Title: Dr. Michael BartonGEOLOGICAL SCIENCES 100N Office Hours
1Dr. Michael Barton GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES 100N
Office Hours Lecture ML, 100 COURSE SCHED
ULE By Appointment TR 530-718 S
ummer 2008 (ML 301, 292-3132,
barton.2_at_osu.edu) Labs ML, 155 T,W T
extbook Visualizing Geology. Murck, Skinner,
MacKenzie. 2007. Wiley. Week Lecture topic
Reading Assignment. (Textbook) Jun. 16-20
T17 Course Organization. Introduction. Chapt
1 R19 Earth in space, Earth Structure Chapt 2,
5 (p 134-149) LAB NO LABS THIS WEEK Jun. 2
3-27 T24 Plate Tectonics Chapt 4 (p 101-115)
R26 Atoms and minerals Chapt 2
LAB Movie Tsunamis The Wave that Shook The
World Jun. 30 T1 Igneous Rocks Chapt 6 J
ul-4 R3 Climate, Climate Change Chapt 12, 13 (p
389-415) LAB Movie Magnetic Storm Jul. 7-1
1 T8 Weathering, Sediments Chapt 7
T10 Midterm 1 LAB Minerals Jul. 14-18
T15 Sedimentary Rocks Chapt. 8
R17 Metamorphic Rocks Chapt. 10
LAB Igneous Rocks Jul. 21-25 T22 Geologi
c structures Chapt. 9 R24 Earthquakes Chapt
. 5 (p 116-134) LAB Movie The Day the Earth
Nearly Died
2Week Lecture topic Reading Assignment.
(Textbook) Jul. 28- T29 Midterm 2
Aug.1 R31 Earthquake Hazards Chapt. 5 (p
116-134) LAB Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock
s Aug. 4-8 T5 Deep Time Chapt. 3 R7 Pla
te tectonics Chapt. 4 LAB Movie In the Path
of a Killer Volcano Aug. 11-15 T12 Magmas, V
olcanic Eruptions Chapt. 6 R15 Volcanic Erupt
ions Chapt. 6 LAB Earthquakes and Plate Tect
onics Aug. 18-22 Final Examinations
FINAL EXAM Tuesday, 19th August, 530-71
8 pm (ML, 100)
3Lab Schedule
Week Lab topic Jun. 16-20 NO LABS THIS WEEK J
un. 23-27 Movie Magnetic Storm
Jun 30-Jul 4 Movie Tsunamis The Wave that
Shook The World Jul. 7-11 Minerals Jul. 14-18
Igneous Rocks Jul. 21-25 Movie The Day the Ear
th Nearly Died Jul. 28-Aug 1 Sedimentary and Me
tamorphic Rocks Aug. 4-8 Movie In the Path of a
Killer Volcano Aug. 11-15 Earthquakes and Plat
e Tectonics
Course content This class will consist of lectu
res, labs/homework assignments, and a written
assignment. Grades will be assigned as follows
Lecture exams 65 Labs/Movies 24
Homework 6 Written assignment 5 Lec
tures a. Attendance at lectures is required. Y
ou will be examined on all lecture material, some
of which is not given in the text book.
b. You are expected to behave with respect for o
ther class participants and for the instructor.
i. You must be in class on time (i.e. at 5.30).
ii. The class ends at 7.18. Do not leave befo
re this time, unless given permission to do so.
Do not pack your books, or prepare to leave
before the class ends. Iii. Do not hold conver
sations in class, do not read the newspaper, or
be in any way disruptive. Assigned reading
a. Lectures will provide summaries of material in
the text book plus additional material not
covered in the book. b. Specific chapters dealt
with in lectures are listed on the lecture
schedule. Read the relevant chapter in the book
before each lecture. c. Note you ARE EXPECTED t
o read the textbook for this course. Material
from the book that is not covered in lectures
will be included in the examinations.
5Examination of Lecture Material (Plan 1)
a. Lecture material and assigned readings will b
e covered by two midterms and a comprehensive
final examination. b. Each exam will consist of
multiple choice questions. The midterms will be
given during class time Expect to spend the
whole period on exams. c. Your best lecture mi
dterm will count toward your final grade.
miss one lecture midterm, it will be considered
your dropped exam. NO EARLY EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN.
f. Note the date of the final exam and make your
plans accordingly. Scores Lectures Midt
erm - 27.5 Final - 37.5 TOTAL - 65
Other TOTAL - 35
6Examination of Lecture Material (Plan 2)
a. Lecture material and assigned readings will b
e covered by three equivalent examinations. The
final becomes a third midterm.
