Title: The Vision and Reality of Ubiquitous Computing
1The Vision and Reality of Ubiquitous Computing
- Prof. Henning Schulzrinne
- Dept. of Computer Science
- Columbia University
- (with Arezu Moghadam, Ron Shacham, Suman
Srinivasan, Xiaotao Wu and other IRT members
parts in cooperation with DoCoMo Eurolabs)
- The original vision of ubiquitous computing
- User challenges
- Beyond terminal mobility
- Location as new core service
- Universality 7DS
3Ubiquitous computing ? ubiquitous communications
- It is invisible, everywhere computing that does
not live on a personal device of any sort, but is
in the woodwork everywhere. - Weisers original vision (Nomadic Issues in
Ubiquitous Computing, 1996) - one person, many computers
- many computers embedded in environment
- dynamic ownership
- PC phonebooth
- IR use will grow rapidly
- Updated version, 2007
- not physically invisible, but transparent
- emphasis on communications, not computing
- most devices are mobile (or nomadic)
- cheap electronics ?personal devices
- radio (channelized and UWB)
- The original vision of ubiquitous computing
- User challenges
- Beyond terminal mobility
- Location as new core service
- Universality 7DS
5User challenges vs. research challenges
- Are we addressing real user needs?
- Engineering vs. sports
- My guesses
ease of use
no manual
no re-entry no duplication
phishing data loss
limited risk
6Example Email configuration
- Application configuration for (mobile) devices
painful - SMTP port 25 vs. 587
- IMAP vs. POP
- TLS vs. SSL vs. secure authentication
- Worse for SIP...
7Example SIP configuration
partially explains
- highly technical parameters, with differing names
- inconsistent conventions for user and realm
- made worse by limited end systems (configure by
multi-tap) - usually fails with some cryptic error message and
no indication which parameter - out-of-box experience not good
8Mobile whys
- Not research, but examples of real annoyances
- Why does each mobile device need its own power
supply? - Why do I have to adjust the clock on my camera
each time I travel? - Why do I have to know what my IMAP server is and
whether it uses TLS or SSL? - Why do I have to type in my address book?
- Why do I have to synchronize my PDA?
- Why do I have to manually update software?
- Why is connecting a laptop to a projector a
gamble? - Why do we use USB memory sticks when all laptops
have 802.11b?
9Consumer wireless mobile devices
Prius key
Garage door opener
TAN display
Water leak alarm
wireless door bell
MSN Direct weather
10Mobile systems - reality
- idea special purpose (phone) --gt universal
communicator - idea is easy...
- mobile equipment laptop phone
- sufficiently different UI and capabilities
- we all know the ideal (converged) cell phone
- difficulty is not technology, but integration and
programmability - (almost) each phone has a different flavor of OS
- doesnt implement all functionality in Java APIs
- no dominant vendor (see UNIX/Linux vs. Microsoft)
- external interfaces crippled or unavailable
- e.g., phone book access
location data
11Example displays and speakers
12Philosophy transition
PC era cell phone era
One computer/phone, many users
One computer/phone, one user
mainframe era home phone party line
Many computers/phones, one user
ubiquitous computing
anywhere, any time any media
right place (device), right time, right media
13The mobile ubiquitous challenge
Mobile phone
Mobile Internet access
Interconnected devices
Internet of things
14What do we need?
- Standards, not new technology
- Radio connectivity
- 802.11a/b/g/n, 802.15.4 ?
- better discovery of networks
- Location information everywhere
- Discovery devices services
- network-local discovery via Bonjour (mDNS) ?
- missing location-based discovery
- Advanced mobility session, personal, service
- Event notification
- Data formats
- location, sensor events, ...
