Title: Dr. George Richardson
1Dr. George Richardson Associate
Professor Secondary Education Faculty of Education
2George Richardson joined the staff of the
Department of Secondary Education in July, 1999
after more than 20 years of classroom experience
as a social studies teacher.
He is married with two children, and apart from
his academic pursuits, enjoys hiking, alpine and
rock climbing and gardening.
His teaching experience includes teaching in
northern schools and, internationally, in
3(No Transcript)
4One of the favorite lines I have written is
Required to teach a curriculum whose assumptions
and legitimacy they no longer uncritically
accept, teachers find themselves trapped between
the mythic structures of modernism and the
postmodern realities the classroom presents to
them. The absurdity of this position lends
itself to the deep-seated sense of ambiguity
teachers feel toward the curriculum.
5For me, writing is a kind of struggle between
what I would like to be able to say and what the
words let me say.
As researchers I know we all inhabit this land
between with varying degrees of (dis)comfort,
but I am most happy in my writing when the gap
between those two poles is small.
6My favorite writing place is
anywhere I can minimize distraction.
7My research interests include the role of
education in national identity formation in
plural states, multicultural education,
international education, postcolonial theory,
psychoanalysis as it applies to education, action
research, and teacher identity formation.