IFPUG Membership Committee Membership Survey

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IFPUG Membership Committee Membership Survey


The green, yellow and red status for each question was ... has to be that IFPUG services are meeting the needs of a broad cross-section of the membership. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: IFPUG Membership Committee Membership Survey

IFPUG Membership CommitteeMembership Survey
Final AnalysisApril, 2009
Page 1
  • Membership Survey Overview
  • Demographics Analysis
  • Overall Results
  • High-Level Findings
  • IFPUG Services
  • IFPUG Membership
  • ISMA Conference/WS/Courses
  • CFPS and CSMS Certifications
  • Wish List
  • Back-up Slides
  • Questions Analysis Details

Membership Survey Overview
- Agenda
  • A way to
  • Understand how our members are happy with IFPUG
  • What are the desires and improvements that our
    members want
  • Identify initiatives to focus by our committees
  • Overall content
  • Structured in 5 major sections
  • Questions 1 - 7 Demographic information
  • Questions 8 - 38 IFPUG Services
  • Questions 39 - 50 IFPUG Membership
  • Questions 51 - 67 ISMA Conference/Workshops/Cou
  • Questions 68 - 77 CFPS/CSMS Certifications
  • Questions 78 - 87 Wish-list
  • Score
  • Space for comments also provided

Demographics Questions 1-7
Demographic Analysis Responses Overall
- Agenda
  • 410 responses were received to the survey
  • The demographic section asked the following
  • Responses

Demographic Analysis Responses Overall
- Agenda
  • A total of 1,894 comments were provided along
    the survey questions.
  • A total of 505 wishes were provided by the
    participants in the wish-list section.

Demographic Analysis Countries Represented
- Agenda
  • A total of 27 Countries were represented in the
    survey (light green).
  • Our stakeholders are well represented in the
    survey from both perspectives (membership revenue
    and CFPS).
  • 2 countries France and Switzerland did not
    provide feedback on the survey. They were
    individually contacted but chose do not answer
    the survey.

Demographic Analysis Companies Represented
- Agenda
  • There was not a specific question related to the
    company that the person belongs.
  • This data was generated based on the e-mail-ids
    provided in question 2.
  • Other companies represented are located in the
    note page of this slide.

Demographic Analysis Membership Distribution of
- Agenda
  • More than 82 represented by Individual and
    Regular Corporate
  • Around 18 represented by other membership (WWC,
    Learning Institutions, Students and Non-IFPUG
  • Around 45 of individual members answered the
  • Of the above
  • 60 of respondents were CFPS,
  • 3 CFPS and CSMS,
  • 1 were CSMS only
  • 36 were not IFPUG certified
  • Length of membership was evenly covered

Demographic Analysis IFPUG Certification
- Agenda
  • Survey feedback primarily provided by CFPS (61)
    and Non-CFPS (36).

Demographic Analysis Years of IFPUG
- Agenda
  • All the groups well represented in the survey
    from new to IFPUG (1 year) to long relationship
    (over 10 years)

- Agenda
  • The information collected seems to be very
  • We got a very good response rate from our major
    stakeholders across the globe.
  • Lots of qualitative information were obtained as
    well in addition to quantitative information.
  • We believe we have a very good opportunity in
    using this data/information to shape the future
    of IFPUG and address the voice of our customers.

Membership Survey Overall Results
Membership Survey Overall Results Approach
- Agenda
  • When evaluating the responses we adopted a
    dashboard strategy of green, yellow and red
    status for each question.
  • The green, yellow and red status for each
    question was determined by the percentage of
    people supporting the answered question (strongly
    agree or agree). Neutral people was not
    considered. Based on the percentage we assigned
    the status of each question using the criteria
  • Supporters gt 70 ?
  • 30 lt Supporters lt 70 ?
  • Supporters lt 30 ?
  • The overall status of each area was determined by
    quantitative analysis of greens, yellows and reds
    for that section as well as some qualitative

Membership Survey Overall Results Dashboard
- Agenda
High-Level Findings
IFPUG Services Questions 8 - 38
- Agenda
- More Detail
  • Findings
  • Even if we take neutral as negative (a highly
    pessimistic view), the majority of members seem
    to be satisfied with IFPUG Services.
  • With such a strong demographic representation,
    the conclusion has to be that IFPUG services are
    meeting the needs of a broad cross-section of the
  • Of course, the membership is a self-selecting
    group in that, if they were not satisfied, they
    might leave. It is in this context that the last
    ten questions of this section of the survey must
    be viewed.
  • Question 29 shows that a majority of members
    (even counting Neutral as supporting the status
    quo) want to see more services. Members are
    evenly divided about whether they would be
    prepared to pay more to achieve this
    significant because a dissatisfied membership
    might be expected to give an outright rejection
    of higher costs. This represents an opportunity.

