Programming Shared Address Space Platforms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programming Shared Address Space Platforms


... that all memory is globalf. Except for stacks associated with the thread ... Idea of program-a bunch of threads, each has a fixed number of random points, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Programming Shared Address Space Platforms

Programming Shared Address Space Platforms
  • Carl Tropper
  • Department of Computer Science

  • On a shared memory architecture, processes are
  • To maintain-they require that all data associated
    with a process is private
  • To manipulate-overhead for scheduling processes
    and maintaining security is significant
  • Enter threads, which assume that all memory is
  • Except for stacks associated with the thread
  • Threads are invoked via function calls and are
    created by a C function create_thread

Threads-an example
Logical memory model-a picture
  • Logical model treats thread stack as local data

Why threads?
  • Portable
  • Can develop application on a serial machine and
    then run it on a parallel machine.
  • Can migrate between different shared memory
  • Latency
  • While one thread waits for communications,
    another can use the CPU
  • I/O, memory access latencies can also be hidden
  • Support for load balancing and scheduling in
  • Result-
  • easier to get good performance then message
  • development tools for POSIX threads are
    widespread and stable

  • IEEE Standard, supported by most vendors
  • Pthreads for short
  • Other thread packages-NT threads, Solaris
    threads, Java threads
  • Example-compute p by
  • Generating random numbers
  • Counting how many fall within the largest circle
    which can be inscribed in a unit square
  • Idea of program-a bunch of threads, each has a
    fixed number of random points, each counts how
    many are in the circle

  • Pthread_create creates threads
  • Invokes thread function
  • include ltpthread.hgt
  • int pthread_create (
  • pthread_t thread_handle, const pthread_attr_t
  • void (thread_function)(void ),
  • void arg)
  • Thread_handle points to thread ID
  • Thread has attributes specified by attribute
    argument (later). If null, then get a default
  • Arg passes important stuff to thread, e.g.
    integer which serves as the random seed
  • Pthread_create returns 0 after successful
    creation of thread

  • Pthread_join provides mechanism to communicate
    results produced by individual threads
  • int pthread_join (
  • pthread_t thread,
  • void ptr)
  • Suspends execution of the calling program until
    thread with ID given by thread terminates
  • Upon completion of pthread_join, the value passed
    to pthread.exit is returned in the location
    pointed to by ptr
  • Pthread_join returns 0 upon successful completion

Compute Pi 1
  • include ltpthread.hgt
  • include ltstdlib.hgt
  • define MAX_THREADS 512
  • void compute_pi (void )
  • ....
  • main()
  • ...
  • pthread_t p_threadsMAX_THREADS
  • pthread_attr_t attr
  • pthread_attr_init (attr)
  • for (i0 ilt num_threads i)
  • hitsi i
  • pthread_create(p_threadsi, attr, compute_pi,
  • (void ) hitsi)
  • for (i0 ilt num_threads i)
  • pthread_join(p_threadsi, NULL)
  • total_hits hitsi

Compute Pi 2
  • void compute_pi (void s)
  • int seed, i, hit_pointer
  • double rand_no_x, rand_no_y
  • int local_hits
  • hit_pointer (int ) s
  • seed hit_pointer
  • local_hits 0
  • for (i 0 i lt sample_points_per_thread i)
  • rand_no_x (double)(rand_r(seed))/(double)((2ltlt14
  • rand_no_y (double)(rand_r(seed))/(double)((2ltlt14
  • if (((rand_no_x - 0.5) (rand_no_x - 0.5)
  • (rand_no_y - 0.5) (rand_no_y - 0.5)) lt 0.25)
  • local_hits
  • seed i
  • hit_pointer local_hits
  • pthread_exit(0)

Threads are so sensitive
  • Could increase local_hits outside (instead of
    inside) the main loop in compute_pi by
  • changing localHits to (hit_pointer) and
  • deleting hit_pointerlocal_hits outside the loop
  • But performance gets whacked because adjacent
    items in a shared cache line of the hit array are
    getting written to, causing invalidates to be
    issued (False sharing)
  • Solution- change hits to a 2-D array. Arrays are
    stored row major, so cache lines wont be shared
    because we force distance between the entries

False sharing and the solution
Spaced_1 is the original change Spaced_1616
integer 2nd column Spaced_32 correspond to 32
integer 2nd column
Synchronization Primitives
  • Mutual exclusion for shared variables
  • Race conditions-for example
  • If (my_costltbest cost) best_costmy_cost
  • If best cost is initially 100,
  • there are two threads with my_cost 50,75,
  • we have a non-deterministic outcome !
  • A race determines the value of best_cost
  • So threaded APIs provide support for
  • critical sections and
  • atomic operations