15Examples of invisible behavior
- MP3 player in car automatically picks up new
files in home server - A new email with vcard attachment automatically
updates my cell phone address book - The display of my laptop appears on the local
projector - without cable or configuration
- I can call people I just met at Mobiquitous
- without exchanging business cards
- My car key opens my front door
- My cell phone serves as a TAN (one-time password)
generator - My cell phone automatically turns itself off
during a lecture - My camera knows where the picture was taken
16An interconnected system
opens doors
generates TAN
incoming call
updates location
time, location
address book
alert, events
any weather service school closings
acoustic alerts
17Thinking beyond 802.11 and UMTS
- Many interesting networks beyond those covered in
conferences - ease of access by researchers vs. importance
- 90 of papers on 802.11b and maybe GPRS,
BlueTooth - New wireless networks
- broadcast instead of unicast -- useful for many
ubiquitous applications - S5 for low-rate sensors (city scale)
- Zigbee (802.15.4) for local sensors (20 - 250
kb/s) - FM subcarrier (not really new) -- MSN Direct
- FM Radio Data System -- TMC
- Sirius / XM
- HD radio
- paging
- The original vision of ubiquitous computing
- User challenges
- Beyond terminal mobility
- Location as new core service
- Universality 7DS
19Application-layer mobility
- terminal mobility
- one terminal, multiple network addresses
- Personal mobility
- one person, multiple terminals
- e.g., Grandcentral
- session mobility
- one user, multiple terminals in sequence or in
parallel - service mobility
- services move with user
20Session mobility
- Walk into office, switch from cell phone to desk
phone - call transfer problem ? SIP REFER
- related problem split session across end devices
- e.g., wall display desk phone PC for
collaborative application - assume devices (or stand-ins) are SIP-enabled
- third-party call control
R. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W.
Kellerer, Ubiquitous device personalization and
use The next generation of IP multimedia
communications, ACM TOMCCAP, May 2007
21How to find services?
- Two complementary developments
- smaller devices carried on user instead of
stationary devices - devices that can be time-shared
- large plasma displays
- projector
- hi-res cameras
- echo-canceling speaker systems
- wide-area network access
- Need to discover services in local environment
- SLP (Service Location Protocol) allows querying
for services - find all color displays with at least XGA
resolution - slp//example.com/SrvRqst?public?typeprinter
- SLP in multicast mode
- SLP in DA mode
- Apple Bonjour
- Need to discover services before getting to
environment - is there a camera in the meeting room?
- SLP extension find remote DA via DNS SRV
- LoST to find services by geographic location
22Session mobility
Local Devices
Correspondent Node (CN)
Mobile Node (MN)
- The original vision of ubiquitous computing
- User challenges
- Beyond terminal mobility
- Location as new core service
- Universality 7DS
24Context-aware communication
- context the interrelated conditions in which
something exists or occurs - anything known about the participants in the
(potential) communication relationship - both at caller and callee
25GEOPRIV and SIMPLE architectures
rule maker
XCAP (rules)
location server
location recipient
notification interface
publication interface
presence agent
SIP presence
SIP call
26Presence data architecture
presence sources
raw presence document
privacy filtering
create view (compose)
depends on watcher
select best source resolve contradictions
composition policy
privacy policy
(not defined yet)
27Presence data architecture
candidate presence document
raw presence document
post-processing composition (merging)
watcher filter
remove data not of interest
difference to previous notification
final presence document
28Presence data model
person (presentity) (views)
alice_at_example.com audio, video, text
r42_at_example.com video
29RPID rich presence
- Provide watchers with better information about
the what, where, how of presentities - facilitate appropriate communications
- wait until end of meeting
- use text messaging instead of phone call
- make quick call before flight takes off
- designed to be derivable from calendar
information - or provided by sensors in the environment
- allow filtering by sphere the parts of our
life - dont show recreation details to colleagues
30Rich presence
- More information for (authorized) people and
applications - automatically derived from
- sensors physical presence, movement
- electronic activity calendars
- Rich information
- multiple contacts per presentity
- device (cell, PDA, phone, )
- service (audio)
- activities, current and planned
- sphere (home vs. work)
- current user mood
- surroundings (noise, privacy, vehicle, )
- contact information
- composing (typing, recording audio/video IM, )
31Presence and privacy
- All presence data, particularly location, is
highly sensitive - Basic location object (PIDF-LO) describes
- distribution (binary)
- retention duration
- Policy rules for more detailed access control
- who can subscribe to my presence
- who can see what when
lttuple id"sg89ae"gt ltstatusgt ltgpgeoprivgt
ltgplocation-infogt ltgmllocationgt
ltgmlPoint gmlid"point1 srsName"ep
sg4326"gt ltgmlcoordinatesgt374630N
1222510W lt/gmlcoordinatesgt
lt/gmlPointgt lt/gmllocationgt
lt/gplocation-infogt ltgpusage-rulesgt
ltgpretransmission-allowedgtno lt/gpretransmissi
on-allowedgt ltgpretention-expirygt2003-06-2
3T045729Z lt/gpretention-expirygt
lt/gpusage-rulesgt lt/gpgeoprivgt lt/statusgt
lttimestampgt2003-06-22T205729Zlt/timestampgt lt/tupl
32Events as missing Internet capability
- aka PUB/SUB
- Used across applications, e.g.,
- email and voicemail notification
- presence
- replace RSS ( poll!)
