Title: Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning
1Environmental Objectives in Transport Planning
14 October 2004
- Environmental-sound Transport Systems
- Sustainable Transport
- Indicators,Benchmarks Objectives
- Driving Forces of the Transport Market
- 3 Market Model
- Driving Forces
- Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans
- From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets
- Example Objectives for Air Pollution
- Conclusions
3About TE
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- UK
- Members in
- Austria
- Belgium
- Czech Slovak Rep
- Denmark
- Estonia
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
4About TE
Spanish Members Asociatión para a Defensa
Ecolóxica de Galiza (ADEGA) Ecologistas en
accion P.T.P. - Associao per la promocio del
transport public
5TE Priorities
- True Prices
- Climate Change and Energy Use
- Aviation
- Shipping
- Health and Quality of Life
- European Investment in Transport
6Key Messages...
1.) Traffic Prevention 2.) Modal Shift 3.)
Optimisation ? Getting the Prices Right
- Environmental-sound Transport Systems
- Sustainable Transport
- Indicators, Benchmarks Objectives
- Driving Forces of the Transport Market
- 3 Market Model
- Driving Forces
- Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans
- From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets
- Example Objectives for Air Pollution
- Conclusions
8(No Transcript)
9Transport Problems
- Economic Problems
- Congestion
- Fuel Supply
- Environmental Problems
- Atmospheric Pollution
- Land Fragmentation
- Social Problems
- Safety Risks
- Health Impact
10A Sustainable Transport System...
- ...allows basic access and development needs of
individuals, companies and societies to be met
safely and in a manner consistent with human and
ecosystem health, and promises equity within and
between successive generations - ...is affordable, operates fairly and
efficiently, offers choice of transport mode, and
supports a competitive economy, as well as
balanced regional development - ...limits emissions and waste within the planets
ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources
at or below their rates of generation, and, uses
non-renewable resources at or below the rates of
development of renewable substitutes while
minimising the impact on land and the generation
of noise -
- (Council of the EU 2001.)
11Environmental Indicators Objectives
12Environmental Indicators Objectives
- Indicator
- Def. A numerical measure of quality,
representing data that have been collected. - Best known indicator Human Body Temperature
- Direct Environmental Indicators CO2 Emission
/ GDP Unit Biodiversity / Square Kilometre - Indirect Environmental Indicators Cars /
Inhabitants Population Density
13Environmental Indicators Objectives
- Benchmark
- Def. A measurement or standard that serves as a
point of reference by which process performance
is measured. - Best known benchmark 37 C
- Benchmarks Per Capita Comparison Historic
Comparison EURO Emission Standards
Convergence Criteria
14Environmental Indicators Objectives
- Objective
- Def. A goal intended to be attained and which is
believed to be attainable. Could be qualitative
or quantitative. - Best known objectives reduce fever / stay
healthy - Environmental Objectives EU Air Quality
Standards UNFCCC / Kyoto Commitments
15TERM Indicators
- Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism
- European Environment Agency / European Commission
- Indicator-based reporting
- Initiated in early 1998.
- Output reports through which the effectiveness
of transport and environment integration
strategies are monitored.
16TERM Indicators
- Groups
- Environmental consequences of transport
- Transport demand and intensity
- Spatial planning and accessibility
- Supply of transport infrastructure and services
- Transport costs and prices
- Technology and utilisation efficiency
- Management integration
17How is the EU doing?
European Environment Agency 27 indicators on
sustainable development
6 indicators lack sufficient data
8 indicators have not shown progress
13 indicators have become worse !
