Chapter 17: The Stars Part 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17: The Stars Part 1


Herschel looked for some sort of order in the stars. ... they are on fire, with silent green and red flames that are dancing everywhere. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 17: The Stars Part 1

Chapter 17 The Stars Part 1
  • Alyssa Jean-Mary

The Stars
  • Toward the end of the eighteenth century, the
    study of the stars intensified with William
    Herschels work. Herschel looked for some sort of
    order in the stars. He began by taking
    observations, and thus spent many years
    cataloging stars and measuring their apparent
    motions. This study allowed him to verify a
    structure for the universe that is very similar
    to what is believed to be correct by todays
  • There are billions of stars in the universe. All
    of these stars, besides the sun, appear as no
    more than a point of light, even when viewed by
    the most powerful telescopes. Due to
    spectroscopic analysis, there is a great deal of
    detailed information known about thousands of the
    stars in the universe. In addition to this
    information, spectroscopic analysis has allowed
    scientists to trace the evolution of a star all
    the way from its birth, through maturity, to its
    last agonies and eventual fate.

The Sun
  • The sun is the dominating body of the solar
  • Its life cycle is closely connected to the origin
    and destiny of the earth.
  • The sun is in many ways a typical star, a rather
    ordinary member of the 1020 stars that make up
    the universe. Thus, the properties of the sun are
    interesting not only because they apply to the
    sun, but because they can also be applied,
    generally, to the rest of the stars in the

The Properties of the Sun 1
  • The mass of the sun can be obtained using the
    characteristics of the orbital motion of the
    earth around the sun. Thus, the mass of the sun
    is 1.99 x 1030kg, which is more than 300,000
    times the mass of the earth.
  • The radius of the sun can be obtained using
    simple geometry based on the fact that the
    angular diameter of the sun as seen from the
    earth is 0.53. Thus, the radius of the sun is
    6.96 x 108m.
  • The volume of the sun is so large that 1,300,000
    earths could fit into it.

The Properties of the Sun 2
  • The gases that are in the interior of the sun are
    very hot. Thus, they emit a lot of light. Since
    the gases are also dense, the light that they
    emit is reabsorbed almost immediately. Both the
    temperature and the density of these gases
    decreases with distance from the center of the
    sun. Because of this, there is a region in the
    sun where the gases are hot enough to radiate a
    large amount of light, but not dense enough to
    reabsorb this light and thus prevent this light
    from escaping. This region of the sun is called
    the photosphere. The photosphere is what we see
    as the surface of the sun. The temperature of
    the photosphere is 5800K. This temperature was
    found both by using the shape of the spectrum of
    the sun and by using the rate at which the sun
    gives off energy.
  • The spectrum of the sun has thousands of lines.
    Half of these lines have been traced to specific
    elements. It is thought that the other lines come
    from highly excited energy levels in atoms or
    energy levels of ions instead of atoms. Only a
    few lines are from compounds since the
    photosphere is so hot that it breaks up almost
    all molecules.
  • Even though the conditions on the sun are very
    different from the conditions on the earth, it
    appears that they both have the same basic
    matter. The relative amounts of different
    elements are similar, but there is much more of
    the lighter elements hydrogen and helium on the
    sun. On the sun, hydrogen is actually 72 by
    mass, and helium is 27 by mass. Since the
    temperatures on the earth are relatively low,
    most of the elements have combined to form
    compounds. On the sun, however, since the
    temperature is so high, most of the elements are
    individual atoms or ions.

The Properties of the Sun Above the Photosphere
  • After the photosphere is a rapidly thinning
    atmosphere that consists mainly of hydrogen and
    helium. In this atmosphere, great flamelike
    prominences sometimes project out into space.
    Prominences occur in a variety of forms. They are
    normally about 200,000km long, 10,000km wide, and
    50,000km high. Prominences are quite often
    associated with sunspots. They also seem to have
    magnetic fields associated with them.
  • When the moon obscures the disk of the sun during
    a total eclipse of the sun, a wide halo of pearly
    light is seen around the dark moon. This halo is
    called the corona. The corona can extend out as
    much as a solar diameter, and it seems to have a
    great number of fine lines that extend outward
    from the sun. The corona consists of ionized
    atoms and electrons that are in extremely rapid
    motion. The temperature of the corona reach as
    high as 1 million K. The corona that is seen
    during an eclipse is relatively near the sun. The
    corona is also found in a very diffuse form much
    farther out from the sun, actually beyond the
    orbit of the earth. This outward flow of ions and
    electrons which is an extension of the atmosphere
    of the sun is called the solar wind. The solar
    wind was detected by spacecraft. It is what helps
    deflect comet tails away from the sun, and it is
    also what causes auroras in the upper atmosphere
    of the earth.

