Liturgy and Songs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Liturgy and Songs


... us to kindle the lights of this good day. (Page 2 of 2) Holiday Candle ... on this Day of Remembrance? ... on the first day of the month, there shall be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Liturgy and Songs

Congregation Pnei Adonai
Olah (Preparatory, Rising)
Our sages wrote
Just as the hand, held before the eye, can hide
the tallest mountain, so the routine of everyday
life can keep us from seeing the vast radiance
and the secret wonders that fill the world.
Chasidic, 18th century Everything is in the
hands of God except reverence of God. Talmud
(Meg. 25a Ber. 33b)
Holiday Candle Lighting (Traditional)
???????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ??????
???????, Barooch atah Adonai, Elohaynoo Melech
haolam, ?????? ??????????? ?????????????, asher
keed-shanoo bmeetz-votav ?????????? ??????????
??? ???? ???? ????. vtzeevanoo lhad-leek nayr
shel yom tov
(Page 1 of 2)
Holiday Candle Lighting (Traditional)
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the
universe, who has set us apart with your
commandments, and commanded us to kindle the
lights of this good day.
(Page 2 of 2)
Everyone Our God and God of our forefathers, we
are not so brazen and obstinate as to say before
you that we are righteous and have not sinned
rather, we and our ancestors have sinned. And we
are not so proud as to say that we understand you
as you desire us to rather, we and our ancestors
have been satisfied with limited comprehensions
of your majesty, your ways, and who you
are. Help us, O Lord, to have light ourselves.
Our sages wrote
There are two perspectives on Rosh Hashanah. One
sees repentance as starting afresh, being more
deeply devoted to God saying, No, this is who I
am. The other sees repentance as more deeply
understanding God saying, No, this is who he
Everyone What is remembered on this Day of
Remembrance? With the shofar we remember that
God created the world, and is re-creating it as
his Kingdom. By our liturgy we remember that
repentance is the path into the Kingdom of
God. In our prayers, we ask that God remember
us, and give us ability to help re-create the
Shehecheyanu (Traditional)
???????? ??????, ????, Barooch atah,
Adonai, ?????????? ?????? ???????, Elohaynu
Melech haolam,
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the
(Page 1 of 2)
Shehecheyanu (Traditional)
????????????, ????????????, shechey-anoo,
vkeeyem-anoo, ????????????? ????????
??????. vheegeey-anoo lazman hazeh.
for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for
enabling us to reach this season.
(Page 2 of 2)
Our sages wrote
Repentance does not cleanse the soul. It is
preparation. The soul is purified deeper when we
purify our heart and condition our spirit.
Rabbi Jonah of Gerona It is not enough to
repent. One has to continue on and on until he
reaches God Himself with his repentance.
Moshe Braun
Pesookay DZeemrah (Verses of Praise)
Our sages wrote
Where is God? Wherever we let God in. Menachem
Mendl of Kotzk When I go forth looking for
You, I find You seeking me. Judah Halevi
Yom Teruah (from Leviticus 2324-25)
Everyone In the seventh month, on the first day
of the month, there shall be a Shabbat to you a
memorial of blowing of the shofar, a holy
convocation all regular work you shall not do.
Blessing for Hearing the Shofar (Traditional)
???????? ??????, ????, Barooch atah,
Adonai, ??????????, ?????? ???????, Elohaynu,
Melech haolam,
Blessed are you, Adonai our God, King of the
(Page 1 of 2)
Blessing for Hearing the Shofar (Traditional)
?????? ??????????? ????????????? asher
keed-shanoo bmeetz-votav ?????????? ??????????
???? ??????? vtzee-vano leesh-mo-a kol shofar.
who has set us apart with his commandments, and
commanded us to hear the voice of the shofar.
(Page 2 of 2)
Evening Voicing of the Shofar (the shofar is
The congregation stands
?????! ???????????! ?????! Tekee-ah!
Shevareem-teroo-ah! Tekee-ah! (simple note,
triple paired notes, nine higher notes, simple
note) ?????! ?????! ?????! Tekee-ah! Shevareem!
Tekee-ah! (simple note, triple paired notes,
simple note) ?????! ?????! ?????! Tekee-ah!
Teroo-ah! Tekee-ah! (simple note, nine higher
notes, simple note)
Our sages wrote
Consider the parable of a prince who was far away
from his father a hundred days journey away.
His friends said to him, Return to your
father. He replied, I cannot I have not the
strength. Thereupon his father sent word,
saying to him, Come as far as you can according
to your strength, and I will go the rest of the
way to meet you. So the Holy One, blessed be He,
says to Israel, Return to Me, and I will return
to you (Malachi 37). Pesikta Rabbati 449
Minchah (Giving)
Our sages wrote
Our great transgression is not that we commit
sins temptation is strong and our strength is
slight! No, our transgression is that at every
instant we can turn to God and we do not turn!
