Title: Troop Users
1Troop Users
2Each user is given access based on their
needs.This is determined by council.When you
Log In you will be given access only to what
you need to.
3First time userChange password and enter
personal information
4Each user is given access based on their
needs.When you Log In you will be given access
only to what you need to. The system will send
an email to you when the service unit sets up
your troopTroop users will have access to their
troop or troops information. You can use one
email for all troops you are affiliated with.
5Navigating the System
Navigation Tree
Entry Form Tabs
Navigation Tree If you are responsible for
multiple troops the system will display the troop
numbers. Otherwise, you will not see a
navigation tree Entry Form Tabs Tabs are
selected for you to perform the actions needed.
The tabs display forms for troops are different
than for the service unit
6Troop Messages and Deadline Dates
Messages from your council and/or service
unit/neighborhood Orders cannot be placed after
deadline dates. Sale Closed date allows only
viewing of information or printing of reports.
7Troop Contact Information
8Troop Information is entered by the Service
UnitUpdating can be done by troop
9Troop Settings Update
10Entering Girl Information
11Entering Troops Cookie OrderGirl Totals and
Booth Totals
Click the other or booth line
Save Save worksheet and continue adding
information Submit Order Submit order to
service unit. CANNOT make changes once this is
Double-Click in the entry line
12Entering Troops Cookie OrderEntering by Girl
Click the Girl Name and Double Click at the
bottom of the screen to enter girl order
13Troop Girl Initial Orders
Save Save worksheet and continue adding
information Submit Order Submit order to
service unit. CANNOT make changes once this is
14Delivery Information
15Delivery Confirmation Page
16Girl Orders
17Troop Incentive OrderTotal by Troop
18Troop Award OrderBy Girl - Automated
19Girl Incentive Order
20Troop-to-Troop Transactions
Click button to enter transaction
21Troop-to-Troop TransactionsProduct Transaction
22Troop Transactions
23Troop Deposits
24Troop Recap
26Demonstation Site
- Web address http//ebdemo.littlebrownie.com
- Login will be your email as setup by your council
- No email sent in the system.
- Can perform all functions in the system just like
the live site. - See your council for further information.