Title: Mailers' Technical
1Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee
Financial Update
August 2, 2001
2 Agenda
3Income Statement AP 11 YTD, FY 2001
Numbers May not Add due to Rounding.
4Total Revenue Trend Thru AP 11, FY 2001
5Cumulative Revenue Growth - Fiscal Year 2001
6Financial Performance
Total Volume Trend - FY 2001
7USPS Finances - Current Situation
Actions / Results
- Field - Work hours below Plan and SPLY
8Financial Performance
Cumulative Work Hour Reductions - FY 2001
9 10Quarterly Total Factor Productivity 1999 - 2001
USPS Finances - Current Situation
11(No Transcript)
12Pay For Performance
Total Participants 84,909
13Success under Voice of the Customer
Start of Pay for Performance
14Success under Voice of the Employee
Start of Pay For Performance
15Pay For Performance Incentive Shares FY 2000
Total Expense 283 Million 4.4 of Non-
Bargaining Compensation
Line Managers and Staff 24.1
Supervisors 42.3
Postmasters 28.2
16Pay For Performance Expense
4.4 of Non- Bargaining Compensation
Salaries 5,070 M
Benefits 1,098 M
in Millions
17Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee
Financial Update
August 2, 2001