The Aurora 1
  • One of natures most awesome spectacle is the
    aurora, also called the northern lights.
  • During an aurora, colored streamers seem to race
    across the sky, and glowing curtains of light
    pulsate as they change their shapes into weird
    forms and images. The climax of an aurora makes
    the heavens appear as if they are on fire, with
    silent green and red flames that are dancing
    everywhere. After awhile, the aurora fades away,
    with only a faint reddish arc remaining.
  • Auroras are most common in the far north and the
    far south. When an aurora is in the northern
    hemisphere, it is called an aurora borealis. When
    an aurora is in the southern hemisphere, it is
    called an aurora australis.

The Aurora 2
  • Auroras are caused by the solar wind. The ionized
    atoms and electrons from the sun take about a day
    to reach the earth in the solar wind. The ionized
    atoms and electrons interact with the nitrogen
    and oxygen as they enter the upper atmosphere.
    This interaction causes light to be given off.
    The gas molecules (i.e. the nitrogen and oxygen
    molecules) are excited by the charged particles
    (i.e. the ionized atoms and electrons) that are
    moving close to them. The energy from this
    excitation is radiated as light in the
    characteristic wavelengths of the particular
    element. The green hues of an aurora are from
    oxygen, the blue hues are from nitrogen, and the
    red hues are from both oxygen and nitrogen.
  • The way in which the ionized atoms and electrons
    of the solar wind are affected by the magnetic
    field of the earth is complicated. Thus, must
    auroras occur within doughnut-like zones that are
    about 2000km in diameter that are centered about
    the geomagnetic north and south poles. At times,
    however, when the cloud of particles that comes
    from the sun is so immense, auroras can also be
    seen in other places.
  • Even when the auroras are not obvious, there is
    still a faint glow in the night sky because there
    is a less concentrated stream of particles from
    the sun that are interacting with the upper
    atmosphere. This is referred to as the airglow.
    The airglow is always present to some extent, but
    its brightness varies with the amount of solar
    activity. In addition to occurring during the
    night, both auroras and the airglow occur in the
    daytime, but are too dim to be seen.

Sunspots 1
  • Sunspots are dark patches that occur on the
    surface of the sun, and thus tarnish the intense
    luminosity of the sun. Sunspots are cooler
    portions of the sun, and they only appear dark
    because they are seen against a bright
    background. When a spot has a temperature of
    5000K, it is hot enough to glow brilliantly, but
    it doesnt appear so because it is considerable
    cooler than the rest of the surface of the sun.
  • The lifetime of a sunspot ranges from 2 to 3 days
    to more than a month. During its lifetime, a
    sunspot continually changes form, growing rapidly
    and then shrinking. A sunspot can be as large as
    many thousands of km across, which is actually as
    large as several earths.

Sunspots 2
  • Galileo was one of the first to study sunspots.
    He noticed that sunspots appear to move across
    the disk of the sun. He interpreted this as a
    sign that the sun rotates on its axis. Doppler
    shifts in the spectral lines of radiation that
    comes from the edges of the disk of the sun
    further confirm the rotation of the sun on its
    axis. The sun actually rotates faster at its
    equator that near its poles. It takes 27 days for
    a complete rotation at its equator and 31 days
    for a complete rotation near its poles.
  • Usually, sunspots appear in groups. Each group
    has a single large spot, with several smaller
    spots. Some groups have as many as 80 separate
  • Sunspots usually occur in two zones. These zones
    are located on either side of the equator.
    Sunspots are rarely seen either near the equator
    or at latitudes on the sun higher than 35.
  • Strong magnetic fields are associated with
    sunspots. It is thought that these fields are
    actually involved in the formation of sunspots.
  • The number of spots on the sun increases and
    decreases with time in a regular cycle. This
    cycle covers about 11 years. There is evidence
    that other stars also have cool spots on their
    surfaces, and on some of these stars, the spots
    appear to come and go periodically, just like the
    spots on the sun. Many of these cool spots on
    other stars, starspots, are much larger than

