Title: QRPA Calculation in Fitting Process of
1QRPA Calculation in Fitting Process of Functional
J. Terasaki (Univ. North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- 2. Motivation to search energy density functional
- 3. Energies and BE2s of lowest 2 states of
spherical nuclei - 4. Gamow-Teller strength
2Quasiparticle random-phase approximation
Introduce a creation operator of an excited state
creation operator of quasiparticle
HFB calculation
QRPA equation
3If you define
creation operator of single-particle
excited states obtained by 2-particle transfer
reaction are obtained.
If you define
neutron-annihilation and proton-creation operator
excited states obtained by charge-exchange
reaction are obtained.
4Origin of nuclear energy functional theory
D. Vautherin and D.M. Brink, PRC 5, 626 (1972)
5calculated nuclei having exp first 2 energy
original figure http//www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/
6Lowest 2 states of spherical nuclei
Gogny, D1S
GCM ? collective Hamil- tonian
J. T. and J. Engel, arXiv0801.2346v1 B. Sabbey
et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, 044305 (2007) G.F.
Bertsch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 032502 (2007)
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9strength of momentum-independent spin-isospin
M. Bender et al., Phys. Rev. C 65, 054322 (2002)
10Summary Energies and BE2s of lowest 2 states
of spherical nuclei were compared with exp. data
and different calculations. Quality of energy
of QRPA calculation is comparable with
GCMcoll.Hamiltonian and better than GCM. QRPA
is not good for light nuclei in terms of BE2.
QRPA is powerful for calculating strength
functions, but it was not mentioned.
This talk is based on collaboration with Dr. J.