Title: DAC Academy
1DAC Academy
- September 11, 2008
- Colorado Department of Education
- Unit of Student Assessment
2District Assessment Coordinator
3What is a DAC?
- DACs ensure quality, accuracy, communication and
training for assessment administration in every
district in Colorado.
4What is a DAC?
- Appointed by district superintendent
- Responsibilities and powers may vary
- CDEs requirements of the DAC
- Educational or psychometric background
- DAC official point of contact
- Management of materials
- Ethical administration of the assessment
- Account for any and all information to USA/CDE
and USDoE - Responsible for training licensed educational
professionals - Determines misadministrations
- Personnel Issues
5DAC Responsibilities and Powers
- Vital leadership role
- Communication Cycle
- Secure Information
- Secure Data
- One DAC (One official district email address)
- Required Training
- The first question we ask those who call us
Have you talked to your DAC?
6Big Ideas - New for 2008-2009
- Misadministrations
- More information forthcoming
- Preventing Misadministrations
- Procedures Manual
- Test Examiners / Proctors Manuals
- Training
- Security and Chain of Custody
- Training Documentation
7Big Ideas - New for 2008-2009
- Assessment Accommodations
- Revised manuals
- Research Based
- Video
- General Accommodations
- Spelling of Words
- New rules about the use of a scribe
- Updated Nonstandard Accommodation Request Form
- ELL Accommodations
- Accommodations Monitoring
8Big Ideas - New for 2008-2009
- New Icons Grade 9 and 10 mathematics
9Big Ideas- New for 2008-2009
- 3rd Grade CSAPA
- CSAPA Expanded Accommodations
10Colorados Assessment System
Unit of Student Assessment
Achievement(Colorado Model Content Standards)
College Entrance
National and State Trends
EnglishLanguage Acquisition(Colorado ELD
Colorado Student Assessment Program
Colorado English Language Acquisition Program
Colorado ACT
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Colorado has received FULL APPROVAL on its state
standards and assessment system from the US
Department of Education (USDoE) December 18, 2006
11Colorado Student Assessment ProgramCSAP
- Purpose Measure student achievement relative to
the Colorado Model Content Standards - In place since 1997 (pre-NCLB)
- 98 student participation across all grade levels
3-10 - 31 Tests measure achievement of Colorado
Standards - Reading Grades 3-10
- Writing Grades 3-10
- Mathematics Grades 3-10
- Science Grades 5, 8 and 10
- Lectura/ Escritura Grades 3, 4
- Annual Calendar
- February Grade 3 Reading (Law re CBLA)
- March/April All other CSAP tests
12CSAP AlternateCSAPA
- Purpose Standards based achievement test for
students with a significant
cognitive disability - Eligibility
- Determined through a students IEP Team
- Less than 1 of students
- How many tests
- 27 in grades 3-10 (all subjects tested by CSAP)
- Spanish version available for R/W in grades 3 and
4 - 2009 Calendar
- February 4 through March 27
- Expanded Accommodations replaces the term
13Colorado English Language Acquisition
- Purpose English Language Acquisition
- NOT to be confused with an achievement test
- Measures four domains of language development
- Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing
- Academic Language Social, Basic Interpersonal
Communication - ALL NEP and LEP K-12
- As defined per LCE Unit definitions
- 2009 Calendar
- January 2nd through February 3rd
14ACT for Colorado COACT
- College Entrance Exam
- Accepted by U.S. Colleges, Universities, Military
Academies, and NCAA - ALL students enrolled in the 11th grade
- Colorado COACT is given
- State test date 04/22/09
- Make-up test date 05/06/09
- Vouchers
- Only for online schools
- 11th Grade Alternate for students eligible to
take CSAPA. - Managed by ESLU
- 2009 dates TBD
15ACT for Colorado COACT
Test Supervisor (TS)
DACs may need to develop a communication process
with Test Supervisors for Accountability.
Test Supervisors must develop a communication
plan with Back-up Test Supervisors and Test
Accommodations Coordinators.