IFPUG Membership Questions 39 - 50
- Agenda
- More Detail
  • Findings
  • IFPUG Membership is considered good value (80)
  • In general, companies are paying the membership
    fees (70)
  • If companies will stop paying the fees some
    members will not pay the membership (26)
  • CFPS certification is considered to be valuable
    enough to make the members want to pay for their
    membership (44) for CSMS certification, only a
    few members believe that it brings value (7)
  • More than half of the members believe that IFPUG
    membership represent a good value for the money
    (53), and for their companies (68)
  • Members are willing to participate in committees
    focused at their regions (60)
  • Our membership fee structure apparently is not
    pleasing our members. Organizations that they
    believe are providing better membership fee
    structures ASQ, PMI (provides more info at less

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 51 - 67
- Agenda
- More Detail
  • Findings
  • ISMA conference is seen as having value to people
    (over 40) but there were a high number of
    neutral responses (over 40)
  • Conference (Fall or Spring ?) doesnt matter for
    around 70 of people but many comments tend
    towards Spring because it is easier to get an
    approved budget at that time.
  • 30 of the people didnt try to attend the
    conference. Cost (primarily) and Location are key
    factors that are preventing people from attending
    the conference.
  • Conference fees are perceived to be costly and
    people believe that presenters should not pay or
    have a discount (over 45).
  • Companies in general are not funding conference
    attendance (over 55)
  • Conference brings value to people (over 38) but
    there were a high number of neutral responses
    (over 55)
  • Conference in US 35 of respondents agreed, 26
    didnt agree, over 37 neutral
  • Courses 67 of respondents would like local
    courses and 78 would like to see courses on-line

CFPS and CSMS Certifications Questions 68 - 77
- Agenda
- More Detail
  • Findings
  • CFPS exams are perceived to be challenging by
    almost 90 of people. Main reasons for that the
    exam time is too short to finish all the
    questions. They are frequently needlessly tricky
    with lots of negative logic.
  • CFPS automated exam is seeing of value by the
    people (over 70). CSMS automated exam is also
    seeing of value (over 50).
  • Most people (around 70) agree that certification
    is the most valuable part in membership and more
    than 50 people feel happy about the
    certification process.
  • In contrast with the certification process, there
    is about 33 people feel happy about the
    recertification process. Around 30 are unhappy
    for the recertification process, the proponents
    are almost same with the opponents.
  • Around 45 people think that CPM is unambiguous,
    however, there is about 20 of people against
    such opinion.

Wish List
Wish List Analysis Responses Overall
- Agenda
  • For the first time, the survey provided an
    innovative option to the members to express their
    Wishes as desired from IFPUG
  • Though the regular questionnaire covered almost
    the entire range of services offered by IFPUG,
    there was a need to capture inputs that addressed
    the true desires of members
  • A free text form was provided as an open ended
    Wish List for the members to fill their
    expectations from IFPUG
  • A total of 10 Wish List text boxes were offered
  • The response to the Wish List option was truly
  • Around 158 participants (out of 410) wish list
    responses were received
  • More than 30 responded up to 4 wishes each
  • A grand total of 505 wishes were received,
    perhaps the first ever in the history of IFPUG

Wish List Analysis Categorization
- Agenda
  • The responses to the Wish List being of free
    form type, it was decided to map each of the
    wishes to a wish category. The categories
    themselves evolved based on the type of wish.
  • Summary
  • The top 5 wishes contributed to almost 53 of
    total numbers.
  • The FP counting process and IFPUG
    conferences/seminars related wishes were the top
    in the mind of members.
  • There were many Issues/concerns regarding
    certification processes.
  • Serious improvements to the IFPUG web site
    seemed to be a strong desire from many.

- Agenda
Key Wish 1 IFPUG Counting Process
  • The highest responses were towards the counting
    process related issues, concerns and suggestions.
    These were analyzed and grouped into 5
  • Key Findings
  • There were a number of concerns raised on
    counting process. It appears that the explanation
    in the CPM 4.2.1 manual does not address a wide
    variety of actual counting situations.
  • Queries on converting size into effort, counting
    process for production support, batch processing
    and configuration management were prominent.
  • Overall the was a wish for a separate Tips on
    Counting section that provides guidelines to
    some of the non-generic counting situations.
  • Summary Comments
  • Lack of clear guidelines while counting complex
    projects can lead to discontinuation of Function
    Points as a sizing method.