Rabbi Bunam
Silent Prayer about giving ourselves more to God
Shema (Hear and Obey)
Yotzer (Traditional)
???????? ?????? ???? Barooch atah
Adonai ?????????? ?????? ???????, Elohaynoo
Melech haolam,
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the
(Page 1 of 2)
Yotzer (Traditional)
?????? ???? ???????? ??????, yotzer or oovoray
choshech, ?????? ??????? ????????
??????????. oseh shalom oovoray et hakol.
who creates light and creates darkness, who makes
peace and creates all things.
(Page 2 of 2)
Amidah (Standing before Adonai)
Gevurot (Traditional)
?????? ???????? ????????, ???????, Atah gee-bor
lolam, Adonai,
The translation is not sung You are mighty
forever, my Lord,
(Page 1 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
???????? ?????? ??????, mchai-ay mayteem
atah, ??? ???????????. rav lho-shee-a.
The translation is not sung resuscitator of the
dead are you, abundantly able to save.
(Page 2 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
?????????? ??????? ????????, Mchal-kayl chai-eem
bchesed, ???????? ?????? ???????????
???????, mchaiay mayteem brachameem rabeem,
Who sustains the living with kindness, raises the
dead with abundant mercy,
(Page 3 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
??????? ?????????, ???????? ???????, so-maych
nofleem vrofay choleem, ?????????
?????????, ooma-teer asooreem,
The translation is not sung supports the fallen
and heals the sick, and releases the confined,
(Page 4 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
?????????? ?????????? oomeka-yaym
emoona-to ????????? ?????. leeshaynay afar.
The translation is not sung and maintains
faith to those asleep in the dust.
(Page 5 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
??? ??????? ?????? ??????????? Mee chamocha baal
gvoorot? ????? ?????? ?????, Oomee domeh lach,
The translation is not sung Who is like you,
Master of Mighty Deeds? And who compares to you,
(Page 6 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
?????? ?????? ??????????, Melech may-meet
oomchai-eh, ??????????? ?????????? oomatzmeeach
The translation is not sung King who causes
death and restores life, and makes sprout
(Page 7 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
????????? ?????? Vne-eman ata ??????????
??????. lhachai-ot mayteem.
The translation is not sung And you are faithful
to give life to the dead.
(Page 8 of 9)
Gevurot (Traditional)
???????? ?????? ???? Barooch atah
Adonai, ???????? ?????????. mchai-eh hamayteem.
The translation is not sung Blessed are you,
Adonai, who gives life to the dead.
(Page 9 of 9)
Our sages wrote
The evil inclination is like iron in a forge, and
Torah is the fire. Rabbi Shimon ben
Elazar The purpose of Torah is to refine human
beings. Bereshit Rebbah 441 Torah has become
our pedagogue to bring us to Messiah.
Galatians 324
Tachanoon (Supplication)
Our sages wrote
The Talmud tells of a discussion between Rabbi
Chiyah and Rabbi Shimon. The first said, When
we pray we must direct our eyes downward, for it
is written, My eyes and My heart will be there
(on earth) for all time. The other said, Our
eyes must be directed upward, for it is written,
Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in
heaven. Rabbi Yishmael ben Yosei happened along
and resolved their conflict When we pray we
must direct our eyes downward and our hearts
upward, thus fulfilling both verses.
Everyone This day, remember us with
loving-kindness. This day, bless us with your
presence. This day help us to live. ????????
?????? ????, ????????? ??????????. Barooch atah,
Adonai, haMelech hakadosh. Blessed are you,
Adonai, the holy King.
Chattat and Asham (Atonement for Offenses and
Reparation for Guilt)
Our sages wrote
One good deed leads to another, and one
transgression to another. Ben Azzai, Avot
42 This World is like a vestibule before the
World to Come prepare thyself in the vestibule
that thou may enter into the banquet hall.
Rabbi Jacob, Avot 421
Everyone Behold us, of little merit, trembling
and afraid, as we stand before you to plead for
ourselves and your people. O gracious God, who
is enthroned on Israels praises, O Lord of
compassion and love, please accept our petitions
and those of your people. Change our sinfulness
to acts of life, and change our afflictions to
joy. ???????? ?????? ????, ????????