Sunspots and the Earth
  • Some occurrences on the earth seem to follow the
    same cycle as the sunspots. These occurrences
    include disturbances in the terrestrial magnetic
    field, shortwave radio fadeouts, changes in
    cosmic-ray intensity, and unusual auroral
  • It is thought that the radio transmissions are
    affected by the ionosphere changes that occur due
    to the intense bursts of ultraviolet and
    x-radiation that happen more often when sunspots
    are at a maximum.
  • It is thought that the magnetic, cosmic-ray, and
    auroral effects are caused by solar storms that
    occur due to vast streams of energetic protons
    and electrons that shoot out from the sun near
    the groups of sunspots at the same time.
  • Also, some aspects of weather and climate seem to
    be in sync with sunspot activity.
  • For example, between 1645 and 1715, there was
    only a few sunspots that appeared. During this
    time on earth, the temperatures were lower than
    usual. This coincides with a time that is
    referred to as the Little Ice Age.
  • Thus, it appears that the events that cause
    sunspots on the surface of the sun are linked to
    slightly higher energy output from the sun. Even
    a small change in the amount of energy output
    from the sun would cause the climate effects that
    are observed on the earth.

Solar Energy 1
  • An area of 1m2 on the earth that is exposed to
    the vertical rays of the sun received energy at a
    rate of about 1.4 kW. Thus, when all the energy
    that is received over the entire surface of the
    earth is added up, it is a staggering total. But
    this total is actually only a tiny fraction of
    the total radiation that the sun puts out. For
    billions of years, the sun has been emitting a
    extremely large amount of energy at this same
  • The energy that is emitted by the sun comes from
    processes that take place inside of the sun. Near
    the center of the sun, the temperature is
    estimated to be 14 million K, and the pressure is
    estimated to be 1 billion atm. Also, the density
    of matter that is near the center of the sun is
    thought to be nearly 10 times the density of lead
    on the surface of the earth. Under these
    conditions, the atoms of lighter elements have
    lost all of their electrons, and the atoms of
    heavier elements only have their innermost
    electrons. Thus, the interior of the sun consists
    of atomic debris (i.e. free electrons and
    positive nuclei that are either surrounded by a
    few electrons or none at all).
  • At ordinary temperatures, the atomic fragments
    that are in the interior of the sun move far more
    rapidly than gas molecules. Since they are moving
    so fast, two atomic nuclei may get close enough
    to each other, even though there are repulsive
    electric forces between them because they are
    both positively charged, to react with each other
    and form one large nucleus. When this happens
    between two light elements, the new nucleus that
    is formed will have a little less mass than the
    combined masses of the nuclei that combined to
    make this new nucleus. This missing mass is
    converted to energy (i.e. E0 mc2). These
    reactions that give off such a large amount of
    energy are nuclear fusion reactions. They are the
    reactions that are responsible for the energy
    that is emitted from the sun.

Fusion Reactions in the Sun
  • Most of the energy of the sun comes from the
    conversion of hydrogen into helium. This
    conversion occurs both directly and indirectly.
    It occurs directly when two hydrogen nuclei (i.e.
    protons) collide with each other. It occurs
    indirectly when a carbon nuclei absorbs a
    succession of hydrogen nuclei in a series of
  • Whether directly or indirectly, the entire fusion
    reaction makes about 0.007kg of matter disappear
    for every kg of helium it produces. This
    disappearance of matter corresponds to an energy
    release of 6.3 x 1014J. In perspective, to obtain
    this amount of energy, about 20 million kg of
    coal would have to be burned.
  • The relative likelihoods of the carbon and
    proton-proton cycles depend on the temperature in
    the sun. Since the interior of the sun and other
    stars like it have temperatures that are as high
    as 14 million K, the proton-proton cycle
    predominates over the carbon cycle. The stars
    that are hotter than this obtain most of their
    energy from the carbon cycle.
  • The sun converts more than 4 billion kg of matter
    into energy every second. The sun actually has
    enough hydrogen to be able to release this amount
    of energy for billions of years into the future.
    The amount of matter that has been lost in all of
    geologic history is not enough to have changed by
    much the amount of radiation that comes from the
    sun. This confirms that the surface temperature
    of the earth hasnt changed by much.