- Agenda
Key Wish 2 Conference Seminars
  • Conferences and Seminars was another area that
    generated a high number of responses. These were
    analyzed and grouped into 5 sub-categories.
  • Key Findings
  • A large number of members felt that
    conferences/seminars were limited to a few
    locations (US being the prominent one) and had
    strong desire for these to be spread globally.
  • There were many suggestions regarding the theme,
    duration and objectives based on which
    conferences/seminars were being conducted.
  • The expenses incurred by participants in
    conferences/seminars was definitely a huge cause
    for concern. Suggestions on discounts, low cost
    locations etc. were provided by members.
  • Summary Comments
  • Enthusiastic members seem to view the
    conferences/seminars organized by IFPUG as a
    strategic means of promoting IFPUG FP and related
    processes. Towards this there is a strong wish
    that there is larger coverage of topics, higher
    branding, valuable take away and participation is
    made more affordable.

- Agenda
Key Wish 3 Certification
  • A large number of aspirants to be a CFPS have
    provided a number of interesting suggestions and
    concerns. These have been categorized into
  • Key Findings
  • The largest number of suggestions are towards a
    re-look at the basic framework of certification.
  • Some of the strong concerns included the rules
    linking IFPUG membership to certification,
    minimum pass and certification fees.
  • Provision to practice certification through mock
    tests, branding of CFPS and improvement in
    certification material were some of the requests.
  • Summary Comments
  • Members do seem to attribute good value for being
    identified as a CFPS. This desire seems to be
    leading to demand for streamlining and fine
    tuning the certification processes.
  • Lack of branding CFPS and availability of CFPS in
    other languages seem to be an impediment in
    higher participation by members.

- Agenda
Key Wish 4 IFPUG Web Site
  • The Web Site is seen as the face of IFPUG. The
    wishes expressed by members point to a need to
    totally revamp the Web site.
  • Key Findings
  • There seems to be a strong dissatisfaction
    towards the overall layout of the IFPUG Web Site.
  • Members expect a lot many useful artifacts to be
    directly available on the web site.
  • As compared to many Web sites provided by similar
    organizations, members point out the lack of
    availability of many on-line knowledge sharing
  • Summary Comments
  • There is an underlying desire to be associated
    with an organization that has a beautiful face to
    show to the external world. Many suggestions by
    members point to this desire.
  • In the current, highly IT enabled, user community
    globally there is an expectation that many
    interactions, administration and E-Learning
    activities are facilitated through a well
    designed Web Site.

- Agenda
Key Wish 5 IFPUG Management
  • The operational aspects of IFPUG as an
    organization has been viewed as an important
    factor by members. A number of suggestions have
    been received.
  • Key Findings
  • Requests for making the IFPUG executive teams to
    be rotated on a defined time period.
  • Integration of various committees in order to
    maximize benefits.
  • A Reward Recognition process to encourage
    volunteers contributions.
  • Summary Comments
  • Though not many but there are suggestions from
    members for IFPUG executive team to be more
  • The expectations are for the management teams to
    derive a higher branding and positioning of the
    IFPUG organization through pro-active integration
    of its processes with other industry standard,
    similar organization processes.

- Agenda
Summary of other Wishes
  • Technical Content
  • Many requests to provide more solved examples,
    and develop a repository of case study material
    for ready reference.
  • The CPM needs much refinement and could have
    solutions to address wider type of project
    executions including package implementation,
    data-warehouse etc.
  • IFPUG Branding
  • Improve presence of IFPUG globally.
  • Integrate/interface IFPUG processes with other
    standard industry processes including CMMI, ISO
  • Enhance technical papers and other value add
    artifacts contents on the IFPUG web site.
  • Need for an aggressive communication channel from
    IFPUG to address a variety of admin, technical
    and conference related communications with
  • Strong desire for technical support from IFPUG
    approved experts. Many FP counting situations
    needs application of the counting process to
    complex situations.
  • Membership
  • Demands from many countries (outside USA) for
    local presence indicates a strong possibility of
    increasing the membership base.
  • Re-structuring the membership fees is another
    area of concern from many.

Back-up Slides
Questions Analysis Details
IFPUG Services Questions 8-38
IFPUG Services Questions 8 38 (Details)
- Agenda
- Findings

IFPUG Services Question 8
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Interactions with IFPUG seems to be efficient
  • Around 8 are unhappy with these interactions
  • Members associate IFPUG in this context very
    strongly with the IFPUG (CMA) office
  • Comments Summary
  • A significant proportion of the comments reported
    no interaction and these may have translated
    into a mixture of agree and neutral.
  • About the same number of members report excellent
    efficiency as report poor efficiency. In the
    former case, they ascribe this to individuals.
    In the latter case, almost all the reports
    complain about poor responsiveness.

