Title: Presence and Reality
1Presence and Reality
- Making Media Experiences Conceptually Real by
Getting Beyond Sense Perceptions
2Michael A. ShapiroCornell University
- With the help of
- T. Makana Chock, Indiana University
- Claudia Barriga, Cornell
- Jorge Peña-Herborn, Cornell
- Jeffrey T. Hancock, Cornell
- Norman Porticella, Cornell
- Courtney Erin Silver, Cornell
3What is presence?According to ISPR
- Part or all of the individual's perception fails
to accurately acknowledge the role of technology
in an experience. - at some level and to some degree, her/his
perceptions overlook that knowledge and objects,
events, entities, and environments are perceived
as if the technology was not involved in the
experience. - "Social realism" when a person's perception fails
to accurately acknowledge the role of technology
that makes it appear that s/he is in a physical
location and environment in which the social
characteristics correspond to those of the
physical world
4There is little reference to other aspects of
mental processing.
- There is no reference to knowledge about the
world except for perceptual knowledge. - There is no reference to inference processes or
mental constructs. - There is no reference to the ability to
understand that appearance often does not
represent the true nature of things - There is no reference to imagination
5This is equivalent to a novel in which almost all
the effort went into describing the setting
- ignoring what the reader knows, feels and can
6Presence occurs during an encounter with
technology and not before or after this encounter.
- Past research on higher order processes has
focused on effects of rather than processing
7Perceived realism as an on-line process
- People make judgments about the realism of what
they see as they see it - With maturity more and more higher order
processes inform this processalong with the
perceptual - There is a relationship between this notion of
realism and presence. - We suspect the causal direction is primarily from
realism to presence - Game players strongly prefer realistic
8Making it Real
- Reality is a characteristic of the message and
the perceiver. - Reality is based on thought as much as sensation
9For Young Children
Sense Perception
Higher order mental processes
10As you mature
Sense Perception
Higher order mental processes
11Sensory devices can even lead to less realism
- Characters with the best aiming skill were judged
as unlikely to be human. (Laird Duchi, 2000). - Haptic features can make you more aware you are
playing a game
12What are some of these higher order processes?
13How something looks doesnt always represent its
true nature
- Children think people who look pretty are nice.
Adults include how they act.
14The ability to apply knowledge of the physical
and social world
- Real looking dragons frighten small children.
Older children know they dont exist no matter
how realistic.
15So what have we found?
16Physical judgments about realism are more
automatic than conceptual
17People rate realism from moment to moment
18Realism judgments take place at the interface
between story elements, mental abilities and
individual characteristics
Story Elements
Mental abilities
Individual Characteristics
19Social judgments influence realism judgments
- People think bad things are more real for other
people - When bad things happen to other people they seem
more real if given situational information. When
good things happen they seem more real if given
dispositional information.
20If realism leads to presence
- Part of realism does not depend on the immediate
perceptual experience - Then part of the experience of presence has to do
with higher order processes - Understanding these higher order processes is
important in designing and understanding
immersive environments
21Environments that go beyond the sensory
- Environments that make sense (within the
assumptions of the environment) - Environments that respond to the users logical
processes - Environments that call on the users knowledge
- Environments where real social relationships
are formed
22To do that we need
- Better models of how knowledge, logic, and
inference lead to realism - Environments that model these processes
- Environment tools that allow researchers to
investigate these processes