?????????. Barooch atah, Adonai, shomay-a
tfeelah. Blessed are you, Adonai, who hears
Our sages wrote
It is said, Good and upright is the Lord
therefore does He instruct sinners in the way
(Psalms 258). Even if they have offended and
rebelled exceedingly, and been utterly faithless,
He has not closed the doors of repentance to
them, as it is said, Turn yet unto Him against
whom ye have deeply rebelled, O children of
Israel (Isaiah 316), and, Return, ye
backsliding children, I will heal your
backslidings (Jeremiah 322). Jonah ben
Abraham Gerondi
Our sages wrote
If a man should come and say that God does not
receive the penitent, consider Manasseh the son
of Hezekiah (2nd Chronicles 3313). Numbers
Rabbah 141 What has God been doing since he
created the world? Making ladders for people to
descend and ascend. Rabbi Yose ben Halafta
Torah (Teaching)
Responsively On this day we try to see
ourselves as we will appear on the actual Day of
Judgment. On this day it matters not who has
money, but who will enjoy a royal inheritance
from God and who will be sent lacking into
darkness. On this day it matters not who is
orphaned or widowed, but who calls God "loving
Father" and who is called by God "faithful child".
Continuing responsively On this day it matters
not who is married or single, but who God calls
"my Beloved" and also "Bride of Messiah". On
this day it matters not who has hurt us. We see
how we have hurt others. On this day it matters
not who has disappointed us. We see how we have
disappointed God.
Continuing responsively On this day it matters
not what afflicts us. We rejoice that God has
decreed an inheritance so wonderful all our
present suffering will be insignificant in
retrospect. On this day it matters not who
struggles with sin most visibly. We acknowledge
that we all struggle, and seek repentance, and
ask God to soon and speedily send the day that
will change us and the world to be free from all
temptation and suffering and evil.
Continuing responsively On this day we try to
see ourselves as we will appear on the actual Day
of Judgment. And during the Days of Awe we learn
to always see ourselves that way. May we open
our eyes as we open a new calendar. May we walk
through our days with feet firmly planted in
God's future. May we fulfill our roles and
duties in This World with love and strength
provided by the World to Come.
Our sages wrote
The three stages of tshuvah (repentance)
are regret, rejection (not repeating the
sin), and resolution. Rambam, Hilkhot
Tshuvah The three parts of cheshbon hanefesh
(accounting of the soul) are seeing where we
went wrong, seeing how we hurt others, and seeing
how we thereby harmed ourselves. Kerry Olitzky
Everyone Help us, Lord, to conquer anxiety and
worship you in gladness and serenity. Help us,
Lord, to live lives sanctified and beautiful
before you. Help us, Lord, to number our days
that we may have a heart of wisdom. Help us,
Lord, to use with diligence and devotion our
appointed span of time.
Everyone Help us, Lord, to appreciate the
wonder and beauty in your creation. Help us,
Lord, to see your sublime marvels in each of our
days. Help us, Lord, to recognize the treasures
with which you have blessed us. Help us, Lord,
to share the bounty we have received from you.
Everyone May the re-creation of our character
and conscience strengthen our understanding of
your establishing your Kingdom. May the
assurance of better things to come enable us to
live as to hasten their coming. May we learn
more about repentance today, for we long to be
closer to you.
Our sages wrote
It is a flagrant sin to say to a repentant
person, Remember your past deeds, or to mention
them in his presence so as to embarrass him, or
to recall similar incidents that are reminiscent
of what he did. Maimondes, Mishneh Torah Yet
our Adversary loves to do this! Do not listen!
Krooah (Commission)
Aharonic Benediction (Numbers 624-26)
?????????? ???? ?????????????. Yvarechcha
Adonai vyeesh-mrecha. ????? ???? ???????
?????? ???????????. Ya-er Adonai panav
ay-lecha veechu-necha. ?????? ???? ???????
??????? ???????? ???? ???????. Yeesa Adonai panav
ay-lecha vyasaym lcha shalom.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the
Lord make his face shine upon you and show you
his favor. May the Lord lift up his face
toward you and give you peace.
Sof BShalom (Conclusion of Peace and Farewell)
Blessing over the Round Challah (Traditional)
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the
universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.
???????? ?????? ???? Barooch atah
Adonai, ?????????? ?????? ???????, Elohaynoo
Melech haolam, ?????????? ????? ??? ???????.
hamotzee lechem meen haaretz.
Blessing over Apples and Honey (Traditional)
???????? ?????? ???? Barooch atah
Adonai, ?????????? ?????? ???????, Elohaynoo
Melech haolam, ??????? ?????? ?????. boray pree
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the
universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.
Announcements and Prayer Requests October
Schedule Tuesday the 4th Rosh Hashanah Service
(1100 am) Friday the 7th Erev Shabbat at the
Smiths Saturday the 8th Shabbat Service (1100
am) Tuesday the 11th Interfaith service by
TRIM Thursday the 13th Yom Kippur Service
(1100 am) Saturday the 15th Shabbat Service
(1100 am) Monday the 17th Erev Sukkot Service
(630 pm) Sukkot festivities will happen at
peoples homes during the holiday Friday the 21st
Erev Shabbat at the Smiths Saturday the 22nd
Shabbat Service (1100 am) Friday the 28th
Erev Shabbat with the Sherers Saturday the 29th
Shabbat Service (1100 am)
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