b. Each exam will consist of multiple choice que
stions. c. Your best two (of three) examination
s count towards your final grade.
miss one lecture midterm, it will be considered
your dropped exam. NO EARLY EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN.
f. Note the date of the final exam and make your
plans accordingly. Conditions 1. The final
examination (?third midterm?) is compulsory. If
you fail to take the final examination, you will
be graded on one midterm score (your lowest
midterm will be dropped), and you will score zero
on the final. 2. If there is any drop in attend
ance of lectures between the second midterm and
the final examination, we will automatically
revert to plan 1 with a comprehensive final
examination. Scores Lectures Midterm -
32.5 Final - 32.5 TOTAL - 65 Othe
r TOTAL - 35
7Laboratory a. The lab/Recitation portion this
course must be completed, and counts towards your
final grade. Labs are scheduled in two-hour
sessions in Mendenhall 155. b. You must attend
the lab section you registered for. Changes can
only be made with the permission of the
instructor. c. Make sure that you bring a penci
l and eraser to each lab. d. Before each lab,
read the appropriate chapter(s) in the manual
(see syllabus). e. Some questions on examinatio
ns may cover material from the labs.
f. All labs count towards your final grade. NO M
AKE UP LABS WILL BE GIVEN. If you miss a lab, you
will score zero for that lab, unless you have a
valid excuse (such as a doctors certificate) and
permission of the instructor. g. As with lectur
es, you are expected to behave with respect for
other class participants and for the Graduate
Teaching Associates. Make sure that you show up
for each lab promptly etc. h. Grades will be ba
sed on exercises completed in the lab. All work
must be turned in to the TA at the end of the lab
period. Any work turned in late will not be
graded. i. You are encourage to work in groups
in the labs, but you are expected to find answers
for yourself. Do not copy answers from others.
Show all working, and expect to explain to your
TA how you reached a particular conclusion.
8Movies a. In several labs we will watch movies
. These are intended to reinforce material
covered in class, and to stimulate interest in
geology. b. You will be asked to write a short
(2 pages or more, typed and double spaced)
summary of each movie, emphasizing the most
important points and letting us know what you
learned. You can do this at home, and turn in
your summary to the GTA the following lab
period. c. The movies last about 1 hour. You wi
ll be asked to discuss the movie in groups by
your GTA. You should do this in the second hour.
9Homework (6)/Written assignment (5)
a. you will be given some simple homework assign
ments (involving looking up material on the
internet). These can be done in your own time,
but you must turn in the answers to your GTA by
the time specified. b. You will be asked to wri
te a short (5 pages or more, double spaced,
excluding diagrams) paper on a geological topic
of your choosing. Check with me if you are in
doubt to see if the topic is appropriate. The
paper should be grammatically correct and
concise, with an introduction, description of the
topic, summary, and references. The paper must be
handed in to me on or before the last day of
classes (Friday, March 9, before 500 pm).
Summary of non-lecture grades. Lab Exercises
- 24 Homework assignments - 6 Written pap
er - 5 GRAND TOTAL - 35 Dates of Lectur
e Examinations. Thursday Jul. 10 (530-718)
Tuesday Jul. 29 (530-718) Tuesday Aug 1
9 (Final)(530-718)
10ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Academic integrity is essen
tial to maintaining an environment that fosters
excellence in teaching, research, and other
educational and scholarly activities. Thus, The
Ohio State University and the Committee on
Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all
students have read and understand the
University's Code of Student Conduct, and that
all students will complete all academic and
scholarly assignments with fairness and
honesty.Students must recognize that failure to
follow the rules and guidelinesEstablished in the
University's Code of Student Conduct and this
syllabus mayconstitute Academic Misconduct."The
Ohio State University's Code of Student Conduct
(Section3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct
as "Any activity that tendsto compromise the
academic integrity of the university, or subvert
the educational process."Examples of academic
misconduct include (but are not limited
to)plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized
collaboration), copying the work of
anotherstudent, and possession of unauthorized
materials during an examination.Ignorance of the
University's Code of Student Conduct is never
considered an"excuse" for academic misconduct, so
I recommend that you review the Code ofStudent
Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing
with academicmisconduct. If I suspect that a
student has committed academicmisconduct in this
course, I am obligated by University Rules to
reportmy suspicions to the Committee on Academic
Misconduct. If COAMdetermines that you have
violated the University's Code of Student Conduct
(i.e., committed academic misconduct), the
sanctions for the misconduct could include
suspension or dismissal from the University and a
failing grade in this course.If you have any
questions about the above policy, please contact
me.Other sources of information on academic
misconduct (integrity) includeCOAM's web page
Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity"