Title: Lauren Pinsley
1WorldCat LocalFind it at your fingertips
- Lauren Pinsley
- OCLC Services Manager
- Search environment and user expectations
- Objectives of WorldCat.org
- WorldCat Local
- Overview
- Demonstration
3The studies showed
- students accessed convenient, vetted, and
aggregated online resources - -Beyond Google How Do Students Conduct Academic
Research, Alison Head, August 2007
Nearly three-quarters (73) of college students
say they use the Internet more than the library,
while only 9 said they use the library more than
the Internet for information searching.. -The
Internet Goes to College How Students are Living
in the Future with Today's Technology
4What we learned
- Patrons value libraries for
- Authoritative content
- Research assistance
- The library as place
5User Expectations in a Web World
- User participation, contribution, collaboration
- Simplicity and ease of use
- Self-service
- Immediate gratification
- Rich interactivity
6WorldCat Discovery Options
WorldCat Where You Are WorldCat on the
Web WorldCat for You
- Open WorldCat
- WorldCat.org
- WorldCat Local
7Open WorldCat
- Integrates WorldCat content into popular search
engines (Google, Yahoo! Search, etc.) and
bookseller sites - WorldCat records display in search results along
with other Web resources
8Open WorldCat
9WorldCat.org Web site
10Downloadable WorldCat search box
11WorldCat.org numbers Good news for libraries
Other interesting usage stats
12WorldCat Local What Problem Are We Solving?
- For the past 10 years online searching has
become simpler and more effective everywhere,
except library catalogs. - University of California System Report 2005
13WorldCat Local
- Library-branded version of WorldCat.org
- Serves as a librarys discovery delivery
service - Delivers access to WorldCat with metadata
representing all of the librarys physical
electronic collections - Interoperates with existing local system
- Integrated library system
- Consortia borrowing system
- Resource-sharing system
- Link resolver
14Upcoming WorldCat.org enhancements
- Enhanced facets
- Spellchecker
- Better representation and access for digital
content - Local holdings records for branch visibility
- More social features
- Reviews/ratings/recommendations
- RSS feeds/alerts
- Social tags/ folksonomies
- Institution search
- Registry http//www.worldcat.org/registry/Institu
15Live Demo
16Configurable Features
- Library branding - Interface and search box
- Relevancy ranking elevates local holdings in
search results can include consortium/group
members - Interoperability with ILS, resource sharing
services, and OpenURL resolver - Metadata for local collections included in search
17WorldCat Local pilot and release
- Pilot participants
- University of Washington (April 2007)
- Peninsula Library System (August 2007)
- State of Illinois (October 2007)
- The Ohio State University (Early 2008)
- University of California Libraries (Early 2008)
Coming Summer 2008 Cornell University
18Success at University of Washington
- WorldCat Locals impact on borrowing and
resource sharing - 65 increase July to October 2006/2007 in
borrowing within consortium - 80 increase over 2006 in October alone
- 70 increase in ILL requests May to October
2006/2007 - September 2007 122 increase
- October 2007 150 increase
- 16.28 increase in ILLs processed
19What people are saying
WorldCat Local provides a syndication platform so
that we can meet users at their point of need. We
have to complete the discovery-to-delivery chain
no matter where the user starts out.
- Bill Jordan, University of Washington
The new search catalog, WorldCat is AMAZING
compared to the old UW library searchBravo!
University of Washington library user
20Lincoln Trail Libraries System
- Released on October 2007
- Includes
- Central High School Media Center
- http//centralmc.worldcat.org
- Mattoon Public Library
- http//mattoonlibrary.worldcat.org
- Hoopeston Public Library
- http//hoopestonpubliclibrary.worldcat.org
- Lincoln Trail Libraries System
- http//lincolntrail.worldcat.org
Freakin Awesome! High School Student
21Other Illinois Pilot Participants
- CARLI (3 libraries Northeastern Illinois
University, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign and Illinois State Library) - Late January release planned
- Glenside Public Library (1 library)
- January February release planned
- Rolling Prairie Libraries (3 libraries)
- Cooperative Computer Services (CCS)
- Targeted for early 2008 (1 library)
22Which Integrated Library Systems work with
WorldCat Local?
- Testing complete
- Innovative Interfaces (INN-Reach, Millennium)
- SirsiDynix (Horizon)
- ExLibris (Voyager)
- Coming soon
- Aleph
- Unicorn
- More to follow
23Additional information
- Personal consultation and purchase details
- Contact OCLC Sales Consultant Mary Sue Iddings
- iddingsm_at_oclc.org or 1-877-490-5764
- Register for email updates about WorldCat
- https//www.oclc.org/email/subscribe.htm
- WorldCat Local Web site
- http//www.oclc.org/worldcatlocal
Lauren Pinsley, OCLC Services Manager pinsleyl_at_nyl
ink.org 800-342-3353 518/443-5444