  • Mutex_locks (mutual exclusion locks)
  • Atomic operation associated with code or a
    critical section
  • Thread tries to get lock-if it is locked, the
    thread is blocked
  • Thread leaving the cs has to unlock the
  • P_threads provides functions for dealing with

Mutex_locks-the 3 maidens
  • Int
  • Pthread_mutex_lock
  • pthread_mutex_t mutex_lock
  • attempts a lock on mutex_lock, blocks if
    mutex_lock is blocked success returns 0
  • Int
  • Pthread_mutex_unlock
  • pthread_mutex_t mutex_lock
  • Mutex_lock is released and a blocked thread is
    allowed in
  • Int
  • Pthread_mutex_init
  • pthread_mutex_t mutex_lock,
  • const pthread_mutexattr_t lock_attr
  • Unlocks mutex_lock.
  • Atributes of mutex_lock are specified in in
    lock_attr. NULL supplies default values.

Compute the minimum of a list of integers
  • We can now write our previously incorrect code
    segment as
  • pthread_mutex_t minimum_value_lock
  • ...
  • main()
  • ....
  • pthread_mutex_init(minimum_value_lock, NULL)
  • ....
  • void find_min(void list_ptr)
  • ....
  • pthread_mutex_lock(minimum_value_lock)
  • if (my_min lt minimum_value)
  • minimum_value my_min
  • / and unlock the mutex /
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(minimum_value_lock)

Producer Consumer Work Queues
  • Scenario-producer thread creates tasks and puts
    them in work queues. Consumer threads grab tasks
    and executes them
  • Can use shared data structure for the tasks,
  • Producer thread must not overwrite buffer before
    consumer thread picks up task
  • Consumer threads must not pick up tasks which
    dont exist
  • Pick up one task at a time

Producer Consumer
  • Task_available
  • 1 producer task has to wait to produce
  • 0 consumer thread can pick up task
  • Need to protect operations on task available

Producer Code
  • pthread_mutex_t task_queue_lock
  • int task_available
  • ...
  • main()
  • ....
  • task_available 0
  • pthread_mutex_init(task_queue_lock, NULL)
  • ....
  • void producer(void producer_thread_data)
  • ....
  • while (!done())
  • inserted 0
  • create_task(my_task)
  • while (inserted 0)
  • pthread_mutex_lock(task_queue_lock)
  • if (task_available 0)
  • insert_into_queue(my_task)
  • task_available 1

Consumer Code
  • void consumer(void consumer_thread_data)
  • int extracted
  • struct task my_task
  • / local data structure declarations /
  • while (!done())
  • extracted 0
  • while (extracted 0)
  • pthread_mutex_lock(task_queue_lock)
  • if (task_available 1)
  • extract_from_queue(my_task)
  • task_available 0
  • extracted 1
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(task_queue_lock)
  • process_task(my_task)

Overheads of locking
  • Size of critical section matters-only one thread
    at a time is allowed in the section, i.e. the
    program becomes serial
  • What to do? Instead of blocking a thread when
    mutex is locked, allow thread to do other work
    and poll mutex to see if it is unlocked
  • Int
  • Pthread_mutex_trylock
  • pthread_mutex_t mutex_lock

K matches in a list
  • / Finding k matches in a list /
  • void find_entries(void start_pointer)
  • / This is the thread function /
  • struct database_record next_record
  • int count
  • current_pointer start_pointer
  • do
  • next_record find_next_entry(current_pointer)
  • count output_record(next_record)
  • while (count lt requested_number_of_records)
  • int output_record(struct database_record
  • int count
  • pthread_mutex_lock(output_count_lock)
  • output_count
  • count output_count
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(output_count_lock)
  • if (count lt requested_number_of_records)
  • print_record(record_ptr)

K matches (continued)
  • / rewritten output_record function /
  • int output_record(struct database_record
  • int count
  • int lock_status
  • lock_statuspthread_mutex_trylock(output_count_lo
  • if (lock_status EBUSY)
  • insert_into_local_list(record_ptr)
  • return(0)
  • else
  • count output_count
  • output_count number_on_local_list 1
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(output_count_lock)
  • print_records(record_ptr, local_list,
  • requested_number_of_records - count)
  • return(count number_on_local_list 1)

Condition variables
  • Polling takes time. In the producer-consumer
    example, the producer and consumer threads have
    to poll for a lock.
  • An easier idea would be for the consumer thread
    to signal the producer thread when buffer space
    is available.
  • Enter condition variables-a thread can block
    itself if a predicate becomes true
  • Task_available1 in producer-consumer
  • Thread locks mutex on condition variable, and
    tests the predicate-if the predicate is false,
    the thread waits on the condition variable