IFPUG Services Question 9
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Interactions with IFPUG are friendly
  • Members associate IFPUG in this context very
    strongly with the IFPUG (CMA) office
  • Comments Summary
  • Very few comments but a couple worth passing on
  • Chris is always very friendly, professional and
  • Always pleasant even when wildly ineffective.

IFPUG Services - Question 10
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Members believe that the IFPUG volunteers do a
    great job!
  • Some members were surprised that IFPUG is run by
  • Some members felt that while the limited output
    is understandable given the use of volunteers it
    is not necessarily excusable. Other options could
    be worth considering.
  • Comments Summary
  • It is mixed - some do a great job, others less
  • I didn't know that they were volunteers!! Now
    am positively surprised.
  • They could do a far better job with paid
    assistants for editing, formatting and other
    aspects of documentation

IFPUG Services Question 11
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • While there is a broader spread of opinion on
    this statement, fewer members support hiring
    managers than reject it.
  • While there were a few comments strongly
    advocating the continuation of the volunteer
    model, most expressed support for some addition
    of paid managers for certain specialist roles
    (the comments suggested various roles as being
    the most important for paid management.
  • Comments Summary
  • Need to "professionalize" the Counting Practices
    Committee in this era of out sourcing contracts
    denominated in FPs
  • I agree most of IFPUG can be run on a volunteer
    basis, but in special specific needs cases IFPUG
    should hire the right people for the job.

IFPUG Services Question 12
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Strong agreement here
  • Comments Summary
  • A significant portion of the members providing
    comments either do not use the BB or did not know
    about it.
  • There is concern about the accuracy of some of
    the responses and a feeling that a more obvious
    CPC voice could be helpful.

IFPUG Services Question 13
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Members seem to be generally satisfied in their
    survey scores but although those comments who
    commented (other than to say they dont use it)
    were universally negative
  • Comments Summary
  • The website is not updated often enough.
  • There is content which is out of date.
  • The website design and operation could and should
    be improved.

IFPUG Services Question 14
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • The website is OK but could be better
  • The comments included a number of positive
    suggestions for improvements in content.
  • Comments Summary
  • Suggestions include Better search capability,
    more content to support my every day work.
    current architecture examples (web base) counts,
    training material (for examples for CFPS) or case
    studies, more information, white papers, etc on
    topical areas such as the recent review of non
    functional counting practices, ways to manage
    user expectations in such areas, etc. This is not
    a comprehensive list but all the comments are
    available when needed.

IFPUG Services Question 15
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • While members are broadly satisfied, they would
    like to see more in some fairly common, specific
    areas (see below)
  • Comments Summary
  • More foreign language support would be
  • More (robust and varied) online education would
    be useful
  • Need more and different classes to get CEPs
  • More case studies and example of practical
    applications are needed

IFPUG Services Question 16
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • The majority of members agree with this statement
  • Comments Summary
  • There were relatively few comments but the most
    common theme was that IFPUG does not do enough to
    sell function points to corporations

IFPUG Services Question 17
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • A large number of members neutral on this one.
  • Comments Summary
  • Most common theme was that IFPUG could do more to
    support non-US and/or non-English speaking
    members by providing educational materials in
    other languages and online.

IFPUG Services Question 18
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Again, a lot of members are neutral on this
  • The comments suggest that members might be
    confused about whether or not this is, or should
    be, a role for IFPUG
  • Comments Summary
  • IFPUG could do more to support non-US and/or
    non-English speaking members by providing
    educational materials in other languages and
  • IFPUG should support companies in broader areas
    of Benchmarking Estimation
  • Not sure how we can have an appropriate

IFPUG Services Question 19
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • While more members are satisfied than
    dissatisfied, the comments are full of ideas for
    how the website could be better (see below).
  • Comments Summary
  • Needs updating, not current, stale
  • Reorganize, Revamp, Not the best design,
    time for a makeover
  • Content is patchy, CPM should be at public
    area, Need more guidelines

IFPUG Services Question 20
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Majority of Members agree.
  • Comments Summary
  • Few comments the negative ones are complaints
    about missed communications.