16National Assessment of Educational ProgressNAEP
- 2009 National (1 million students) and State
Sampling of - grades 4 and 8 (CO 280 schools)
- Only National Sampling of grade 12 in CO (15
schools) - Operational Reading, Math and Science two
cognitive sessions of 25 minutes each, background
questionnaire - 10 to 15 minutes - Pilot/Probe in Civics, U.S. History, Geography,
Reading and Math same timing as Operational - Pilot/Probe in Sci. Hands on Tasks (HOTs) or Sci.
Interactive Computer Tasks (SICTs) HOTs - two 40
minutes- hands on science kit tasks and
background questionnaire SICTs - on
NAEP-provided laptops in disconnected mode, two
40 minute blocks and background questionnaire.
17National Assessment of Educational ProgressNAEP
- Participating schools selected by National
- All schools identified last May- close to 300
selected - All participating schools have received initial
notification from NAEP State Coordinator - Receive state results (grades 4 8), national
(grade 12) by variables and background
questionnaire responses. Do not receive
disaggregated results for districts or individual
schools- not designed for this. - NCLB requirement (relative to Title I-A)
18National Assessment of Educational ProgressNAEP
- Infrastructure
- NAEP State Coordinator (NSC)
- Works with schools to confirm the assessment
date - Provides schools with information about notifying
parents of participating students - Responds to questions from the school community
- throughout the assessment period
- Works with the Contracted Assessment Team and
district/school personnel to ensure a smooth
process and - Provides schools with a copy of the NAEP state
report as - soon as it becomes available.
19National Assessment of Educational ProgressNAEP
- Infrastructure continued
- District Contact
- Assists NSC in school communications in order to
ensure the success of the 2009 NAEP
administration and to ensure a smooth and
comfortable assessment for the school(s)/district.
- Will receive communications from NSC relevant to
NAEP in the district and ccs of communications
with the schools. - NAEP Contracted Supervisor
- In charge of all the administration, proctoring,
handling of the assessments at each school works
with School Coordinator. - NAEP School Coordinator
- Works with NSC and the Supervisor to oversee the
process leading up to and including the actual
assessment date and tasks associated soon after.
20The Nations Report Card public web site
- http//nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/
21The Questions Tool
22Thousands of Released Items
- Sample Item Math Grade 8 MC, medium
- Difficulty
- What is the intersection of rays PQ and QP in
the figure above? - A) Segment PQ
- B) Line PQ
- C) Point P
- D) Point Q
- E) The empty set
23Assessment Purposes
Program Evaluation
USA Unit of Student Assessment
Achievement Tests
Body of Evidence (Program / Placement)
Language Acquisition Test
CELAplace CELApro
24Unit of Student Assessment Management,
Administration and Data Reporting
Where the data go
AYP (Title I)
State SAR (School Accountability Report)
Colorado Longitudinal Growth Model
AMAOs (Title III)
25School List (August 31st)
Student (October)
Online Enrollment (November)
Updated Pre-coded Labels (January)
CO ACT (Sept)
Final Label File
Other Test Companies CAP4K
CDEs Data Warehouse
Growth/ Accreditation
Press Releases
26Data Operations - Top 5!
- The lifecycle of assessment data
- School Master, Data grids, SBD, reporting,
accountability - Student October and ADE collections
- ADE respondent?
