Title: Requirements for Models of Achievable Routing
1Requirements for Models ofAchievable Routing
- Andrew B. Kahng, UCLA
- Stefanus Mantik, UCLA
- Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent Univ.
- Supported by Cadence Design Systems, Inc. and
- the MARCO Gigascale Silicon Research Center
- Models of achievable routing
- Review of existing models
- Validation of models through experiments!
- Experimental analysis of assumptions
- Future model requirements
- Conclusions
3Models of achievable routing
- wirelength estimation models (Donath, )
- actual placement information
- Required versus available resources
- Required versus available resources
4Models of achievable routing
- Required versus available resources
- limited by routing efficiency factor hr
5Models of achievable routing
- Required versus available resources
- limited by power/ground (signal net fraction si)
6Models of achievable routing
- Required versus available resources
- limited by via impact factor vi (ripple effect)
- utilization factor Ui (available / supplied area)
7Use of achievable routing models
- Optimizing interconnect process parameters for
future designs (number of layers, wire width and
pitch per layer, ...) - With given layer characteristics predict the
number of layers needed - If number of layers fixed oracle (not)
- Supplying objectives that guide layout tools to
promising solutions (wire planning)
8Validation is key
- Models must be accurate, must support empirical
verification and calibration - No existing model is validated with real
place-and-route data - Our work concentrates on validation
- understanding reasons for validation gap
- processes for model validation
- improvements needed in future models
9Review of existing models
- Sai-Halasz Proc. IEEE, 1995
- power/ground si 20
- routing efficiency hr 40
- via impact each layer blocks 15 on layers below
with same pitch - model is widely used
- model is rather pessimistic
10Review of existing models (cont.)
- Chong and Brayton SLIP, 1999
- layer assignment model
- layer pairs form tiers (H and V)
- wires are routed on 1 tier
- shorter wires on lower tiers
- available resources model
- constant routing efficiency for all layers hr
65 - via impact factor vi based on actual via area
- each wire uses 2 via stacks (block wires on lower
layers) - total number of wires per layer (thus vias)
defined by layer assignment model
11Review of existing models (cont.)
- Chen et al. private communication, 1999
- layer assignment model similar to Chongs
- available resources model
- constant routing efficiency (40 lt hr lt 66)
- via impact model
- terminal vias and turn vias
- each wire uses 2 via stacks
- number of terminal vias defined
- by layer assignment model
- sparse via model Chong
- dense via model give up 1 track every X tracks
- results in via impact proportional to
sqrt(Chongs impact factor)
12Model validation
- Models can be validated only by testing against
comparable experimental results - none of reviewed models was validated
- even simple comparison huge differences
Utilization factor/layer ()
Via fill rate ()
13Model validation (cont.)
- Experimental validation
- Typical industry standard-cell block design
- 42.000 cells, 1999, 5 layers
- Cadence placement and gridded routing tools
- same pitch (1 mm) for all layers
- via size .62 mm
- all pins for cells are on M1
- Experimental validation
- ensure congested design
14Model validation (cont.)
- Experimental validation
- adding virtual vias on M3 and M4 (effect of wires
on virtual upper layers)
15Model validation (cont.)
- Predictions for future designs
- number of layers gtgt, die size lt f gtgtgt
- via impact severely underestimated
- predicted limits on number of layers too high
16Model validation (cont.)
- Predictions for future designs
Number of terminal vias
- Models of achievable routing
- Review of existing models
- Validation of models through experiments!
- Experimental analysis of assumptions
- Future model requirements
- Conclusions
18Routing efficiency
- Constant over all layers?
19Routing efficiency
- Are we measuring routing efficiency or
inefficiency? - thought experiment
- given placement of given netlist
- route with very good router, measure Ui
- route again with very bad router, measure Ui
- which one has better routing efficiency?
- which one has higher utilization factor?
- Give credit for completing nets, not for using
metal (use Steiner length instead of actual
length for Ui)!
20Layer assignment assumptions
- shorter wires on lower tiers / wires on 1 tier
Actual Length ()
Actual Number of Layers
Steiner Length (?m)
Steiner Length (?m)
21Real Wiring Effects
- Cascade/ripple effect
- Effect of vias depends on wire length
- Proposal
l1 intersections
22Real Wiring Effects (cont.)
- A simple proposal
- probability wire is not blocked
- via impact factor
- Better/more accurate models needed
- understanding routing efficiency
- layer assignment model allows gt1 tier/wire
- via impact based on real wiring effects
- wirelength on layer is important
- cascade/ripple effect
- Experimental verification of models a must!
- There is a lot of work yet to be done
24Constant via impact factor
- Utilization factor constant?
M3/M4 Utilization factor ratio
Via fill rate ()