Title: Eoin McGrath
1The nursing role in JACIE
- Eoin McGrath
- JACIE Executive Officer
- Salon Pasteur, EBMT Annual Meeting,
- 13.30-15.00 March 26th 2007
2Aims and objectives
- To identify the benefits of JACIE to patient care
- To develop a better understanding of the JACIE
accreditation process - To identify ways to support and collaborate with
other groups - To explore the nurses and allied health care
professionals role in the JACIE process
5So two questions to start
- What does JACIE mean to you?
- What do you want to get from todays session?
6JACIE Standards
7The JACIE Standards 3rd edition (Feb 2007)
8Some context...
BMT Unit
10JACIE since 2003
- Centres registered 107
- Centres in progress 46
- Centres inspected 61
- Facilities accredited 36
- Countries 13
Registered 107 (Accredited 36)
FI 3 (2)
Total107 In preparation46 Inspected61 Accredite
d 36
BE 3
PL 1
NL 14 (5)
CZ 2
D 29
AT 2 (2)
UK 21 (11)
FR 15 (6)
ES 2
CH 10 (9)
IT 6 (1)
TR 1
12Some terms
- All those features of a product (or service)
which are required by the patient.
14Quality management
- What the organization does to
- ensure that its products or services satisfy the
patient's quality requirements and - comply with any regulations applicable to those
products or services. - enhance patient satisfaction, and
- achieve continual improvement of its performance.
15Quality Programme
- The set of activities, including
- Management review
- Training
- Audits
- Corrective and preventive actions that represent
a commitment by an establishment to the quality
of its products.
16Quality management systems
- What the organization does to manage its
processes, or activities in order that - its services meet the organizations objectives,
such as - satisfying the patient's quality requirements,
- complying with regulations
17Quality management systems
- Systemizing way of doing things
- Step-by-step
- Everyone is clear about who is responsible for
doing what, when, how, why and where. - Management system standards provide the
organization with an international,
state-of-the-art model to follow.
18Quality Improvement
- The combined and unceasing efforts of
everyonehealthcare professionals, patients and
their families, researchers, payers, planners and
educatorsto make the changes that will lead to
better patient outcomes (health), better system
performance (care) and better professional
development - What is "quality improvement" and how can it
transform healthcare? Paul B Batalden and Frank
Davidoff. Quality and Safety in Health Care
2007162-3 doi10.1136/qshc.2006.022046
- Accreditation is a process in which certification
of competency, authority, or credibility is
20Why would you want accreditation?
- You have to have it (Law? Social security?
Insurance companies?) - Patients look for it
- Forms part of a risk management programme
- Motivates staff by setting a clear goal
- International, expert consensus on
state-of-the-art practices for quality
management. - Common language
- Increase efficiency and effectiveness.
- Model for continual improvement.
22Benefits (cont.)
- Model for satisfying patients and other
stakeholders. - Build quality into products and services from
design onwards. - Comply with government regulations
23Experience of quality improvement assessment
- Joint Accreditation Commission (JCAHO)
- Evaluates and accredits nearly 15,000 health care
organizations and programs in the United States
- "Improving America's Hospitals A Report on
Quality and Safety" released 20/3/07 - Findings
- Quality and safety improvement in hospitals
contributes to - saved lives
- better health and quality of life for many
patients - lower health care costs.
25On the other hand...
- When hospitals do not consistently provide
standard evidence-based treatments, they increase
the risk of adverse outcomes for patients. This
enhanced risk may result in - new or continued illnesses
- unnecessary hospitalization
- increased costs
- time away from work, reduced life quality, or
even death.
26So thats the theory. What about real-life?
27Group of nurses and AHPs starting out with JACIE
28Where do I start
29Common issues
- Seems like a lot of work.
- What is the objective?
- Will it make my job easier?
- I am already under pressure with normal duties
- I feel unsupported
- Will management lead this effort?
30Not easy to do so what helps?