- Logistics Training in November online
- Online Enrollments on Navigator in the fall
- New for 2010-11 Race/Ethnicity codes
27Assessment Life CycleCSAP Example
Student Biographical Data Review
Online Enrollments
DAC Training
DACs Train SACs
Precoded Labels
28Colorado Growth Model
- Annual view of progress
- Test scores follow the child
29Peer Review
- Respond to requirements of USDoE
- Higher Stakes
- Greater Scrutiny
- Accommodations
- Research Based
- Monitoring
- Annual Training
- Security of Materials
30Critical Dates and Timelines
- Planning for accommodations
- Navigator for CTB
- Early testing window request
- Online enrollment
- Materials requests
- COACT Submission Deadlines
31Assessment Timeline 2008-09CSAP, CSAPA, and
- Training
- September Online Pre-assessment training
- September ELA, Accommodations, and Procedures
Manuals - November Required training for CSAP, CSAPA,
CELApro, and logistics (i.e. SAC/DAC manuals) - Ordering and Delivery of Materials
- October Online Enrollments for CELApro
- November Online Enrollments for CSAPA and CSAP
special populations (no overage for CSAPA this
year) - November finalize shipping information for CTB
- May Online enrollments for CELAplace 2008-09
- Test Administration
- October-December Approved Nonstandard
Accommodation form - November Early testing window request completed
- January CELApro Administration window
- February-April CSAP and CSAPA Administration
window - Data
- September Student October collection opens
(CELApro Precoded labels) - December Precoded Labels collection opens (CSAP,
CSAPA, and COACT - March Grade 3 CSAP Reading Ncount and CELApro
Ncount and SBD - April Final CELApro 2008 Data Release
32Assessment Timeline 2008-09COACT
- Test Supervisor Checklist of Dates
- Late Sept. 08
- ACT mails initial letter from CDE and School
renew form to principals with Checklist of Dates
and Standard Testing Requirements. - October 08
- Receipt Deadline for principals to return School
Renewal Forms. - Receipt Deadline for TS and TACs to return
renewal forms to ACT - Early November 08
- TACs receive mailing which includes procedures
for requesting accommodations, quantities of
individual request forms, and an order form for
practice test. - Online schools receive a special mailing which
includes National Test Date Voucher Eligibility
Request and Test arrangements to be made for May
makeup. - Mid November 08
- Schools receive quantity of Preparing for the Act
student test preparation booklets for
distribution to students who will be testing.
Quantity based on grade 11 enrollment provided by
school - Schools are reminded to submit off-site testing
requests, if appropriate. - Late November 2008
- Announcement of training workshop locations and
dates mailed to TS, BTS, TACs, and DACs. - December 2008
- Receipt deadline for schools to submit completed
proposals for off-site testing arrangements to ACT
33Assessment Timeline 2008-09COACT Cont.
- Test Accommodations Coordinator Checklist of
Dates - Late Sept. 08
- Act mails renewal forms to last years appointed
state testing TACs to verify or update
information. - October 08
- Receipt Deadline for TACs to return renewal forms
to ACT - November 08
- TACs receive mailing that includes procedures for
requesting accommodations, quantities of
individual request forms, and an order form for
practice test. - Late November 08
- Announcement of training workshop locations and
dates mailed to TACs
34CDE USA support and service
- How we support districts
- Resources
- Comprehensive manuals and guides
- Trainings
- Face to face
- Web ex
- 24/7 availability
- Email and Phone calls
- DAC as single point person
- Procedures Manual (Oct/Nov)
- Policies and procedures relative to
administration of the states assessments - Accommodations Manuals
- DAC/SAC Manuals
- Test Proctors/Test Examiners Manuals
- SBD Manual
- Technical Reports
- Data Interpretation Guide
36USA Procedures Manual
- Includes but is not limited to information
related to - Contacts at CDE
- Acronyms
- Assessment fundamentals
- Security requirements
- Ethical administration requirements
- Special circumstances
- Data Grids/Precoded Labels
- CSAPA rating form for each grade level
37Data Interpretation Guidelines
- Resource for all stakeholders
- Superintendents to parents
- Growth model guidance
- What data from each assessment can be used for
what questions it can answer - Dynamic
- First edition
- Please provide us with feedback
38How to handle advice from sources other than USA
- When you have questions
- Contact Unit of Student Assessment
- Record the name of the staff member you speak
with - We cannot verify the accuracy of information
given by other districts - Know your lifelines
- IMS Information Management Services
- LCEU Language, Culture, and Equity Unit
- LEP Limited English Proficient
- MDB Microsoft Access Database File
- NAVIGATOR CTB.com host system for forms,
registrations, file sharing, and materials - tracking.
- NCLB No Child Left Behind
- NEP Non-English Proficient
- PCL Precoded Labels
- .PRN Microsoft Excel Formatted Text (space
delimited). This is the file format used by ADE - for all SBD file submissions.