- web service completion
- emergency alerts (reverse 9-1-1)
- network management
- home control
- data synchronization
- Rich research history
- but too complex, optimize the wrong thing
- XMPP and SIP as likely transport candidates
33Local Switch
Automatic Number Identification
Automatic Location Identification
Collaboration between local phone providers and
local public safety agencies
34911 technology failures
- NY Times (An S O S for 911 Systems in Age of
High-Tech), 4/6/07 - 40 of counties, most of them rural or
small-town , cannot yet pinpoint the location of
the cellphone callers, though the technology to
do so has been available for at least five
years.In Okmulgee, Okla., last November,
4-year-old Graciella Mathews-Tiger died in a
house fire after a 911 operator who lacked the
technology to pinpoint the call misheard the
address. - Phase II wireless billions of dollars spent
- In Mississippi, only 1 of out 5 counties
- As it ages, it is cracking, with problems like
system overload, understaffing, misrouted calls
and bug-ridden databases leading to unanswered
calls and dangerous errors. - operator (CAMA) trunks, with 8-digit number
delivery - MSAG and ALI databases
35Location delivery
wire map
36Location, location, location, ...
Voice Service Provider (VSP) sees emergency
call but does not know caller location
ISP/IAP knows user location but does not handle
37Options for location delivery
- Wireless
- S5 wireless (active sensors triangulation)
- Skyhook (802.11 in urban areas)
- L2 LLDP-MED (standardized version of CDP
location data) - periodic per-port broadcast of configuration
information - L3 DHCP for
- geospatial (RFC 3825)
- civic (RFC 4676)
- L7 proposals for retrievals HELD, SIP,
- for own IP address or by third party (e.g., ISP
to infrastructure provider) - by IP address
- by MAC address
- by identifier (conveyed by DHCP or PPP)
- HTTP-based
38Locating Caller using LLDP-MED
LLDP-MED stands for Link Layer Discovery
Protocol a vendor-neutral Layer 2 protocol
that allows a network device to advertise its
identity and capabilities on the local
network. Media Endpoint Discovery an
enhancement to the LLDP that allows discovery of
other things including location
From Wikipedia
I am LLDP-MED Capable. I can process location
Your location is 500 W 120TH st. New York NY
39Location determination options
40SIP message for Location Info.
OTY MIME-Version 1.0 Content-Type
application/pidfxml Content-Transfer-Encoding
8bit lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt
ltpresence xmlns"urnietfparamsxmlnspidf"
xmlnscl" urnietfparamsxmlnspidfgeopriv1
0civilLoc" xmlnsgml"urnopengisspecificati
lttuple id"28185"gt ltstatusgt ltgpgeoprivgt
ltgplocation-infogt ltclcivilAddressgt
ltclA1gtnylt/clA1gt ltclA2gtnew
yorklt/clA2gt ltclA3gtnew yorklt/clA3gt
ltclHNOgt1214lt/clHNOgt lt/clcivilAddressgt
lt/gplocation-infogt ltgpmethodgtManuallt/gp
methodgt lt/gpgeoprivgt lt/statusgt
ltcontact priority"0.8"gtsipeddie_at_160.39.54.70506
0lt/contactgt lttimestampgt2005-09-26T155734-040
0lt/timestampgt lt/tuplegt lt/presencegt -------
INVITE urnservicesos SIP/2.0
request line
To urnservicesos Call-ID 763782461_at_192.168.1.1
06 Via SIP/2.0/TCP Conte
nt-Type multipart/mixed boundary From
sipcaller_at_irt.cs.columbia.edu Contact
ltsipeddie_at_160.39.54.705060gt CSeq 1
INVITE Content-Length 1379
header fields
TY MIME-Version 1.0 content-Type
application/sdp Content-Transfer-Encoding
8bit v0 oeddie 1127764654 1127764654 IN IP4 sSIPC Call cIN IP4 t0 0 maudio 10000 RTP/AVP 0
3 mvideo 20000 RTP 31
41(No Transcript)
43Data formats location
- Civic (street)
- jurisdictional postal
- Geo (longitude latitude)
- point, polygon, circle,
- see GeoRSS for simple example
44ECRIT LoST Functionality
- Civic as well as geospatial queries
- civic address validation
- Recursive and iterative resolution
- Fully distributed and hierarchical deployment
- can be split by any geographic or civic boundary
- same civic region can span multiple LoST servers
- Indicates errors in civic location data ?
