events
  • Execution Semantics Alignment
  • Schema and Model Interchange
  • Summary

Notation and Diagrams
  • BPMN 2.0 contains three (3) views or diagrams
  • Process (Orchestration)
  • Choreography
  • An additional Choreography view, a Participant
    Interaction View, is under development
  • Collaboration combines Orchestration,
    Choreography, and Pools

The Process View (Orchestration)
  • An Orchestration Process defines processes that
    are internal to a specific organization
  • The Process elements include Activities, Events,
    Gateways, Sequence Flow, Data, Artifacts, and

The Choreography View
  • A Choreography Process depicts the interactions
    between two or more business entities
  • The Process elements include Activities, Events,
    Gateways, Sequence Flow, Artifacts, and

The Collaboration View
  • Collaboration involves two (2) or more Pools
  • The Pools can be Black-Box while showing the
    Message Flow between them
  • The Diagram elements include (in addition to
    Process elements) Pools and Message Flow

The Collaboration View (cont.)
  • The Pools can show the Processes within them, and
    the Message Flow between the activities of the

The Collaboration View (cont.)
  • Choreographies can be shown in between the Pools
  • The relationship between the Orchestration and
    Choreography can be shown

  • Overview
  • Goals and Market Requirements
  • Design Rationale
  • Benefits of the Approach
  • Notation and Diagrams
  • Detailed Drill Down
  • Metamodel Structure
  • Choreography
  • Human Interactions
  • Events
  • Execution Semantics Alignment
  • Schema and Model Interchange
  • Summary

BPMN 2.0 Metamodel Structure
  • The proposed technical structuring of BPMN is
    based on the concept of extensibility layers on
    top of a basic series of simple elements
    identified as Core Elements of the specification.
  • Layering is used to describe additional elements
    of the specification that extend and add new
    constructs to the specification and relies on
    clear dependency paths for resolution.
  • The Serialization model for BPMN follows the
    structuring of the core and it is a direct
    representation of the BPMN core Metamodel.

BPMN 2.0 Core
  • BPMN Core includes the most fundamental elements
    of required for modeling the flow of activities,
    events, messages, and how they are sequenced.
  • The Core is simple, concise, and extendable, with
    well defined behavior
  • The BPMN Core is organized in four packages
  • Common includes the fundamental structuring
    elements that provide syntactic and semantic
    integrity to all BPMN Extensions (current and
  • Process contains classes which are used for
    modeling the flow of activities, events,
    messages, and how they are sequenced within a
  • Collaboration contains classes which are used
    for modeling Collaborations, which is a
    collection of Pools, their interactions as shown
    by Message Flow, and may include Processes and/or
    Choreographies .
  • Service contains constructs necessary for
    modeling services, interfaces, and operations.

BPMN 2.0 Core Elements
Organization of the main set of BPMN core model
BPMN 2.0 Extension Layers
  • Layers are based on Core
  • Layers follow well defined extensibility
    constraints that ensure specification integrity
  • Layers included in BPMN 2.0
  • Data for the specification of data flows.
  • Gateways for the specification of control flow
    operational semantics.
  • Events for the specification of even-driven
    process interactions.
  • Compensation for the specification of
    operational compensation.
  • Human Interactions for the specification of
    Human Activities
  • Choreography for the specification of
    multi-process Choreographies
  • Artifacts for the specification of annotations.

BPMN Elements
New Variations Added
New Elements
  • New in BPMN 2.0
  • Can be used stand-alone or within a larger
    Collaboration view
  • A Choreography Process is in between the Pools
  • A Choreography Process depicts the interactions
    between two or more business entities
  • The Process elements include Activities, Events,
    Gateways, Sequence Flow, Artifacts, and
  • Choreography Activities are similar, but
    distinguishable from Orchestration Activities

Choreography Elements
  • A Choreography is a type of Process, with the
    following elements
  • Most are common to Orchestration elements
  • Some have restrictions for use in Choreography
    (e.g., no data expressions)
  • Events
  • Start, Intermediate, and End
  • Activities
  • Choreography Task, Choreography Sub-Process, and
    Choreography Reference
  • Gateways
  • Exclusive, Event-Based, Inclusive, and Parallel
  • Message
  • Artifacts
  • Group, Text Annotation

Choreography Model
  • a Choreography is a type of Process, but
    fundamentally different from an Orchestration
  • It is a definition of expected behavior, a
    procedural contract, between interacting

