Empty Tomb - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Empty Tomb


... was first publicly proclaimed a few weeks later at the feast of Pentecost. ... And very early on the first day of the week, they come to the tomb when the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Empty Tomb

  • Empty Tomb
  • to the
  • Great Commission
  • Matthew 281 20

Matthew 1724
Matthew 171
  • Israel in the New Testament

Matthew 191
Matthew 211 - Sunday
Matthew 2112 Monday Cleanses Temple
Matthew 2120 Monday Judgment on Jews
Matthew 262 Tuesday ye know after two days
Matthew 2626 Thursday Passover, Garden,
Mark 1525 Friday Crucified _at_ 3rd hour
Mark 1533 Friday Dies _at_ 9th hour
Matthew 287 Sunday Tomb is Empty
Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Empty Tomb Mt 281 8
  • Jesus based his claim to be the Son of God upon
    the evidence of his miraculous deeds, but one
    deed was the miracle par excellence. The
    resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the
    centerpiece of Christian doctrine and the
    ultimate proof of all that Christianity
    maintains. If Christ has not been raised, wrote
    the apostle Paul, then our preaching is vain,
    your faith also is vain (1 Cor. 1514).
  • A man coming back from the dead is a staggering
    claim, but equally staggering is how easily the
    claim could be refuted if indeed it was false.
    Jesus death and supposed resurrection did not
    occur in a remote part of the world, away from
    the presence of detractors and skeptics. Jesus
    was buried just outside of Jerusalem, the central
    location of the Jewish opposition against him,
    and his initial post-resurrection appearances
    took place in and around this city. It was there
    in Jerusalem that talk of Jesus resurrection
    began to surface three days after his
    crucifixion, and it was there that his
    resurrection was first publicly proclaimed a few
    weeks later at the feast of Pentecost. He was
    buried in a grave owned by a prominent Pharisee
    and member of the Sanhedrin Council, so locating
    the tomb would have been easy for anyone wanting
    to disprove the notion that Jesus was alive.
  • The resurrection of Jesus was an outlandish idea
    and quite refutable. The Jewish opposition to
    Christianity needed only to go to the tomb and
    retrieve Jesus corpse. But when the disciples of
    Jesus began reporting that they had seen him
    alive again, the opposition never produced the
    body. No one could. Three days after the burial,
    the tomb of Jesus was empty. Martin Pickup

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Empty Tomb Mt 281 8
  • Mark 161-2 And when the sabbath was past, Mary
    Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and
    Salome, bought spices, that they might come and
    anoint him. And very early on the first day of
    the week, they come to the tomb when the sun was
  • Luke 241 But on the first day of the week, at
    early dawn, they came unto the tomb, bringing the
    spices which they had prepared.
  • Great stone rolled away by an angel of the Lord.
  • heavenly appearance and symbolic of purity.
  • Guards shaking with fear and paralyzed with
    terror (or passed out).
  • Jesus which was crucified He is not here, for he
    is risen.
  • Tell Disciples he is risen from the dead Go to
    Galilee and you shall see him there.

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Appearance of Jesus to The Women Mt 289 10
  • Women who had prepared sweet spices for Jesus
    were first to arrive at the tomb. After an angel
    instructs them to report His resurrection to the
    disciples, Jesus meets them on their way back. In
    addition to Matthews account, Luke 2410
    mentions Joanna, and Mark 161 mentions Salome as
    women who were with Mary Magdalene and Mary the
    mother of James.
  • Jesus meets the women they worshipped Him.
  • Be not afraid
  • Go tell my brethren His description of those
    who had denied and fled from
  • Him. A great deal of comfort to those who forsook
  • Heb 211 For both he that sanctifieth and they
    that are sanctified are all of one for which
    cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Bribery of The Soldiers Mt 2811 15
  • One possible explanation for the empty tomb is
    that Jesus disciples stole the body to make it
    appear that he had returned to life. According to
    the gospel of Matthew, this position was
    advocated by ancient Jews in an attempt to negate
    the claims of Christians (Matt. 2811-15). It
    appears to have been the standard Judaic response
    to Christianity even toward the end of the second
    century. Is this a plausible explanation? Could
    the disciples have taken the body of Jesus?
  • One obvious problem with this theory is the fact
    that guards were stationed at the tomb to prevent
    this very thing from happening (Matt. 2765-66).
    How could the disciples or any other grave
    robbers have gotten past these soldiers? Perhaps
    the soldiers fell asleep, someone suggests. But
    the implausibility of that idea becomes apparent
    with just a moments reflection. If the guards
    were a Jewish contingent, then sleeping on watch
    would mean severe punishment and possible
    execution. If they were Roman soldiers, then
    execution was a certainty.
  • Martin Pickup

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Bribery of The Soldiers Mt 2811 15
  • The guards go to the chief priests to explain all
    that was done.
  • Cruel irony the ones who were so concerned
    about a lie being spread concerning the
    resurrection of Jesus, find themselves
    fabricating one to cover up the truth about His
  • Hush money large sums unto the soldiers to lie.
  • This is the explanation that the Jews continue to
    buy into (and use today).

