Title: A Letter from a Migrant
1A Letter from a Migrant
2My dearest, How are you? I really miss you and
our three beautiful children! Are they doing well
in their studies? I am sure they are! Have you
received the package that I sent to you last
time? Maybe, I could send another package by next
month. Hows mom? Her dialysis? Has she gotten
better? How was the 1st birthday party of
Kristine? Did she enjoy it? Im very sorry for
again missing another important day in the life
of our youngest. You know how much I love you and
how much I want to give all the best for our kids.
3As for me here, its the same routine. I have to
wake up early to bathe the dogs of the Senora
today. They look well trimmed now after our trip
to the dogs salon. Can you imagine that I do
this for dogs? But anyway, it will be vacation
time soon and senora will be out. I will have a
good rest from her frequent nagging. But the
garden is a mess and I have to work double time
so that it looks better when she arrives. Im
becoming quite good in the language. At least
now I understand what it means when she asks me
to clean the camera.
4I miss teaching though. Even with all the Euro
that I receive, nothing can compare to the joy I
get after a day at school. I miss the childrens
noise during breaktime. Oh! Here the silence is
deafening sometimes I hardly could stand it.
5But you know? When I think of you and our
children, suddenly all these little complaints
disappear. I know I can make it. It sounds
corny but I know I can sacrifice for the greater
welfare of our family. Someday I know it will
pay off. After 5 years, maybe our savings can
help us start a small neighborhood store.
6But wait again. We dont know what will happen
with mother. If she is going to be better or if
her condition will just worsen. And yes, I
know. We havent fully paid off our debts. Oh,
let it be honey. God will make a way.
7But you know what, Im glad that I found some
people from our country who are also here. You
know how nice it is to be understood, not to feel
like stranger, but to be at home with people who
feel the way I do. Theres a community here and
they have helped me to adjust little by little
accept and understand life here. We always meet
here for church. Just last week, I started
joining the choir. Yes, I passed the audition!
8And you know what honey, there are lots of
beautiful men and women around here. But they
could never ever replace the love that you give
me. Truly youre the only one for me.
9 Honey, always let our kids feel how much I love
them. Hug them tight for me. Dont worry about
me. Im gonna be just fine. Keep praying! Never
get tired praying for Gods continuous guidance
and blessings. By the way, tell the kids to
start the Christmas countdown. Ill be there in
December. Ill be home for Christmas. I love you
honeyI love youI love you I love youI love
you! Loving you always,