Choreography Task
  • A Choreography Task is an atomic activity in a
    Choreography Process. It represents a coherent
    set (1 or more) of Message exchanges
  • The list of Participants (and Bands) is

  • A Message is used to depict the content of a
    communication between two Participants
  • It can be used with a Message Flow or Associated
    with a Choreography Activity

Human Interactions
ltxsdelement name"userTask" type"tUserTask"
substitutionGroup"flowElement"/gt ltxsdcomplexTy
pe name"tUserTask"gt ltxsdcomplexContentgt
ltxsdextension base"tTask"gt
ltxsdattribute name"implementationdefault"unsp
ecified"/gt ltxsdattribute
name"inMessageRef" use"optional"/gt
ltxsdattribute name"outMessageRef"
use"optional"/gt lt/xsdextensiongt
lt/xsdcomplexContentgt lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
  • Tasks performed by human users
  • Notation
  • Types of Tasks with human involvement
  • Manual Tasks Not managed by any business process
  • User Tasks Managed by a business process engine

People Assignment for User Tasks
ltxsdelement name"humanPerformer"
substitutionGroup"performer"/gt ltxsdcomplexType
name"tHumanPerformer"gt ltxsdcomplexContentgt
ltxsdextension base"tPerformer"gt
ltxsdsequencegt ltxsdelement
ref"peopleAssignment" minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1"/gt lt/xsdsequencegt
lt/xsdextensiongt lt/xsdcomplexContentgt lt/xsdco
Example Procurement Process
ltbpmnuserTask id"ID7" name"Approve Order"
ltbpmnhumanPerformer id"ID8"gt
ltbpmnpeopleAssignmentPeopleGroup id"ID9"
ltparameter id"ID10" parameter"ID2"gt
ltbpmnexpression id"ID11"gt /QuoteDataObject/namelt
/bpmnexpressiongt lt/parametergt
ltparameter id"ID12" parameter"ID3"gt
ltbpmnexpression id"ID13"gt /QuoteDataObject/addr
lt/parametergt lt/bpmnpeopleAssignmentPeopleGr
oupgt lt/bpmnhumanPerformergt lt/bpmnuserTaskgt
  • Event is a noteworthy occurrence that affects
    the flow of the process
  • Different event types
  • Events explicitly thrown outside of the process
  • Events based on time-base or status-based
    conditions Timer, Conditional
  • Internal events Error, Cancel, Terminate,

Events Definition
Example Event Handlers
Execution Semantics Overview
  • Purpose
  • Describe a clear and precise understanding of the
    operation of the BPMN elements
  • Approach
  • The execution semantics are described informally
    as text
  • The execution semantics is described using a
    token flow model
  • (Based on prior research involving the
    formalization of execution semantics using
    mathematical formalisms)
  • Semantics is described for
  • Activities
  • Basic state diagram
  • Specific behavior of activity types (service
    task, human task, subprocess, event handler,
    ad-hoc activity, loop activity, multi instance
  • Gateways
  • Token synchronization, consumption and production
    for each type of gateway
  • Events
  • Start, intermediate, boundary and end events
  • Process Levels (TBD)
  • Choreography (TBD)
  • Multiple Processes (TBD)

Execution Semantics Activities
  • Any activity is executed according to the state
  • Main path
  • Inactive
  • Running
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Special considerations for
  • Event-based wait (Enabled, Withdrawn)
  • Async handlers in case of a sub-process
  • Error handling (Failed)
  • Compensation handling (Compensating, Compensated)
  • Abnormal termination (Terminated)

Execution Semantics Gateways
  • The execution semantics for gateways describes
  • Which inbound token combinations are required to
    activate the gateway
  • Which outbound sequence flows receive tokens
    after activation of the gateway
  • Example 1 Parallel Gateway (Fork, Join)
  • Activation At least one token present on
    eachincoming sequence flow
  • Behavior Consumes one token from each
    incomingsequence flow, and produces exactly one
    token on eachoutgoing sequence flow
  • Example 2 Exclusive Gateway (Decision, Merge)
  • Activation At least one token present on
    anyincoming sequence flow
  • Behavior Consumes exactly one token from
    oneincoming sequence flow, and passes it on to
    exactly oneoutgoing sequence flow which one is
    determined byconditions, including possible
    default sequence flow