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • Appearance of Jesus to The Disciples Mt 2816
  • First-century Christians affirmed that after
    Jesus was executed he appeared alive again to his
    disciples on no less than 11 different occasions
    over a period of 40 days. These appearances are
    recorded in the four Gospels, the book of Acts,
    and Pauls first letter to the Corinthians (Matt.
    26 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20-21 Acts 1 1 Cor.
    15). What can a skeptic say when faced with such
    strong evidence for Jesus resurrection from the
  • Since that time, men have fabricated many
    theories to refute the resurrection of Jesus from
    the dead.
  • Yet the strongest objection to any theory that
    denies the factuality of the post- resurrection
    appearances of Jesus is this the opponents of
    Christianity never produced Jesus body. If it is
    true that Jesus was raised only in the
    imagination of some of his followers, then three
    days after his burial the corpse of Jesus would
    still have been in the tomb. Once the news of his
    resurrection began to spread throughout
    Jerusalem, it would have been a simple matter for
    the Jewish leaders to retrieve the body from the
    grave and disprove the fraud. Yet the body of
    Jesus was not produced in fact there were no
    remains at all. This one fact is a daunting
    obstacle to anyone who tries to attack the
    historicity of the post-resurrection appearances.
    Martin Pickup

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • Appearance of Jesus to The Disciples Mt 2816
  • Jesus announced this meeting to take place in
    Galilee - _at_ the Passover.
  • They worshipped Him but some doubted.
  • Two thoughts on some doubted
  • 1st doubt would not mean unbelief, but rather
  • 2nd perhaps this gathering is a parallel of 1
    Cor 156 were more than
  • 500 were witness of His resurrection.

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Great Commission Mt 2818 20
  • The one who came to do the Jn 434 will of His
    Father and finish His work, it is finished Jn
    1930 at the cross. God giving Acts 1731
    assurance in raising Him from the dead.
  • God has set His king of Psalm 26. The Dan 244
    kingdom which shall never be destroyed is
    established in Him. The promised seed of David
    Psa 893 has been set upon the Isa 96-7 throne
    of David. The meek, merciful, compassionate, and
    just one of Isa 42 who became deity in the 1Tim
    316 flesh, has now been given all rule and
    authority. The Matthew 11 son of David and son
    of Abraham.

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • The Great Commission Mt 2818 20
  • All power exousia authority
  • Davidic / Kingly authority Jesus raised to sit
    on Davids throne (Acts 229-36 Psa 1101).
  • Matthew 11 son of David is now established on
    His throne.
  • Therefore links v18 to vv19-20.
  • Because Jesus is the son of David, the son of
    Abraham, the Son of God, (having all authority)
    He charges/gives the 11 apostles their commission.

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • 1) How many days was Jesus in the heart of the
  • Matthew 1240 for as Jonah was three days and
    three nights in the belly of the
  • whale so shall the Son of man be three days and
    three nights in the heart of the earth.
  • 2) What day of the week was Jesus resurrected?
  • Matthew 281 Now late on the sabbath day, as it
    began to dawn toward the first day
  • of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other
    Mary to see the sepulchre.
  • 3) For a period of how many days did Jesus appear
    to His apostles speaking
  • the things concerning the kingdom of God?
  • Act 13 to whom he also showed himself alive
    after his passion by many proofs,
  • appearing unto them by the space of forty days,
    and speaking the things concerning the
  • kingdom of God
  • 4) Where did Jesus instruct the 11 to meet Him
    (where He also ascended)?
  • Matthew 2816 But the eleven disciples went into
    Galilee, unto the mountain where
  • Jesus had appointed them.
  • 5) No fewer than ____________ witnessed the
    resurrected Jesus? (1 Cor 155-8)

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • 6) What is the great commission?
  • Authority source is Jesus.
  • Go imperative. Did not say wait for them to
    come or wherever you happen to be teach
  • Ye personal.
  • Make disciples of all nations. The purpose of
    the teaching is to make a disciple a learner, a
  • (Response he that believeth and is baptized. Mk
  • Baptizing them into the name of the Father, and
    of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
  • (Lack of a response is condemnation. Mk
  • Teach the gospel, the doctrine of Christ, all
    things commanded by Christ. Remember the purpose
    of teaching it is seed producing its own
  • I am with you always.

Empty Tomb Great Commission
  • 7) Read 1 Cor 1512-20
  • a. What was being preached and what were some
    Corinthians saying?
  • Now if Christ is preached that he hath been
    raised from the dead,
  • how say some among you that there is no
    resurrection of the dead?
  • b. What of Jesus if there is no resurrection of
    the dead?
  • neither hath Christ been raised
  • c. What of our preaching and faith if Christ has
    not been raised?
  • then is our preaching vain,
  • your faith also is vain.
  • d. We are yet in our __________.
  • e. To be sure, Christ has been
  • the ___________of them that sleep.
  • The first-fruits, or the first sheaf of ripe
    grain was required to be offered to the Lord, and
    was waved before him by the priest, as expressing
    the sense of gratitude by the husbandman, and his
    recognition of the fact that God had a right to
    all that he had Lev_2310-14. The word,
    therefore, comes to have two
  • (1) That which is first, the beginning, or that
    which has the priority of time and,
  • (2) That which is apart and portion of the whole
    which is to follow, and which is the earnest or
    pledge of that as the first sheaf of ripe
    grain was not only the first in order of time,
    but was the earnest or pledge of the entire
    harvest which was soon to succeed.

raised from the dead,
Empty Tomb Great Commission
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