Title: ChristmasCulture
1,000,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 64,000 32,
000 16,000 8,000 4,000 2,000
Count how many questions you get right and see
how much money you could have won!!!
21. In France what happens on 6th December?
St.Nicholas visits
Put up their christmas trees
Christmas cakes made
Paris lights switched on
32. How would you say Happy Christmas?
Joyeux anniversaire
Bon martin
Joyeux Noël
Bonne Année
43. What is a sapin de Noël?
Christmas Tree
Father Christmas
Christmas stockings
Christmas decorations
54. What might you put at the top of your
Christmas tree?
Une chausettes
Un renne
Un traineau
Une étoile
65. When is La fête du St. Sylvestre celebrated?
31st December
25th December
1st December
26th December
76. January 6th La Fête des Rois remembers
Angel Gabriel
3 Kings
87. On Poisson dAvril or 1st April do French
Put cut out fish on peoples backs
Traditionally eat fish
Throw fish at people
Give thanks for fish
98. La Fête National or Bastille Day is
celebrated on
21st June
4th August
14th July
25th May
109. Which of these is not a famous landmark of
Larche en ciel
La Tour Eiffel
LArc de Triomphe
Le Center Pompidou
1110. Which of these does France not have?
Prime Minister
12How much did you win?
1,000,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 64,000 32,
000 16,000 8,000 4,000 2,000