- Information (like today)
- Listen to other experiences (like today)
- Network with colleagues
- Take part the process
31- If you do not design the future someone or
something else will design it for you - Edward de Bono
- Psychologist and physician
32Accreditation process
33Who needs to be involved?
34Persons in overall process
36Applicant Preparation phase
- Hardest part
- Means changes in work practice and culture
- Implies resources
- Must maintain all staff involved in process
37Applicant Preparation phase
- Carry out a self-check using the Accreditation
Checklist - Highlight areas where centre already complies
- Indicates areas that need more work
- Assess level of readiness for inspection
38Tools assistance
- Standards
- JACIE Office
- JACIE Online
- Medical Director
- Inspectors
- Online documentation
- Exchange visits
39Tools assistance
- Deficiencies listing
- Accreditation Manual
40Quality Management Guide
- Practical reference guide to implementing
quality management in a stem cell transplantation
(SCT) programme in accordance with JACIE
Standards - Phase 1 (commenced) To write and publish a guide
to implementing quality systems in stem cell
transplant programmes in line with the JACIE
Standards on quality management - Expect to complete first edition Summer 2007
- Phase 2 (from 2008) To update the guide on a
regular basis based on continued accrual of
experience and best practice
41The Inspection
42The Inspection-Preparation
- Read the Inspection Guide
- Contents
- Initial Application
- Preparing for the Inspection
- The Inspection
- Post-Inspection
- Documentation
- E.g. Pre-inspection document checklist
- Sample inspection timetable for 1.5 day
inspection - Sample Inspection Report
- Sent to inspectors and applicants before audit
- Available on web site
43The Inspection-Preparation
- Nurse Expert (pilot scheme)
- Will look at nurse-related documentation
- Provide input to the clinical inspector
- At pilot stage
- Tried in 1 UK inspection
- Depends on availability of qualified nurse experts
44The Inspection
- 1.5 days
- Thorough examination of all aspects of the
programme in accordance with the Accreditation
Checklist - Verification of the applicants self-check
- ALL members of staff can be interviewed by the
45The JACIE Office
46(No Transcript)
47JACIE Office
- Located in Barcelona
- Shares office with EBMT Secretariat in Barcelona
- Manage applications
- General enquiries
- Training courses
- Relationship with other bodies
48JACIE Office
- jacie_at_ebmt.org
- www.jacie.org
Eoin James MacHale (Ireland)
49JACIE network
50- If you do not design the future someone or
something else will design it for you - Edward de Bono
- Psychologist and physician
51Nurses AHPs in the accreditation process
52Whats an S-O-P?
- Nurses often the people who write the SOPs
- Most have no experience or training in this
54Whats an SOP?
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Agreed way of doing something
- What and why
- With what equipment
- Objectives
- How
- References (other SOPs, expert literature etc)
- Examples
55List of SOPs Part B Clinical
- Donor patient confidentiality
- Donor patient evaluation, selection treatment
- Donor consent
- Biological product deviations
- Quality management improvement
- Personnel training
- Competency assessment
- Errors, accidents adverse events
- Corrective actions
- Outcome analysis
- Audits
- Facility maintenance monitoring
- Disposal of medical biohazard waste
- Emergency safety procedures
- Disaster response
- Patient consent
- Emergency safety procedures
- Infection prevention control
- Administration of preparative regimen
- Transplantation of haematopoietic progenitor
cells - Blood product transfusion
21 in total
56List of SOPs Part C Collection
- Donor recipient confidentiality
- Donor treatment
- Donor consent
- Biological product deviations
- Quality management improvement
- Personnel training competency assessment
- Errors, accidents, adverse events complaints
- Corrective actions
- Outcome analysis
- Audits
- Facility maintenance monitoring
- Disposal of medical biohazard waste
- Emergency safety procedures
- Disaster response
- Release exceptional release
- Product tracking
- Transportation
- Reagent supply management
- Cleaning sanitation
- Equipment maintenance monitoring
- Donor screening
- Management of paediatric donors, if applicable
- Product collection
- Labelling
- Expiration Dates
- Storage
26 in total