Title: USPS Updates
1USPS Updates
- STRS district codes added to validation file
- See Release Notes in the USPS forum for complete
- Modified default to always generate Demand
- Record indicated was changed for FY 07
- Now set to an H
- Validation updates
- Hours in day less than .25
- Date of birth less than 7/1/1935 or greater than
7/1/1985 - Updated cross validations on position codes and
assignment areas - FTE can not be greater than 2.0 per position code
5Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Flag added to USPSCN/BIOSCN
6Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Flag can be used to indicate if the employee
should receive a direct deposit notice by email - Direct deposit email procedures no longer would
key on just an email address to make decision - Changes must be completed by ITC if implementing
this flag
7Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- The value in this new field will be used to
determine if the employee is to get an email
direct deposit notice, the email address will not
determine if the employee is to get this
notification - The email address will be used for the send of
the notice as in the past
8Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- The email address will be used secondary for
access to the HR Kiosk information available to
each employee if your ITC is participating - An employee can now have an email in BIOSCN and
not receive email direct deposit notices - Eliminates having to enter the preceding the
address - Contact ITC if uncertain you can utilize the HR
9Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Implementation of this field is optional for
districts not using the HR Kiosk - Districts using the HR kiosk who have direct
deposit employees must implement this flag
10Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Implementation option with MASCHG
- New option called MASENOT
11Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Provide Actual/Projection option
- Sorting options for report generated
12Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- MASCHG/MASENOT provides selection options
13Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
14Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- District should run MASCHG/MASENOT one time to
implement and then should update the records in
USPSCN/BIOSCN as new employees are added
15Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- New token included in .DAT files
for printing and notice generation - CHKPRT.DAT (Payroll checks)
- Set to N
- Email address included on all records if it
exists - DIRCHK.DAT (Direct deposits)
- Set to Y if BIOSCN flag is set
- Email address included on all records if it exists
16Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Overrides the USPSCN/BIOSCN flag if ignore
direct deposit is selected in INICAL - Token value is always set to N
- Employee will always receive payroll check
17Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- Added to UDMS views
- Allows
- Y, Yes, 1
- N, No, 2
18Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
19W2 Reporting Changes
- New field added to USPSDAT/DEDNAM REG type
- Indicates designated Roth IRA
20W2 Reporting Changes
- Designated Roth IRA values
- 1 401(k)
- 2 403(b)
- District should set value on existing REG
deduction type after December release installed
at ITC - No changes required on USPSCN/DEDSCN
- W2PROC will handle values
21W2 Reporting Changes
- Will read Designated Roth records and will create
labels and amounts for Box 12 - AA for 401(k) contributions
- BB for 403(b) contributions
- Amounts will appear on W2REPT
- Same place as other special reporting such as
life insurance, medicare pickup, etc. appear
22W2 Reporting Changes
- The suffix for employee name will print by itself
on the forms - Default for tape file creation changed to N
23USPS Problems Corrected
- Increased size of internal table so more checks
can be processed in a single run for a void and
reissue - 800 at a time can now be processed
- Problem with report caused employee name to be
blank in some cases
- Incorrect gross amount appeared
- Affected situations where a negative amount was
- Records were not being selected for the 12th of
the month counts correctly
28USPS Technical Updates
- New token added for email direct deposit
processing -
- Indicates if employee is to receive an email
direct deposit notice - Must be implemented if district intends to use HR
30Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- ITC must modify paper notice .FRM files to use
the token rather than in
IF Statements
31Employee Email Direct Deposit Flag
- ITC must modify email notice .FRM files to use
the token such as this example
- Added new tokens for Roth IRA amounts
- Added new token for suffix
- New fields added for Roth IRA contribution
amounts - Library
- Totals