IFPUG Services Question 21
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Majority of Members agree with this statement
  • Comments Summary
  • Few comments these most echo comments about the
    quality of the website (see Question 19) but some
    are very specific and should be followed up. For
  • Were can I access last ISMA proceeding?
  • Looking for a specific CFPS doesn't seem to work
    any more
  • Would be nice to have individual access (user id
    and password), rather than having to access via a
    single corporate user id/password.

IFPUG Services Question 22
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Majority of Members agree with this statement
  • A significant number of the comments claimed they
    did not understand this question which raises
    doubts about the response (if more people did not
    understand but responded anyway).
  • Comments Summary
  • Comments divide roughly into 4 types of
  • I didnt understand the question
  • I live in the US and Im fine
  • I dont live in the US, I dont have any local
    IFPUG access and that is fine
  • I dont live in the US, I dont have any local
    IFPUG access, we need more

IFPUG Services Question 23
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • There was a large neutral vote which might
    reflect the tone of a lot of the comments
    Members simply dont know if volunteers are
    sufficiently recognized because they dont know
    who they are.
  • Comments Summary
  • The comments that where not Dont know
    generally thought more could be done.
  • They used to at least have a volunteer
    recognition evening
  • PMI - PMP volunteers are a good example the way
    they should be rewarded.
  • Should be remembered in the newsletter or Web

IFPUG Services Question 24
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Strong Majority of Members agree with this
  • Comments Summary
  • A few dissenting comments felt that
    recertification should be based on competence not
    service and that there might be more appropriate
    ways to recognize service (see Questions 23)

IFPUG Services Question 25
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • A majority of Members would like to volunteer.
    This is an interesting response because it does
    not seem to correlate with recent experience?
    Perhaps IFPUG is not making it easy for Members
    to contribute?
  • Comments Summary
  • Most of the comments were from Members who
    already serve on Committees simply recording
    that fact.
  • Another theme in the comments was that some
    international members felt participation would be
    difficult because of their limited English
    language skills
  • Finally, a few Members reported that they do not
    have time.

IFPUG Services Question 26
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Strong majority of Members agree with this
  • Comments Summary
  • Few comments. Most report that the experience
    has been very rewarding.
  • One comments raises concerns that IFPUG could
    easily address
  • I do not believe that the overall concept of
    volunteerism is sufficiently marketed or promoted
    within IFPUG. we should restructure the entire
    volunteer selection process each person should
    not serve on multiple committees We need to
    identify in new terms (not from the IFPUG in a
    box presentation) the benefits of volunteering in
    IFPUG, and more importantly, allow more people to
    become involved.
  • I don't think I would get much credit for that
    within the company. I have seen that with other
    colleagues that did volunteer.

IFPUG Services Question 27
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Strong majority of Members agree with this
  • Comments Summary
  • The only real dissent from this view in the
    comments is where members feel that Certification
    is the most valuable part reason for membership.

IFPUG Services Question 28
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Majority of Members agree with this statement
  • Comments Summary
  • Surprisingly few comments on this one again,
    the theme here is that information, certification
    and fellow members are equally important no one
    is more important than the others.

IFPUG Services Question 29
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Strong majority of Members agree with this
  • This response expresses more dissatisfaction with
    the IFPUG status quo than any other in the
    survey. While most statements have been
    intentionally worded positively (What we do now
    is good). This one is worded intentionally with
    the opposite sense. If Members truly want more
    services we would expect lots of suggestions in
    the comments but there are relatively few (only
    19 Members bothered to comment). It is possible
    that some Members responded to this statement
    from a general sense of satisfaction with IFPUG
    and, hence, agreed with everything. It is also
    possible that this is a natural response to more
    is better than less.
  • Comments Summary
  • Some good, specific ideas which should be
    reviewed in detail.

IFPUG Services Question 30
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Member opinion is divided on this question.
  • Slightly more Members disagree than agree but
    here is a strong group who are neutral.
  • Comments Summary
  • A number of members acknowledge that their
    response to this question is driven by he fact
    that their company pays
  • A few comments reveal that IPUG Membership is
    more expensive for individuals than IEEE, ACM or
  • A number of Members might be willing to pay more
    depending on the particular new services being
    offered. This suggests a pay for usage

IFPUG Services Question 31
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Members are divided on this statement although
    more agree than disagree
  • An interesting theme in the comments was that
    there I little more that IFPUG can cut back
    without disappearing.
  • Comments Summary
  • A number of members commented that they would
    prefer to reserve judgment until they could see
    specific proposals

IFPUG Services Question 32
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Member opinion is divided on this statement
  • More Members disagree than agree
  • Comments Summary
  • A number of Members commented that they consider
    they already have a local organization (e.g. US,
    Italy, Netherlands)
  • A number of comments expressed doubts or had
    questions about what services/value such local
    offices would provide.