- RITS Record Integration Tracking System. This
system maintains SASIDs. - SAR School Accountability Reports
- SASID State Assigned Student Identification
number - SBD Student Biographical Data review
- SGL School Group List
- SIMU Student Information Management System. This
unit manages RITS and SASIDs. - SOA School of Accountability (or Dist Use B
removed for 2008). - SPSS Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences, a useful file management/analysis
- ACCOM 1 Accommodation Field for Reading, Math,
and Science - ACCOM 2 Accommodation Field for Writing
- ADE Automated Data Exchange
- AMAO Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
- AYP Adequate Yearly Progress
- BLOCK T CDE is required to collect specific
student information for COACT. Block T - refers to a section of the scannable COACT Answer
Folder. - CBLA Colorado Basic Literacy Act
- CDE Colorado Department of Education
- CELAplace Colorado English Language Acquisition
Placement Test - CELApro Colorado English Language Acquisition
Proficiency Assessment - COACT Colorado ACT
- CSAP Colorado Student Assessment Program
- CSAPA Colorado Student Assessment Program
Alternate - .CSV Comma Separated Value. This is a common
data file format. - CTB California Test of Basic Skills. Better
known today as the test vendor for CSAP, CSAPA, - and CELA CTB/McGraw-Hill
- DIST USE A Expelled status
- DIST USE C Free/Reduced Meal status
- USA Emails to DACs
- Emails archived on Navigator
- Scoop - Weekly newsletter sent out to districts
- Includes important deadlines, announcements and
reminders - Compiles multi-unit information into one weekly
communications - Superintendents
- DACs
- Etc.
- Subscribe on the CDE Communications Unit webpage
41Questions about items
- If a test proctor or examiner has a question
about an item - Contact the SAC who will then contact the DAC
- USA works with the DAC
- We are glad to address important questions about
the items - Must include in training instructions to
proctors - Do Not copy the item
- Do Not discuss the item (other teachers, etc.)
- Do Not email the content of the item
42Questions about scores
- If school/district personnel or parents have a
question about a score - DAC reviews
- GRT file
- Past CSAP results
- District assessment results
- Irresolvable questions are forwarded to CDE by
the DAC - USA works with CTB to examine the data
- Parents cannot view assessments
43CDEs new look
44CDEs new look cont
45CDEs new look cont
46CDEs new look contURL http//www.cde.state.co.
47CTB.com and Navigator
- Secured Site for DACs
- Online training
- Online enrollments and special populations
- Access oral scripts, translated oral scripts,
teacher read directions for CSAP - Archived Emails
- Data NCounts, GRT files, official data retrieval
48CTB Navigator (CSAP, CSAPA, and CELApro)
49Chain of Custody
- Managing materials and Security
- USDoE peer review requirements
- Comprehensive and ongoing training must include
- Test Security
- Test Proctor Requirements
- Teacher versus Test Proctor
- Ethics
- Required documentation
- More information forthcoming
51Who comprises the core assessment team?
- District Assessment Coordinator
- ELA Director/Coordinator
- SPED Director/Coordinator
- CBLA Contact
- Others
52DAC Core Assessment TeamELL, SPED CBLA
- All students eligible to take the various state
assessments in the assigned grades must have the
opportunity to be assessed. - The DAC and the core team will attend required
trainings, and will communicate about their
mutual, assessment related work, to ensure
ethical assessment opportunities for their
53The Role of the Core Assessment Team
- Meeting the assessment needs of the students
- Instructional
- Programmatic
- Assessment
- Communication and alignment between instruction
and assessment - Best practices
54Critical Functions of the Core Assessment Team
- These include but are not limited to
- Online Enrollments/Early Test Windows
- (On CTB Navigator)
- Automated Data Exchange Collections
- (CDE Student October, Student Biographical
Data, etc.) - Accommodations in place
- Ready for November trainings
- CSAPA and CELApro (face to face)
- CSAP Administration (online only)
- CSAP, CELApro, CSAPA logistics (online only)
55District Assessment Coordinator
- Oversees and manages all aspects of state
assessment administration - Ensures standardized ethical test administrations
- Responsible for ensuring everyone is trained on a
yearly basis - Manage data collection processes
- Submitted for assessment purposes
