Title: Phather Phils Pharewell
1Phather Phils Pharewell
2On a cold, frosty December day, 17 long years
a jolly, bearded soul was hastily making his way
toward Trinity for Christmas Eve.
3- Despite the ravages of an ice storm,
- a towering tree falling across his path,
- a flat tire on the 401,
- and
Tim Hortons
NO en route
4Phather Phil made it to his Trinity, Aurora
and Agnes pot roast!
5Though not the young buck he once was in
6He still had some assets!
7Like the jolly old elf himself, he loved children-
especially his own - Michael and Christopher
8Phather Phil always had time for kids
9He made Christian Education fun for all by
insisting on a day
10Just take a note to your principal, kids!
11From Babes at Baptisms
12to Seniors, and everyone in between,
13 Phil loved us all.
14Working hard every Sunday
Thinking of his sermon- or counting the
15traveling for the Compass Rose Society,
New York
16spreading the message to the un-churched.
Although he may have met his match here!
17Music wasnt always reverent with Phil,
nor were his associates!
18Phils earliest efforts with liturgical dance
werent always successful
19But, ever persistent, he found other moves
20and on it went.
21Phather Phil was always a little shy about
drawing attention to himself
whether at Me, Church And Community
or the Sesquicentennial
22He never met a camera, microphone
23or pizza, that he didnt like,
but, all while doing Gods business.
24He had the ear of all the important people
25His vision inspired a new building-
26with some surprises,
27and a large step toward our future.
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29Despite all the hard work, Phil has been a great
Dad to his boys
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31The boys carefully followed Karen and Phils
teaching and instruction.
32No one was more proud at their
than Phil,
33Their true moral compass!
34Yes, its true!
He loves to party hearty!
35With his faith, and his beloved Karen by his
side, Phil embarks on a new adventure.
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37We know hell be great because of his great love
and caring, and also because
38Farewell, Good and Faithful Servants.
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42- Weve heard it said that people come into
- Our lives for a reason.
- Bringing something we must learn
- And we are led to those who help us most to grow-
If we let them. - And we help them in return.
- Well, we dont know if we believe thats true,
- But we know we are who we are today
- Because we knew you.
43- It may well be that we will never meet again
- In this lifetime.
- So let us say before we part,
- So much of us
- Is made of what we learned from you.
- Youll be with us like a handprint on our heart.
- And now whatever way our stories end
- We know you have re-written ours,
- By being our friend.