Title: Malaria
By St Peters School.
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Malaria kills over a million people a year and is
second only to tuberculosis in its impact on
world health
After years spent bringing the disease under
control, the number of people dying from malaria
is now higher than it was 30 years ago and has
spread to new countries
Worldwide, a child dies of malaria every 30
4hot spots 4 malaria
5The places circled, are the places where people,
are most likely to be infected with
malaria. Millions of people die from Malaria each
6Malaria is spread by mosquito's who suck the
blood of victims and at the same time injects
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There is a feeling of intense cold which gives
way to hot flushes and a high fever and delirium,
with nausea, dizziness and delirium
Depending on the type of protozoan involved the
first symptoms will appear about 10 days to 6
weeks after the mosquito bite.
These symptoms include tiredness, headache,
muscular pains and a slight temperature
As the parasites multiply the symptoms become
more severe.
9Transmission Index
A Transmission Index is how a disease is spread.
The diagram below shows how it happens.
Index of 3
As you can see one infected person passes on the
infection to three others as a result of this the
three new cases each pass it on to another three
making nine and so on
10Transmission Index (cont.)
Possible ways to reduce the amount of MALARIA in
We found out three possible solutions to the
problems of Malaria and Mosquitoes 1) Draining
out as many swamps as possible to prevent
Mosquitoes from breeding 2) Use pills to limit
cases of Malaria 3) Develop a vaccination to
limit cases of Malaria
How we are coping
- At the moment malaria is restricted to a
reasonable level but each time new drugs are
tried the disease develops a resistance and the
number of cases rise again. - The newest and latest treatment is called
Artimisinin developed in China.
12Malaria In Children
Malaria Kills an African Child Every 30 seconds.
Most of the 1.3 million who die each year from
malaria are children
Children below the age of 5 years, particularly
infants, the disease tends to be atypical and
more severe.
14What can we do
There are two options that are available
Kill all mosquito's
15Use drugs
Some drugs that are available right now that
could be used to help many people but at the
moment the drugs cost money which most people can
not afford making these drugs free will help save
the lives of hundreds
16Ever Heard Of ABCD
If you travel abroad..
Be Aware of the risk of malaria.
Prevent or avoid Bites from an infected mosquito.
Use appropriate Chemoprophylactic drugs
(preventive medication).
Prompt Diagnosis following any symptoms of
malaria (e.g. flu-like symptoms) and obtain
treatment quickly.
17A new treatment called Artemisinin Combination
Therapy, or ACT, has been introduced and is
slowly replacing the obsolete anti-malarial
drugs. In some countries, the disease accounts
for as much as 40 percent of public health
expenditure, 30-50 percent of hospital inpatient
admissions, and up to 50 percent of outpatient
18The End ! ! !
And remember Malaria is one of the most
infectious diseases in the world!!
Thank you for watching this short but hopefully
informative presentation!!!
So think yourself lucky!!! Its not here YET!!!