The Origin of the Heavy Elements
  • The reactions that convert hydrogen into helium
    are not the only reactions that take place in the
    sun and the other stars. Since there is hydrogen
    and helium to be used as raw materials, and high
    temperatures and pressures, most of the other
    elements are formed in reactions also. The
    heaviest elements, however, need even more
    extreme conditions to form. These conditions
    occur during the supernova explosions of heavy
    stars. In addition to forming the heavier
    elements, these explosions also scatter into
    space the elements that were already formed in
    the parent star. Once these elements are
    scattered, both the heavy and the light elements
    mix with the hydrogen and helium in interstellar
    space and then become incorporated into new stars
    and their planets. Thus, we are all made of star

Stellar Distances 1
  • Aristotle concluded that the earth is stationary
    based on the observation that the stars dont
    seem to shift in position. He thought that if the
    earth did revolve around the sun, then the stars
    should seem to shift in position, just like trees
    and buildings seem to shift in position as we
    ride past them.
  • Copernicus proposed another explanation as to why
    the stars dont seem to shift in position. He
    said that the stars are just too far way to be
    able to easily detect such shifts in position.
  • In 1838, a shift for a star was discovered by
    Friedrich Bessel, a German astronomer. After
    this, other shifts were found as well. These
    shifts are so very small that it is not
    surprising that it took so long to detect them.

Stellar Distances 2
  • The discovery that Bessel made allowed the direct
    measurement of distances to the nearer stars. The
    position of the star is determined twice, each
    time being six months apart. From these
    observations, along with the measured change in
    the angle of the telescope and the fact that the
    telescope was moved by the 300 million km
    diameter of the orbit of the earth during the six
    months, the distance to the star is calculated.
  • The apparent shift in position of a star is
    called the parallax. The parallax of only a few
    thousand of the nearer stars is large enough to
    be measured. The parallax of the closest star,
    Proxima Centauri, is equal to the diameter of a
    dime that is seen from a distance of 6km. The
    distance from the earth to Proxima Centauri is
    about 4 x 1016m.
  • A light-year is a unit that is sometimes used to
    express stellar distances. A light-year is the
    distance that light travels in a year. It is
    equal to 9.46 x 1012km. Thus, the closest star to
    the earth, Proxima Centauri, is a little over 4
    light-years away. This means that when we see the
    star, we see it as it was 4 years ago, not as it
    is now. There are only about 40 stars that are
    within 16 light-years of the solar system.

Apparent and Intrinsic Brightnesses 1
  • The measurement of the parallax of a star is only
    possible for distances up to about 300
    light-years away. There are some indirect
    methods, however, that are used to measure the
    distances of stars that are father away than 300
    light-years. One of these is based on a
    comparison of the apparent and intrinsic
    brightnesses of stars.
  • The apparent brightness of a star is its
    brightness as seen from the earth. It expresses
    the amount of light from the star that reaches
    the earth.
  • The intrinsic brightness of a star is the true
    brightness of the star. It depends on the total
    amount of light that it radiates into space.
  • The apparent brightness of a star actually
    depends on both its intrinsic brightness and its
    distance from the earth. Thus, a star that is
    actually very bright might appear as if it is
    faint because it is far away from the earth, and
    also, a star that is actually faint might appear
    as if it is very bright because it is close to
    the earth.

Apparent and Intrinsic Brightnesses 2
  • As long as both the apparent and intrinsic
    brightness of a star is known, the distance to
    the star can be calculated by finding out how far
    away an object with the same intrinsic brightness
    must be located in order to send us the amount of
    light that we observe (i.e. the apparent
  • Walter Adams, an American astronomer, discovered
    one way to find out the intrinsic brightness of a
    star. While he was studying the spectra of the
    near stars, stars that have their intrinsic
    brightness known, he noticed that the spectra of
    stars that have high intrinsic brightnesses have
    certain relationships among the strengths of
    their lines. The spectra of stars that have low
    intrinsic brightnesses also have certain
    relationships, but different relationships than
    the spectra of the stars that have high intrinsic
    brightnesses. Thus, Adams was able to establish
    the intrinsic brightness of a star just by
    looking at its spectrum.
  • This method of comparing the apparent and
    intrinsic brightnesses of stars allowed stellar
    distances to be determined up to several thousand
    light-years away.
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