Title: Biodiesel for Automotive use : Benefits and Application
1Bio-diesel for Automotive use Benefits and
- by Dilip Chenoy
- Director General, SIAM
5th November 2005 New Delhi
2Presentation Outline
- Vehicle Parc Production
- Mobility Challenges
- Emission
- Energy
- Alternative Fuels
- Bio-diesel
- Importance
- Advantages
- Considerations
- Indian initiatives
- Industry concerns
- Need for a Roadmap
4SIAM Members Product Range
5India Vehicle Parc
Total Registered Vehicle Parc Size 71.60 Mln
Source Govt. of India Statistics of Registered
Vehicles SIAM estimates
6SIAM Members Production
Production Volume Contribution
Size 8.5 mn vehicles
All figures for 2004-05
- India second largest producer of motorcycles (6.5
mn) in the world after China which has a
production volume of 12 mn
7Mobility Issues Challenges
Pollution Clean Air Fuel
Sustainability Safety Minimum Accidents
Infrastructure Efficiency
8- Air Pollution A very Complex Problem
Sources of Pollution Industry Domestic Exhau
st Agricultural Burning
9Vehicular Emission in India
- Concern
- Rapid urbanisation and poor management of in-use
vehicles have resulted in deterioration of Urban
Air Quality
- Suggestion
- An Integrated Approach to combat the problem of
Vehicular Pollution.
10Integrated Approach for Emission Reduction from
the Automotive Sector
- Air Pollution is a very Complex Problem.
Lower Emission from New Vehicles
In-Use Vehicle Emission Management
Fuel Quality
Traffic Management
Optimum Emission Performance
Strengthen Enforcement
Alternative Energy Driven Vehicles
11Per Capita Consumption of Energy
Kg Oil Equivalent
Source CMIE Monthly Report, April 2002
12Demand Domestic Production of Transport Fuel
NG is expressed in Million Standard Cubic Meter
Per Day Source Report of the committee on
Development of Bio Fuels Planning Commission
13Portfolio of Alternative Fuels
Alternative Fuels
Bio-fuels Bio- diesel Ethanol
Electric/ Hybrid Electric Vehicles
14 Alternative Fuels Road Map
- SIAM Task Force on Alternative Energy Driven
Vehicles evaluated various technology options to
evolve a time phased road map for introduction
of Alternative Fuel Technologies
15 Alternative Fuels Options
- Size maturity of the Indian Industry does not
permit adoption of all alternative technologies
simultaneously - - Evaluate various options growth
paths - - Identify technologies to be adopted in
short, medium long terms.
16Alternative Fuels Evaluation Criteria
Investment Required
17Evaluation Alternative Fuels
Means weightage given to each factor
18 SIAM Recommendations
19Importance of Bio-diesel
- Renewable fuel
- Environment friendly
- Clean burning
- Biodegradable and non-toxic
- Easy to handle and store
- Reduces dependence on petroleum imports
- Employment creation potential
20Bio-diesel and Diesel A Comparison
Source Planning Commission Paper at
International Conference on Bio-fuels, 2004
21Advantages of Bio-diesel
22Bio-diesel Production Worldwide
Source AUS Consultants
23Considerations for using Bio-diesel
- Availability of fuel
- Infrastructure for handling and distribution
- Safety considerations
- Cost of fuel
- Cost of vehicle
- Operating range
24Bio-diesel Indian Initiatives
- Planning Commission Committee on Bio-fuels.
- SIAM Chaired the Sub-committee on
- Standards Quality aspects of Bio-Fuels
- SIAM was a member in the subcommittees on
- Engine development Modifications for using
bio-fuels, - Legal Regulations on Bio-Fuels
- Role of NGOs, Financial Institutions, Corporate
Bodies etc. in raising plantations for promotion
of Bio-fuels - Environmental Issues pertaining to Bio-fuels
- Institutional Arrangement for Bio-fuels
25Planning Commission National Mission on
- Plantation Jatropha Carcus
- Demonstration Project (Phase 1) 5 years . 5
Bio-diesel blend in diesel in 8 States - Phase II- 5 bio-diesel blend in diesel all
over the the entire country - Phase- III- 10 bio-diesel blend in diesel all
over the country - Phase IV- More than 10 bio-diesel blend in
diesel all over the country.
26Bio-diesel Indian Initiatives
- Field Trails with Bio-diesel blend being under
taken by - Automobile Companies on various models of
vehicles - IOC on Bus Fleets in Haryana Mumbai
- IOC trials Railways with Bio-diesel in process
- Studies on Bio-diesel blends (upto 20 by volume)
being conducted to analyse the feasibility of
Bio-diesel as an automotive fuel. - Specifications for Bio-diesel( B20) have been
drafted by BIS and circulated to all stakeholders
for comments and are likely to be finalised soon
27Bio-diesel Industry Concerns
- Bio-diesel can cause damage to rubber and other
components - some engine modifications may be
necessary to use pure bio-diesel in existing
engines. - There can be a reduction in fuel economy and
power for pure bio-diesel, varying among
different engines. - Bio-diesel thickens at low temperatures, so using
it in cold climates, especially in winters
require some special systems. - Compatibility Studies and RD underway
28Bio-diesel Industry Concerns
- Currently it is not widely available and is
currently more expensive than diesel. Assured
sustained supply of bio-diesel is a pre-requisite
for the Bio-diesel Programme to be success in
India. - Commercial Bio-diesel should be made available to
Auto Industry for trials at least 3 years before
the date of introduction . - Challenge is supply and distribution
Leadership required
29Need for a Road Map
- SIAM welcomes the initiative being taken by the
Oil Industry for introduction of Bio-diesel and
would be happy to contribute in laying down a
clear-cut time bound Road Map for introduction of
Bio-diesel as an Automotive fuel in India.
30Thank You!
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers Core
4B, 5th Floor India Habitat Centre Lodi Road New
Delhi Phone 011 2464 7810 - 12 Fax 011 2464
8222 Website www.siamindia.com