Title: State Rail Plan Guidebook
1State Rail Plan Guidebook
presented toAASHTO Standing Committee on Rail
Transportation presented byDavid HuntCambridge
Systematics, Inc. Biloxi, MS October 15, 2007
2What is a Plan?
- Needs-Based Plan
- Considers existing system and facilities
identifies current and future needs based on
trends and projections selects policies,
strategies, and investments to meet these needs. - Policy Plan
- Describes overarching strategies to accomplish
future results includes official public policies
for solving problems or meeting projected
demands, typically based on legislation and
implemented through governmental programs. - Vision-Based Plan
- Identifies an ideal or preferred future system,
looking beyond the needs of the current status
quo. May include scenarios that reflect large
picture alternatives. Often, develop
stakeholder, public, or political consensus in
support for an agreed-upon scenario or vision for
the future.
Source FHWA Types of Statewide Long-Range Plans
3Types of Plans (Continued)
- Project-Based Plan
- Selects or identifies specific projects to meet
the identified needs or stated policies. May
include expected costs of each project. - Fiscally Realistic Plans
- Considers projected capital and operating costs
and reasonably available revenue sources in
setting the transportation system's long-term
direction. Discusses risks and probabilities of
projected costs and revenues, and attempts to
balance both. - Corridor Plan
- Focuses on specific corridors, ideally
considering all transportation modes, and both
passenger and freight needs. Includes a
synthesis of each major corridor, considering
condition, projected use, and financing, while
highlighting unique uses and regional preferences.
Source FHWA Types of Statewide Long-Range Plans
- Purpose
- Scope of work
- Task 1 Technical Steering Committee
- Task 2 Best Practices
- Task 3 Legislation and Emerging Trends
- Next Steps
5Value of Guidebook to the States
- States dictate content
- Starting point - literature review/best practices
- Proposal Development
- In-house Rail Plan Development
- Resource Guide (available data, GIS files, etc.)
- Instruction (waybill, benefits, etc.)
- Coordination among states and
- Federal agencies
- Railroads
6State Rail Plan Guidebook - Tasks
- Task 1. Assemble Technical Steering Committee
- Task 2. Identify and Review Best Practices
- Task 3. Identify New Requirements and Emerging
Topics - Task 4. Identify Recommended and Optional
Components - Task 5. Develop the Recommended Rail Plan
Components - Task 6. Develop the Optional Rail Plan
Components - Task 7. Complete the Guidebook
7Task 1 Technical Steering Committee
- Committee volunteersCA, FL, ID, LA, MD, MN,
MS, OH, VT, WA - Others are welcome to participate
- Committee outreach to FRA, AAR, and FTA
8Task 2 Identify and Review Best Practices
- Obtained and reviewed 22 state rail plans
- Categorized contents by topic
- Identified best practices and trends
9State Rail Plan Inventory
10State Rail Plan Composition
0 5 10 15 20 22
Number of State Rail Plans (n 22)
11California State Rail Plan (2005 2006)
12Florida Statewide Rail Plan (2006)
13Kansas State Rail Plan (2005 2006)
14Kentucky Statewide Rail Plan (2002)
15Louisiana Rail Plan (2002)Louisiana Short Line
and Terminal/Switching Railroads
16North Dakota State Rail Plan Update (2007)
17Vermont Rail and Policy Plan (2006)
18Virginia State Rail Plan (2004)
19Task 3 Legislation and Emerging Trends
- Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of
2007 S.294 - To reauthorize Amtrak, and for other purposes.
- PROGRESS Act H.R.1300
- To strengthen national security and promote
energy independence by reducing the Nation's
reliance on foreign oil, improving vehicle
technology and efficiency, increasing the
distribution of alternative fuels, bolstering
rail infrastructure, and expanding access to
public transit. - Emerging Issues
20PROGRESS Act H.R.1300
- Sec. 22502. Authority
- Designate a State rail transportation authority
to prepare, approve and administer the plan - Submit Secretary of Transportation for review
with a frequency no less than once every 5 years - Sec. 22503. Purposes
- To set forth State policy involving freight and
passenger rail transportation - To present priorities and strategies to enhance
rail service in the State that benefits the
public - To serve as the basis for Federal and State rail
investments within the State
21PROGRESS Act H.R.1300 Sec. 22505. Content
- Inventory review overall rail system, services,
and facilities - General analysis of rails transportation,
economic, and environmental impacts - Long-range investment program, with detailed
funding plan - Statement of correlation between (i) public
funding contributions and (ii) public benefits - Review of publicly funded rail safety and
security projects, including grade crossings - Performance evaluation of passenger rail services
22PROGRESS Act H.R.1300
- Sec. 22504. Transparency coordination review
- Preparation- provide adequate and reasonable
notice and opportunity for comment and other
input to the public, rail carriers, commuter and
transit authorities operating in, or affected by
rail operations within the State, - Intergovernmental Coordination- review the
freight and passenger rail service activities and
initiatives by regional planning agencies,
regional transportation authorities, and
municipalities within the State, or in the region
in which the State is located, - Sec. 22506. Review
- The Secretary shall prescribe procedures for
States to submit State rail plans for review
under this title, including standardized format
and data requirements.
23 Topic Chronology
2004 - 2007Capacity Crunch
- Container traffic, just-in-time delivery, and
e-commerce - Growing highway congestion, increased freight
demand - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Industry consolidations mergers,
rationalization, corridor preservation -
2001 - 2003Security and Safety
1995 - 2000Economic Expansion
24 Topic Chronology
2004 - 2007Capacity Crunch
- Hazardous material analysis routing
- DOD Strategic Rail Corridor Network
- Public safety/liability concerns for rail lines
through populated areas - Shared-use right-of-ways
2001 - 2003Security and Safety
1995 - 2000Economic Expansion
25 Topic Chronology
2004 - 2007Capacity Crunch
- Earmarks marketing rail projects
- Alternative energy plants
- Response to natural disaster
- Innovative financing arrangements Public
Private Partnership - Verification of public value
- International trade, especially with China
2001 - 2003Security and Safety
1995 - 2000Economic Expansion
26Emerging and Future Themes and Issues
- Aging rail infrastructure
- Bridges, track, facilities
- Role of rail in public solution portfolio
- Rail mitigation of highway / airway congestion
- Validation of public investment in rail
- Public / private benefits, impact on state
economy - Performance measures
- Intergovernmental coordination
- Institutional mechanisms for funding and
implementation - Environmental / quality of life policy guidance
- Community impacts
- Continued emphasis on security
- Role for the States funding, hazmats, etc.
27Next Steps
- Tuesday Morning Roundtable
- Discussion of rail plan components
- Strategize on helping legislative process
- Technical Memorandum Tasks 2, 3, and 4 Nov 07
- Draft Final Report to Committee Jan 08
28Thank You!
David Hunt dhunt_at_camsys.com