Execution Semantics Events
  • Throw events
  • When a throw event is activated by an inbound
    token, it triggers the associated external event
    (such as a message) or internal event (such as a
    signal, termination or compensation trigger)
  • Catch events
  • When an external event (such as a message or a
    timer) or internal event (such as a signal,
    termination or compensation trigger) is received,
    a token is produced on the catch events outgoing
    sequence flow
  • Triggering a start events first causes creation
    of a new process instance
  • Triggering a boundary event first causes
    termination of the associated activity
  • Triggering a start event of a subprocess event
    handler causes creation of a new event handler
    instance (without terminating the subprocess)
  • Compensation
  • Compensation handlers of a subprocess can be
    realized as an event handler with access to the
    subprocess data, allowing for recursive

  • Overview
  • Goals and Market Requirements
  • Design Rationale
  • Benefits of the Approach
  • Notation and Diagrams
  • Detailed Drill Down
  • Metamodel Structure
  • Choreography
  • Human Interactions
  • Events
  • Execution Semantics Alignment
  • Schema and Model Interchange
  • Summary

Model Interchange
  • Goal Interoperability
  • Two Interchange Formats
  • XML Schema
  • Plus an XSLT Transformation between them.
  • Formats will be equivalent. Few differences,
    largely due to technology differences (e.g. XML
    provides first class support for choice, while
    XMI does not).

Model Interchange
  • XML Schema
  • Designed for extensibility
  • Defines global elements and global types
  • Use of anyAttribute and any element
  • ltxsdelement name"baseElement"
  • ltxsdcomplexType name"tBaseElement"
  • ltxsdsequencegt
  • ltxsdelement ref"documentation" minOccurs"0"
  • ltxsdany namespace"other" processContents"lax
    " minOccurs"0" maxOccurs"unbounded"/gt
  • lt/xsdsequencegt
  • ltxsdattribute name"id" type"xsdID"
  • ltxsdanyAttribute namespace"other"
  • lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
  • Supports mixed-content where appropriate.
  • Designed to reduce the footprint and complexity
    of XML instances (use of substitutionGroups, for

Model Interchange
  • XML Schema - Snippet
  • ltxsdelement name"activity" type"tActivity"/gt
  • ltxsdcomplexType name"tActivity"
  • ltxsdcomplexContentgt
  • ltxsdextension base"tFlowElement"gt
  • ltxsdsequencegt
  • ltxsdelement ref"performer" minOccurs"0"
  • ltxsdelement ref"loopCharacteristics"
  • lt/xsdsequencegt
  • ltxsdattribute name"isForCompensation"
    type"xsdboolean" default"false"/gt
  • lt/xsdextensiongt
  • lt/xsdcomplexContentgt
  • lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
  • ltxsdelement name"task" type"tTask"
  • ltxsdcomplexType name"tTask"gt
  • ltxsdcomplexContentgt
  • ltxsdextension base"tActivity"/gt

  • BPMN 2.0 Metamodel is based on BPMN 1.1 The
    metamodel formalizes the implicit metamodel of
    BPMN 1.1
  • Extends BPMN 1.1 Upward compatible extension of
    BPMN 1.1 so complications of upgrading to BPMN
    2.0 are minimized
  • Reuse of adopted technologies Relies on widely
    adopted standards where possible, e.g XML Schema,
  • Portability of processes Achieved through
    exchange formats and execution semantics
  • Modular design The BPMN specification is
    structured in layers, where each layer builds on
    top of and extends lower layers
  • Extendable language for future innovations The
    language is extendable so that additional
    capabilities can be introduced on top of it

Major Changes Since BPMN 1.1
  • Choreography View and new elements
  • Participant Interaction View (Choreography
    variation TBD)
  • Process View
  • Inclusion of Choreography within Collaboration
  • Collaboration View is basically the BPMN 1.1 BPD
  • Formalization of BPMN execution semantics (for
  • Activity lifecycle
  • Formalization of BPMN 1.1 implicit metamodel
  • Derived XMI Schema
  • XML Schema (in progress)
  • Formal Extensibility mechanisms
  • Diagram Interchange model and schema
  • Separation of Data Object from Artifacts to a
    first class Data element
  • Addition of Repository type of Data element
  • Expanded Human Interaction definitions

Major Changes Since BPMN 1.1, Cont.
  • Reorganization of embedded vs. called activities
  • Defined interfaces for called activities
  • Improved definition of Event Handling
  • Addition of non-interrupting Events (TBD)
  • Addition of optional Sub-Processes
  • Icons for Task types (in progress)
  • Definition of BPMN subset that can be mapped to
  • Notation for Message
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