- ZERO indicators show sufficient improvement
- Environmental-sound Transport Systems
- Sustainable Transport
- Indicators,Benchmarks Objectives
- Driving Forces of the Transport Market
- 3 Market Model
- Driving Forces
- Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans
- From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets
- Example Atmospheric Pollutants from Road
Transport - Conclusions
19Transport Market
- Movement Market
- Activities in the Society
- Spatial Structure
- Transport Market
- Movement Patterns
- Transport Means Services
- Traffic Market
- Transport Streams
- Infrastructure
22Transport Market Outcomes
- Environmental-sound Transport Systems
- Sustainable Transport
- Indicators,Benchmarks Objectives
- Driving Forces of the Transport Market
- 3 Market Model
- Driving Forces
- Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans
- From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets
- Example Objectives for Air Pollution
- Conclusions
26Environmental Objectives
- Planning Process
- Cost-/Benefit Analysis
- Strategic Environmental Assessemt (SEA)
- Environmental Minimum Standards
- Respecting Existing Environmental Legislation
- Positive Contribution to Policy EU / National
Commitments - Environmental Objectives
- Reducing Transport Demand
- Modal Shift
- Reducing Environmental Impact
27TERM Indicators
- Groups
- Environmental consequences of transport
- Transport demand and intensity
- Spatial planning and accessibility
- Supply of transport infrastructure and services
- Transport costs and prices
- Technology and utilisation efficiency
- Management integration
28TERM01 Environmental consequences of transport
- T01 Transport final energy consumption by mode
- T02 Transport emissions of greenhouse gases by
mode - T03 Transport emissions of air pollutants by mode
- T04 Exceedance of air quality objectives (due to
traffic) - T05 Exposure to and annoyance by traffic noise
- T06 Fragmentation of ecosystems and habitats
- T07 Proximity of infrastructure to designated
areas - T08 Land take by transport infrastructure
- T09 Number of transport accidents, fatalities and
injured - T10 Accidental oil spills, illegal discharges
from marine shipping - T11 Generation of waste
29TERM02 Transport demand and intensity
- T12 Passenger transport demand by mode and
purpose - T13 Freight transport demand by mode and group of
30TERM03 Spatial planning and accessibility
- T14 Access to basic services (average
passenger journey time and length per mode, - T15 Regional accessibility of markets and
cohesion - T16 Access to transport services
31TERM04 Supply of transport infrastructure and
- T18 Capacity of transport infrastructure networks
- T19 Investments in transport infrastructure
(per capita and by mode)
32TERM05 Transport costs and prices
- T20 Transport prices (real change in passenger
and freight transport price by mode) - T21 Fuel prices and taxes
- T22 Transport taxes and charges
- T23 Subsidies
- T24 Expenditure on personal mobility by income
group - T25 External costs of transport
- T26 Internalisation of external costs
33TERM06 Technology and utilisation efficiency
- T27 Overall energy efficiency and specific CO2
emissions (per passenger-km and per
tonne-km and by mode) - T28 Emissions per passenger-km and per tonne-km
(NOx ,NMVOCs,PM 10 ,SOx by mode) - T29 Occupancy rates of passenger vehicles
- T30 Load factors for freight transport
- T31 Uptake of cleaner and alternative fuels
- T32 Size and composition of the vehicle fleet
- T33 Average age of the vehicle fleet
- T34 Proportion of vehicle fleet meeting certain
emission standards (by mode)
34TERM07 Management Integration
- T35 Number of Member States that implement an
integrated strategy - T36 Institutional cooperation in transport and
environment - T37 Number of Member States with a national
transport and environment monitoring
system - T38 Uptake of strategic environmental assessment
in the transport sector - T40 Public awareness and behaviour
35Strategic Environment Assessment
36Strategic Environment Assessment (1/2)
- SEA, a holistic approach that considers the
projected environmental impacts over time of
multiple actions within a region or ecosystem. - SEA provides decision-makers with information,
strategies and actual and projected information
on environmental effects. - SEA enable policy makers to anticipate effects
on species, habitats and ecological processes
that site-specific studies do not capture.
37Strategic Environment Assessment (2/2)
- SEA assessment elements
- Habitat mapping
- Risk analysis
- Sensitivity mapping
- Cost- /Benefit Ratios
38Air Quality in London
39Air Quality in London
40Air Quality and Road Transport
- Options to achieve better air quality
- Restrict access to sensitive areas
- Price incentives
- Stricter emission standards
- Environmental-sound Transport Systems
- Sustainable Transport
- Indicators,Benchmarks Objectives
- Driving Forces of the Transport Market
- 3 Market Model
- Driving Forces
- Environmental Objectives in Transport Plans
- From TERM Indicators to Transport Targets
- Example Objectives for Air Pollution
- Conclusions
- Sustainability Perspective on the Transport Plan
- Integration of Stakeholders
- True Prices for all Transport Users
43Thank you
44Further Information
- www.eea.eu.int
- www.summa-eu.org
- TE is Europes primary NGO campaigning on a
Europe wide level for an environmentally
responsible approach to transport. info_at_t-e.nu - Boulevard de Waterloo, 34 1000 Brussels
- Tel. 32(0)2-502 99 09 Fax 32(0)2-502 99
08 www.t-e.nu