Condition variables
  • Int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t
    cond,pthread_mutex_t mutex)
  • is the function used to wait on the condition
  • The function blocks the thread until it receives
    a signal from the OS or from another thread
  • Releases the lock on mutex-have to do this in
    order for other threads to be able to change the
  • Thread enters a queue
  • When a condition becomes true, it is signaled
    using pthread_cond_signal, unblocking one of the
    threads in the queue

Producer Consumer
  • Producer produces task, inserts task on queue,
    sets task-available1
  • Sends signal to consumer thread via
  • Int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t cond)
  • Releases lock on mutex via pthread_mutex_unlock
  • Initialize condition variable via
  • Int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t cond, const
    pthread_condattr_t attr)
  • Destroy condition variable via
  • Int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t cond)

Producer Consumer Using Condition Variables
  • pthread_cond_t cond_queue_empty, cond_queue_full
  • pthread_mutex_t task_queue_cond_lock
  • int task_available
  • / other data structures here /
  • main()
  • / declarations and initializations /
  • task_available 0
  • pthread_init()
  • pthread_cond_init(cond_queue_empty, NULL)
  • pthread_cond_init(cond_queue_full, NULL)
  • pthread_mutex_init(task_queue_cond_lock, NULL)
  • / create and join producer and consumer threads

Producer Consumer Using Condition Variables II
  • /create and join producer and consumer threads/
  • void producer(void producer_thread_data)
  • int inserted
  • while (!done())
  • create_task()
  • pthread_mutex_lock(task_queue_cond_lock)
  • while (task_available 1)
  • pthread_cond_wait(cond_queue_empty,
  • task_queue_cond_lock)
  • insert_into_queue()
  • task_available 1
  • pthread_cond_signal(cond_queue_full)
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(task_queue_cond_lock)

Producer Consumer Using Condition Variables II
  • void consumer(void consumer_thread_data)
  • while (!done())
  • pthread_mutex_lock(task_queue_cond_lock)
  • while (task_available 0)
  • pthread_cond_wait(cond_queue_full,
  • task_queue_cond_lock)
  • my_task extract_from_queue()
  • task_available 0
  • pthread_cond_signal(cond_queue_empty)
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(task_queue_cond_lock)
  • process_task(my_task)

Controlling Thread and Synchronization Attributes
  • Threads have different attributes (scheduling
    algorithms, stack sizes.)
  • Attributes object has default attributes-programme
    r can modify them
  • Advantage-system implements the attributes
  • easier to read
  • easier to change attributes
  • easier to port to another OS

Attribute Objects for threads
  • Use pthread_attr_init to create an attributes
    object (pointed to by attr)with default values
  • pthread_attr_destroy takes out attributes object
  • Individual properties associated with the
    attributes object can be changed using the
    following functions
  • pthread_attr_setdetachstate,
  • pthread_attr_setguardsize_np,
  • pthread_attr_setstacksize,
  • pthread_attr_setinheritsched,
  • pthread_attr_setschedpolicy,
  • pthread_attr_setschedparam

Attribute objects for mutexes
  • Pthreads supports 3 types of locks
  • Normal-the default brand. Deadlocks if a thread
    with a lock attempts to lock it again. Recursive
    code can cause this to happen.
  • Recursive mutex-single thread can lock a mutex
    multiple times
  • Each time it locks the mutex a counter is
  • each time it unlocks the mutex, a counter is
  • Any other thread can lock only if the counter0
  • Error-check mutex-like a normal mutex, only it
    returns an error if a thread tries to lock a
    mutex twice. Good for debugging.

Attribute Objects for mutexes
  • Initialize the attributes object using function
  • The function pthread_mutexattr_settype_np can be
    used for setting the type of mutex specified by
    the mutex attributes object.
  • pthread_mutexattr_settype_np (
  • pthread_mutexattr_t attr,
  • int type)
  • Here, type specifies the type of the mutex and
    can take one of

Thread cancellation
  • Sometimes it is necessary to cancel
    thread(s)-threads which evaluate different
    strategies in parallel need to go after best is
    chosen, e.g. chess
  • Use pthread_cancel (pthread_t thread)
  • Idea-a thread can cancel itself or other threads

Composite Synchronization Structures
  • Look at Useful higher-level constructs
  • Useful because they meet commonly occurring needs
  • Constructs built by combining basic synch
  • Look at
  • Read-write locks
  • Barriers

Read-write locks
  • Think of readers and writers in a critical
  • Model-many readers, few writers
  • Idea-let the readers read concurrently, but
    serialize the writers
  • Read lock is granted if there are only readers
  • If there is a write lock (or queued writes),
    thread does a condition_wait

