Title: Pretrial Justice Institute
1NCJA National Criminal Justice Association
2009 National Forum on Criminal Justice Public
August 9-11, 2009 Bellevue, Washington
Alternative to Incarceration Cost Effective
Public Policy
Moderator Tim Murray, Executive Director,
Pretrial Justice Institute Panelists Ray
Billotte, Court Administrator, Pittsburgh,
(Allegheny County), PA Gary Darling, Criminal
Justice Coordinator, Larimer County, CO
- Pretrial Justice Institute
2Pretrial Justice Institute
- Who we are
- Started in 1977 as the nations only non-profit
agency dedicated to improving pretrial decision
making. - We help local justice systems establish fair and
effective pretrial practices that eliminate
inappropriate detention, optimize diversion from
prosecution, and maintain community safety. - We provide information, technical assistance and
research results to criminal justice officials
and community leaders at the federal, state and
local levels.
3Pretrial Justice Institute
- Why does pretrial release decision making matter?
- BJS reports indicate 62 of all those in jail are
in a pretrial status.
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison and Jail
Inmates at Midyear 2005 (Washington, D.C. US
Department of Justice, US Government Printing
Office, 2006) pp. 1 8
4Pretrial Justice Institute
- Trend in pretrial release decision making
- Increasing reliance by courts on financial bail.
- (As measured by the State Court Processing
Statistics Program of the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.)
5Relationship between setting money bail and
pretrial release rates
6 If this trend continues
7So what are we gaining?
8Bottom line
- Increasing the use of money bail from 52 to 69
of felony cases resulted in... - A 4 point increase in court appearance rates
- A 7 point decrease in arrest-free rates
- A 7 point increase in pretrial detention
9Jail populations on the rise
10If this trend continues
11Pretrial vs. sentenced populations
12If this trend continues
13Pretrial Justice Institute www.pretrial.org pji_at_pr
etrial.org (202) 638-3080
- Pretrial Justice Institute