IFPUG Services Question 33
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • A majority of Members agree with this statement
  • Like Question 29, agreement in this case is an
    expression of dissatisfaction with the status
  • Comments Summary
  • There few comments on this questions but, again
    like Q29, the biggest theme was It depends on
    the services being offered.
  • Again, there were some interesting specific
    suggestions e.g. A regular magazine would be
    nice, SFPUG in Spain have no content and the
    CPM is not translated into Spanish, IFPUG is an
    international organization with international
    members but all conferences, workshops etc are
    held in US.

IFPUG Services Question 34
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Members have mixed opinions on this statement.
    Slight more disagree than agree which suggests
    there is dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  • Comments Summary
  • Technology is moving rapidly and the technical
    papers are too slow to respond.
  • Please, aren't we still waiting for the
    "counting web sites" technical paper to be
  • The technical papers are old and not the true
    reflection of the current IT developments
  • Limited technical papers, when you think about
    publications such as Cross-talk. IFPUG does not
    solicit nor publish technical papers, such as
    StickyMinds this would be a huge service
    offering to IFPUG members.

IFPUG Services Question 35
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • While almost half of the Members agree with this
    statement, over one-fifth disagree.
  • The comments suggest that some Members would
    prefer a quarterly publication.
  • Comments Summary
  • In addition to a significant number of requests
    for a quarterly publication, comments also
    suggested that MetricViews should be distributed
    by email or posted on the website or both.
  • Several Members suggested that a more frequent,
    electronic MetricViews could save costs, address
    the desire for more technical papers or go some
    way to improving Member services.

IFPUG Services Question 36
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Member responses to this statement are very
    evenly divided
  • Comments Summary
  • The most common negative comment seems to be the
    absence of an official voice, Need definitive
    views of CPC on occasions.
  • While the interaction is appreciated, it
    sometimes leads to, lots of rambling,
    inconsistencies, not easy to find all relevant
    info in concise manner.
  • On the positive side. Collaboration with other
    CFPSs is best type of assistance, is tempered
    by, It helps, but no bulletin board is going to
    cover 100.

IFPUG Services Question 37
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Almost half of Members agree but a significant
    minority disagree.
  • Comments Summary
  • There is demand for Spanish
  • A large proportion of the comments assert that
    they are OK because they speak English this may
    be an indicator that those of our members who are
    not English speakers may be significantly
    underrepresented in the comments.

IFPUG Services Question 38
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • More Members disagree than agree with this
    statement. There is an unusually large
    contingent who Strongly Disagree.
  • This is an area that needs to be addressed
  • Comments Summary
  • There were a relatively high number of comments
    on this statement
  • The common theme of the comments was that more
    diverse examples of all sorts are needed not
    just real-time.
  • There were a number of requests for examples
    dealing with newer technologies.

IFPUG Membership Questions 39 - 50
IFPUG Membership Questions 39 50 (Details)
- Agenda
- Findings

IFPUG Membership - Questions 39-50
  • General considerations for this section
  • Members pro include those that agree and
    strongly agree
  • Member against include those that disagree and
    strongly disagree
  • Similar ideas found within answers were captured
    as Common Themes (CTs)
  • Findings
  • Almost half of the members skipped these
  • Most of the questions (7 from 11) have a high
    percent of members that responded positively
    (agree/strongly agree)
  • Three questions had a high percent of members
    that are indifferent (Q47, Q48, and Q49)
  • Q43 58.1 of members considered the question
    N/A the number of members pro and against are

IFPUG Membership Question 39
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 81.5 of members believe that IFPUG membership
    represents a value to them
  • Only 3.7 of members consider that IFPUG
    membership isnt valuable to them
  • A general idea is that the IFPUG membership has
    an indirect value to its members
  • Comments Summary
  • It is valuable only to maintain my certification
  • My company likes me to have it
  • Its value is rapidly diminishing
  • I am no longer in a role where the membership
    will assist me

IFPUG Membership Question 40
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 72.9 have the membership paid by their company
    vs. 9.1 of members that dont.
  • 7.9 are indifferent (possible a mixed
  • 19.1 members dont have the membership paid by
    the company
  • Comments Summary
  • Yes, the company has a corporate membership
  • Not any more, or not for much longer
  • It is valuable only to maintain my certification