debugging - but provides best-effort resolution
- Can be used for non-emergency services
- directory and information services
- pizza delivery services, towing companies,
ltfindService xmlns"urnlost1"gt ltlocation
profile"basic-civic"gt ltcivicAddressgt
ltA1gtBavarialt/A1gt ltA3gtMunichlt/A3gt
ltA6gtNeu Perlachlt/A6gt ltHNOgt96lt/HNOgt
lt/civicAddressgt lt/locationgt
ltservicegturnservicesos.policelt/servicegt lt/findSe
45LoST Location-to-URL Mapping
cluster serving VSP1
replicate root information
cluster serves VSP2
123 Broad Ave Leonia Bergen County NJ US
root nodes
search referral
Bergen County NJ US
Leonia NJ US
46LoST Architecture
tree guide
broadcast (gossip)
T1 .us T2 .de
T2 (.de)
seeker 313 Westview Leonia, NJ US
T3 (.dk)
T1 (.us)
Leonia, NJ ? sippsap_at_leonianj.gov
47Left to do event notification
- notify (small) group of users when something of
interest happens - presence change of communications state
- email, voicemail alerts
- environmental conditions
- vehicle status
- emergency alerts
- kludges
- HTTP with pending response
- inverse HTTP --gt doesnt work with NATs
- Lots of research (e.g., SIENA)
- IETF efforts starting
- SIP-based
- The original vision of ubiquitous computing
- User challenges
- Beyond terminal mobility
- Location as new core service
- Universality 7DS
49Problems with Wide Area Wireless
- 802.11 currently hard to deploy across city or
large area - Problem How can mobile devices / gadgets get
information while on the move? - Use local peer-to-peer wireless networks to
exchange information - Peers can get information they do not have from
another peer
Solution 7DS!
S. Srinivasan, A. Moghadam, S.G. Hong, H.
Schulzrinne, 7DS - Node Cooperation and
Information Exchange in Mostly Disconnected
Networks, ICC '07. June 2007.
50How 7DS Works
- When devices are in the same BSS (Basic service
set) of 802.11 ad-hoc network, they discover each
other using service discovery of Zeroconf
51How 7DS Works
- If there is no Internet connection, the devices
can communicatewith each other to exchange
52Web Delivery Model
- 7DS core functionality Emulation of web content
access and e-mail delivery
- Peer-to-peer network set up using zeroconf
- Protocol enables devices to communicate with each
other without a DHCP server, a DNS server and a
Directory server - Proxy server serves content
- Search engine searches for local data
- MTA store and forward
- In progress File synchronization, BBS
54Store and Forward
- Forwarding e-mail in the ad-hoc network
- Acts as an MTA
55Search Engine
- Provides ability to query self for results
- Searches the cache index using Swish-e library
- Presents results in any of three formats HTML,
XML and plain text - Similar in concept to Google Desktop
56Query Multicast Engine
- Used to actually exchange information among peers
- Requesting peer broadcasts a query to the network
- Responding peers reply if they have information
- Send encoded string with list of matching items
- Requesting peer retrieves suitable information
57File Synchronization
SRV 7ds-fs1.filesync._7ds._udp.local.
7ds-device1.local2525 TXT file1.xml TXT
I want Word.doc and presentation.ppt
Word.doc Presentation.ppt
SRV 7ds-fs2.filesync._7ds._udp.local.
7ds-device2.local2525 TXT word.doc TXT
I want File1.xml and file2.xml
File1.xml File2.xml
File1.xml File2.xml
Word.doc Presentation.ppt
- Motivate mobile ubiquitous research by user
problems - From stovepipe mobile wireless systems to
personal and shareable wireless networks - Thinking beyond single applications
- presence ?event notification
- 9-1-1 location ? time location as
infrastructure - Need new models of creating services
- domain-specific languages, not Java APIs