- Particularly important for CELApro and CSAPA
56ELA Director
- Accommodations appropriate for ELLs (New Colorado
Accommodations Manual for ELLs) - Accommodations Monitoring
- Assessing language proficiency
- Designation and Re-designations of ELLs (NEP, LEP
and FEP) for assessment purposes - Meeting the needs of ELLs with disabilities
(Dually identified) - Distinguishing between language difficulty and
learning disability - Language Culture and Equity Unit
- Joanna Bruno (303) 866 - 6870
57Special Education Director
- Meeting the assessment needs of students with
disabilities - Colorado Accommodations Manual
- Matching specific need with specific
accommodations in plans - IEP (Includes eligibility for CSAPA)
- 504
- RtI
- Accommodations Monitoring
- Non-standard Accommodations Requests
- Exceptional Student Leadership Unit (303)
58CBLA Contact
- New Core Assessment Team Resource
- Body of Evidence
- ILPs
- Accommodations
- Literacy Grants and Initiatives (303) 406-8653
59District Trainers
- Yearly required training
- District responsibility
- New Training Materials
- Accommodations Video
60Expanding your Core Assessment Team
- Districts are unique
- Other staff may need to be included in Core Team
assessment work - ADE respondents
- Superintendents/other District Leadership
- SASID/RITS respondents
- Lead Teachers, etc.
61What is an ADE respondent?
- District staff responsible for submitting
accurate data for various data collections
conducted through the ADE system - Assessment-related collections
- Student October (November)
- Precoded Labels (January)
- CELApro Student Biographical Data (March)
- CSAP/CSAPA Student Biographical Data (June)
- COACT Student Biographical Data (July)
62Reporting requirements-
- Labels in permanent record
- transcripts at HS level
- CRS 22-7-409-1.9
- The results of the assessmentsshall be part of
the students permanent academic record. - Parents receive reports in a timely manner
- All schools in your district receive of reports
in a timely manner - Charters and Online schools included
- USA recommends signed statements on file in
district - Every principal signs ensuring that there are no
assessments or proprietary materials related to
the state assessments stored anywhere on the
school premises - Ensure that any teacher created materials
(whether distributed or not) are free of actual
assessment items - (Does not apply to CSAP released items)
- DACs need a methodology to document this has been
taken care of.
64CELApro Standard Setting
- October 14th through October 16th, 2008
- Participants Needed!
- Application available at http//www.cde.state.co.u
s/cdeassess/documents/csap/assess_events.htm - Purpose set cut scores on the test scale for
each proficiency level due to handful of Colorado
items. - Content experts provide input about the content
that students at each proficiency level should
65Standards Review
- The Colorado State Board and the Department are
conducting a third party analysis to refresh the
standards as well as to bridge pre-school and
post-secondary expectations with the K-12th grade
program. - Common definitions of 21st century skills,
college readiness, adequate career and workforce
skills. - An analysis of the other 49 states and several
nations grade span architecture - identify at each grade (or grade span) what
students should know beginning at Pre-school
through the beginning of any post-secondary
experience. - Analyze the current standards for rigor, clarity,
balance and relevance. - A gap analysis by a nationally recognized third
party which will inform Coloradoans of the
differences between and among the best states and
international content standards. - A trend study will be done of such recent reports
as the Colorado Alignment Council, Education
Trust, Achieve, Fordham Institute, etc. which
will indicate common and repeated recommendations
for all of our content areas.
66Standards Review
- The review will modernize the core content,
articulate new skills and attempt to tighten the
focus of a viable scope of expectations. - http//www.cde.state.co.us/cdeassess/documents/OLR
67Office of Standards and Assessments
(303) 866-6929
- Standards
- Jo OBrien Assistant Commissioner
- Angela Norlander Standards
- Anna Huffman - Standards
- Student Assessment
- Beth Celva Director
- Holly Baker CSAP
- Dena Coggins CSAPA
- Marisol Enriquez CELApro
- Jim McIntosh Data Operations
- Margaret Lake Data Operations
- Pam Sandoval NAEP
- Fabian Maes - COACT
- Research and Evaluation
- Dianne Lefly Director
- Bill Bonk Longitudinal Growth