IFPUG Membership Question 41
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Almost half of the members that responded to this
    question consider to pay for their IFPUG
    membership if their company will not cover it any
  • 26.1 of members are indifferent
  • Percent members that are indifferent is very
    close to percent members that will not consider
    paying the IFPUG membership
  • Comments Summary
  • Depends in what the fee will be
  • Depends if my company will see any value in it
  • It depends on my career path
  • Yes, I need to retain my certification

IFPUG Membership Question 42
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 44.2 of members consider the membership value
    enough to pay for it than the members that dont
  • 16.5 of members considered this question not
  • 22.8 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • Depends on the job IFPUG has done almost nothing
    to encourage it.
  • Hard decision if the membership dues changed
  • My company will not pay for the individual

IFPUG Membership Question 43
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • More than half of the members (58.1 ) consider
    this question not applicable
  • The number of members who consider the CSMC
    certification valuable is equal with the number
    of members who dont (7.3)
  • 27.4 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • Not CSMS certified
  • CSMS is not recognized/ valued in my organization
  • IFPUG has not marketed enough, so its not demand
    for it.

IFPUG Membership Question 44
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • More than half of the members (52.9 ) who
    answered this question believe that IFPUG
    membership represent a good value for the money
  • 36.6 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • Not me, but the company pays
  • The value is to have the CFPS and not the

IFPUG Membership Question 45
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 62.4 of members would be willing to work on an
    IFPUG Committee focused on their region of the
    world vs. 11.6 who would not.
  • 26.1 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • I dont have the time
  • I am currently a member
  • Yes, if qualified
  • Yes, if it has its rewords

IFPUG Membership Question 46
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • A high percentage of members (67.6 ) consider
    that IFPUG membership is valuable to their
    company vs. those who dont (10.2)
  • 22.1 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • It is becoming less valuable (due to issues such
    as multiple media)
  • Would be helpful if IFPUG would advertise more
  • Not sure it will be due to re-alignment and
    evolving business priorities
  • The company doesnt care

IFPUG Membership Question 47
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 51.2 of members are indifferent
  • 28.1 of members are willing to accept a higher
    membership fee vs. 20.8 who are not.
  • Comments Summary
  • Is my company decision to make
  • More access to events in the region to gain
    recertification credits
  • Keep the membership option for the ones that are
    really interested in it
  • Yes, but under certain conditions (complete
    access to all IFPUG publications, conferences
    materials and papers, improve website content,
    create charters where to meet)

IFPUG Membership Question 48
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 41.6 of members are indifferent
  • 39.3 of members are interested to participate in
    this type of program vs. 19.2 who are not
  • Comments Summary
  • Already doing it
  • Depends on the details
  • Not so sure what that means
  • This might be advantageous for consulting groups
    only (if you
  • are not working on FP/estimation full time)
  • Use the PMI structure credits for

IFPUG Membership Question 49
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 67.3 of members are indifferent
  • The percent of members that believe IFPUG has a
    better structure than other organizations is
    slightly higher than the percent of those who
  • Comments Summary
  • Companies with a better structure/fee ASQ, PMI
    (provides more info at less cost), SEI, IEEE,
  • I am not aware of similar organizations
  • I am not familiar with other organizations
    structure I can not compare
  • Mandatory retesting CFPS every 3 years is
    atypical annual membership should not be
    required to maintain certification
  • CT 5 Working in a committee doesn't bring any
    benefit to me

IFPUG Membership Question 50
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Members are divided on this statement although
    more agree (38.6) than disagree (27.1)
  • 34.3 of members are indifferent
  • Comments Summary
  • I am interested
  • It is not up to me
  • Is very interesting but need more details
  • This might be interesting for my company
  • Not at this time

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 51 - 67
ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 51 67
- Agenda
- Findings

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 51
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 41 in favor
  • Around 19 see little value
  • Comments Summary
  • Very useful discussions but must remain
  • Less useful with lower attendance levels
  • Too far away, too US centred and very
  • Never been able to attend

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 52 and 53
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Result of votes unclear but comments push
    towards Spring
  • 2/3 of people actually dont seem to care
  • Around 22 prefer spring 14 prefer autumn
  • Comments Summary
  • Spring is better because funding is easier
  • Dont care when it is
  • Fall is preferable
  • Never been able to attend

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 54, 55 and
- Agenda
- Summary
ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 54, 55 and
56 (Cont.)
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 33 of members try to attend conferences
  • 42 did not attend because of cost, 38 because
    of location
  • Comments Summary
  • Cost was critical
  • Bad Location
  • Good Location
  • Other comments
  • Some respondents attended (Q54 55)

