Title: Nikki Feguer
1What Are The Seasons?
- Nikki Feguer
- Prepared for Kindergarten
- Lesson on the Seasons
2There are four seasons
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter is the first season of the year. It is
very cold and snowy. The trees have no leaves.
It officially ends on March 21.
- Spring is the second season in the year. This is
the time when trees get their leaves back and
flowers begin to bloom. It often rains during
this season. Baby animals are also born. Spring
officially ends on June 21.
5Summer is a very hot season. People often go
swimming in the summer. Children have a vacation
from school during this season. There are many
flowers out since they grew and blossomed in the
the spring. There are often thunderstorms in the
summer. Summer ends on September 23.
Fall is sometimes called autumn. During this
season the leaves change colors and fall from the
trees. The weather gets colder and snow begins
to fall. Fall ends on December 21.
7Why do the seasons change?
- The seasons change because the Earth tilts on its
axis. As the Earth leans away from the the sun
it becomes winter. As the Earth leans toward the
sun it becomes summer.
8Is this a season?
9Is this a season?
10Is this a season?
Fall or Autumn
11Is this a season?
12Lets test what you have learned!
- Grab a pencil and a piece of paper. The next
four slides will have pictures on them. You must
decide if the picture is showing you a season.
If it is write a check , if it is not write
an X . Or click here to print a
sheet to circle the answers. You can check your
answers to a table on a later slide. - Good luck!
13Is this a season?
14Is this a season?
15Is this a season?
16Is this a season?
17Answers to Is this a season?
- Enchanted Learning at http//www.enchantedl
ns.shtml - The Teachers Guide at http//www.libsci.sc.ed
u/miller/Seasons.htm - Maynard, Christopher (1997). Why do the Seasons
Change? DK Publishing Inc. New York.
19Resources (cont.)
- http//www.nataliedee.com/031104/seasons.jpg
- http//science.nasa.gov/images/santa_big.jpg
- http//camelotdesign.com/7549.gif
- http//home.no.net/birgitja/Animation20halloween
202.gif - http//www.gophila.com/photos/images/large/IMG0123
.jpg - http//www.snowshoecamp.com/Summer20Activities/im
ages/Dock,Boats,Beach_JPG.jpg - http//nelsie.homestead.com/Feb03.html
- http//www.naturespix.com/media/images/product_det
20Answers to Is this a season?