Read write locks
  • Read write locks based on a data structure
  • mylib_rwlock_t
  • containing the following
  • a count of the number of readers,
  • the writer (a 0/1 integer specifying whether a
    writer is present),
  • a condition variable readers_proceed that is
    signaled when readers can proceed,
  • a condition variable writer_proceed that is
    signaled when one of the writers can proceed,
  • a count pending_writers of pending writers, and
  • a mutex read_write_lock associated with the
    shared data structure

Read-write locks II
  • Mylib_rwlock_rlock first checks for a write lock
    or if there are writers queueing. If so, then it
    does a condition_wait on readers_proceed, else it
    grants read lock and increments the count of
  • Mylib_rwlock_wlock checks for readers or
    writers-if so, it increments the count of writers
    and does a condition_wait on writer_proceed, else
    it grants the lock
  • Mylib_rwlock_unlock

Read-write locks
  • typedef struct
  • int readers
  • int writer
  • pthread_cond_t readers_proceed
  • pthread_cond_t writer_proceed
  • int pending_writers
  • pthread_mutex_t read_write_lock
  • mylib_rwlock_t
  • void mylib_rwlock_init (mylib_rwlock_t l)
  • l -gt readers l -gt writer l -gt pending_writers
  • pthread_mutex_init((l -gt read_write_lock),
  • pthread_cond_init((l -gt readers_proceed), NULL)
  • pthread_cond_init((l -gt writer_proceed), NULL)

Read-write locks code II
  • void mylib_rwlock_rlock(mylib_rwlock_t l)
  • / if there is a write lock or pending writers,
    perform condition wait.. else increment count of
    readers and grant read lock /
  • pthread_mutex_lock((l -gt read_write_lock))
  • while ((l -gt pending_writers gt 0) (l -gt writer
    gt 0))
  • pthread_cond_wait((l -gt readers_proceed),
  • (l -gt read_write_lock))
  • l -gt readers
  • pthread_mutex_unlock((l -gt read_write_lock))

Read-write locks code III
  • void mylib_rwlock_wlock(mylib_rwlock_t l)
  • / if there are readers or writers, increment
    pending writers count and wait. On being woken,
    decrement pending writers count and increment
    writer count /
  • pthread_mutex_lock((l -gt read_write_lock))
  • while ((l -gt writer gt 0) (l -gt readers gt 0))
  • l -gt pending_writers
  • pthread_cond_wait((l -gt writer_proceed),
  • (l -gt read_write_lock))
  • l -gt pending_writers --
  • l -gt writer
  • pthread_mutex_unlock((l -gt read_write_lock))

  • Can be implemented using counter, mutex,condition
  • Use an integer to keep track of the number of
    threads which reach the barrier
  • If countltnumber of threads, threads execute
    condition wait
  • If countnumber of threads, last thread wakes up
    all the threads using a condition broadcast

Barrier code
  • typedef struct
  • pthread_mutex_t count_lock
  • pthread_cond_t ok_to_proceed
  • int count
  • mylib_barrier_t
  • void mylib_init_barrier(mylib_barrier_t b)
  • b -gt count 0
  • pthread_mutex_init((b -gt count_lock), NULL)
  • pthread_cond_init((b -gt ok_to_proceed), NULL)

Barrier code II
  • void mylib_barrier (mylib_barrier_t b, int
  • pthread_mutex_lock((b -gt count_lock))
  • b -gt count
  • if (b -gt count num_threads)
  • b -gt count 0
  • pthread_cond_broadcast((b -gt ok_to_proceed))
  • else
  • while (pthread_cond_wait((b -gt ok_to_proceed),
  • (b -gt count_lock)) ! 0)
  • pthread_mutex_unlock((b -gt count_lock))

Barrier thoughts
  • Lower bound on execution time is O(n), since
    broadcast message follows queue
  • Speed things up by using a tree to implement the
  • Pair threads up so that each pair shares a single
    condition variable mutex pair
  • A designated member of the pair waits for both
    threads to arrive at the barrier
  • Continue until there is one thread
  • Releasing threads requires signaling n/2
    condition variables

Performance on SGI Origin 2000
Designing asynchronous programs-things that go
  • Thread T1 creates thread T2 .It wants to put data
    to send to T2 in global memory T1 gets switched
    after creating T2 but before placing data.T2
    might look for data and get garbage.
  • T1 creates T2, which is on T1s stack. T1 passes
    data to T1, but finishes before T2 is scheduled.
    Stack is destroyed and T2 never gets its data.

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