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 57 and 58
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Only 3.5 of people thought fees were too low
  • 83 believed that speakers should receive a
  • Comments Summary
  • Fees are on a par with other conferences
  • Travel costs make all cost too much
  • Discount for speakers
  • 50 Discount 5 100 Discount 5
  • Put fees up and put more into the

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 59
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 56 of respondents agreed
  • Only 12 didnt agree
  • Comments Summary
  • They funded it but it is hard to get approval
  • Make it available on-line

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 60
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 38 of respondents said they got a lot from
  • Only 6 didnt agree
  • Comments Summary
  • I got no value from conference
  • Networking is more important information
  • Make things available on electronic media

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 61
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 30 of respondents agreed
  • 8 didnt agree
  • Comments Summary
  • Yes - but only 2008
  • No
  • Limited
  • Don't like the idea
  • No idea

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 62
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 35 of respondents agreed
  • 26 didnt agree
  • Comments Summary
  • Move the conferences round the world
  • Conference should be where most members are
  • (No longer US)
  • Fine for US members
  • International conferences as well
  • There's a world outside US

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 63
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 42 of respondents agreed
  • 18 didnt agree
  • Comments Summary
  • Considering that one need not be a member to
    attend, how does this offer any value?
  • But I pay extra for it...it is not what I get
    for my membership.

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 64, 65 and
- Agenda
- Summary
ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Questions 64, 65 and
66 (Cont.)
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 67 of respondents would like local courses
  • 78 would like to see courses on-line
  • 39 Would like training to continue at
  • Comments Summary
  • Would like local courses
  • Use distance learning/electronic media
  • As an add on to other classes
  • Like face to face courses
  • Must be wider than conference

ISMA Conference/WS/Courses Question 67
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • 40 of respondents agreed
  • 28 clearly did not know
  • Comments Summary
  • Didn't know
  • Why can't courses generate CEUs as well
  • Not relevant/didn't understand question

CFPS and CSMS CertificationsQuestions 68 - 77
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Questions 68 77
- Agenda
- Findings

CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 68
- Agenda
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Most people( nearly 90 of CFPS exam test takers)
    think that CFPS exam is challenging
  • Less than 5 people think the exam is easy
  • Comments Summary
  • The exam time is too short to finish all the
  • Exams are frequently needlessly tricky with lots
    of negative logic

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 69
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Around half of CSMS exam takers do not think
    that exam is so challenging, it seems that the
    CSMS exam is not as difficult as CFPS exam
  • Most respondents did not take the CSMS exam
  • Comments Summary
  • The exam is too expensive for I have to take the

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 70
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Many people (around 70) prefer to taking the
    automated CFPS exam
  • Only few people (around 11) are unhappy with the
    automated CFPS exam
  • Comments Summary
  • Automated CFPS exam is cheaper and more
  • It would be better to have the online vendor card
    during the exam

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 71
- Summary
  • Findings
  • People (around 50) like to take the web based
  • Comments Summary
  • CSMS exam needs more promotion in the aspect of
    industry value

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 72
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Most people (around 70) agree that certification
    is the most valuable part in membership
  • Around 8 do not think so
  • Comments Summary
  • Networking and conference are also very valuable
    for membership
  • CPM is valuable for my membership

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 73
- Summary
  • Findings
  • More than 50 people feel happy about the
    certification process
  • Around 18 are unhappy for the certification
  • Comments Summary
  • 3 yrs for the certification term is too short
  • A process like PMI-PDU is necessary
  • 90 is too much for passing criteria
  • Ongoing membership should be a criteria for
    ongoing certification

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 74
- Summary
  • Findings
  • In contrast with the certification process, there
    is about 33 people feel happy about the
    recertification process
  • Around 30 are unhappy for the recertification
    process, the proponents are almost same with the
    opponents for this question
  • Comments Summary
  • Recertification should only be required upon new
    releases of CPM
  • CFPS Certification Extension Program (CEP) should
    be more flexible and easier
  • Other comments are similar with question 73

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 75
- Summary
- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 76
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Nearly 40 people think it is unnecessary to have
    tiers of membership
  • Slightly more than 20 people think it is good to
    have the new membership structure
  • Comments Summary
  • The tier needs to be based on membership years
    and/or volunteer committee participation.
  • IFPUG would need to convince members and the
    marketplace of the benefit

- Agenda
CFPS and CSMS Certifications Question 77
- Summary
  • Findings
  • Slightly more than 30 people dislike the idea
  • Around 28 people support the idea. Notice, the
    percentages are very close
  • Comments Summary
  • Care is needed to differentiate between
    recognition and paid advertising
  • There could be a benefit in promoting the
    acknowledged guru's as well as regional champions
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