Title: West Springfield Public Schools
1West Springfield Public Schools
FY 2010 Budget Informational Update for Staff May
6, 2009 Modified for the District Website
2Budget preparation timeline
Prelim House budget version released
Deliberations to approve final State Budget
July 1st
21 Days
Town Council votes on budget
21 Days
Publish in news-paper
School Committee Mtg, Vote
Mayor receives budget from School Comm
Mayor sends budget to Town Council
3Next years budget parameters
Governors proposed FY 2010 budget reduces local
aid by 28.5 -1,273,440 proposed for Town of
West Springfield
4School Department share of reduction expected to
be 57 or 725,860
FY 2010 negotiated school staff salary increases
total 1,369,000
Additional revenues required to fund a
level-service budget for the School Department
budget for FY 2010 2,094,860
5What we dont know yet
FY 2010 Budget Proposals from MA House and Senate
State Budget unlikely to be finalized until
June Educational elements of the Federal
Stimulus Package (still not finalized) Expected
increases in Title 1 and SPED funds
6Other unknown variables
Funding levels for other State and Federal Grants
(we expect some losses) Circuit Breaker funding
reductions Likely duration of economic recession
7Mayors directions to all Town Departments for FY
2010 Budget Requests
Submit three budgets 1. Level Funded Budget 2.
5 Reduction 3. 10 Reduction
8Level Funded Budgetnot the same as Level Service
All contractual salary increases (COLA plus step
raises) would have to be absorbed within the
proposed budget. All union contract settlements
for FY 2010 to date have been at 3.5.
Estimated cost 1,369,000
9FY 2010 Budget Scenarios
10FY 2010 Budget Reductions
11FY09 Actual Budget
Personnel as of Budget
12FY09 Actual Budget
13Mayors Budget Proposal
- On May 1 the Mayor submitted a proposed FY 2010
Budget to the Town Council that is level-funded
with the FY 2009 budget - This will require 1.37 million in School
Department cuts - Those cuts are detailed on the following slides
- However, on the same day we heard that the Senate
budget will cut an additional 1billion below
the Governors proposal
14Cuts for Level-Funded Budget Revised May 1,
2009(Tier 1)
15Cuts for Level-Funded Budget Revised May 1,
2009(Tier 1)
16Cuts for Level-Funded Budget Revised May 1,
2009(Tier 1)
17REMINDERTop Two Cuts for 5 Budget Reduction
(Tier 2)
18Employee Concessions Impact Bargaining
- IF there are items on the cut list that the
unions would like to see maintained - OR if there are job descriptions that need to be
re-written in order to save positions through
stimulus funding - OR if the State budget is significantly less than
the House Ways Means version - we will need to impact bargain concessions.
19Federal Stimulus Funding for Education
- The Federal stimulus program (American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act) includes over 100 billion
nationally for education (including higher
education). - It is our understanding that 800 million of that
funding will come to Massachusetts
20Federal Stimulus Funding for Education
- Of the education money earmarked for
Massachusetts we believe that West Springfield
may receive as much as 2.5 million. - However, more than 1 million of that amount will
not be received for two (2) fiscal years, i.e.
until FY 2011.
21Federal Stimulus Funding for Education
Money will be distributed through two established
programs - Title I and I.D.E.A. - and through a
new program called State Fiscal Stabilization
Funds. All three programs carry strict
limitations on what the funds may be spent on and
prohibitions on using funds to supplant local
educational spending.
22Federal Stimulus Funding for Education
- Title 1 provides funding for schools that have
high concentrations of children living in
poverty. - I.D.E.A. (Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act) provides funding for programs for students
with special needs.
23Federal Stimulus Funding(continued)
- The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) money
can only be spent for Instructional Expenditures
or for Tuitions (i.e. for out-of-district SPED or
Vocational placements) - We may or may not receive money in FY 2011 under
this category of the ARRA. We will not know until
they recalculate the funding formula next year.
24Federal Stimulus Funding for Education
- We are still awaiting final confirmation of the
stimulus funds that will be made available for
West Springfield. - We are also continuing to receive clarification
on how those funds may be applied. At this time
there is no expectation that spending rules will
be relaxed.
25Anticipated ARRA Funding
26Next Meeting
- The next major milestone in the budget process is
when the Town Council meets to consider the
Mayors Budget proposal which was submitted on
May 1, 2009. - The Town Council will conduct a public hearing on
the Mayors proposed Town Budget on Monday, May
18th. - According to the Town Charter, the Council cannot
increase the Mayors budget. They can only reduce
it. - The Council has until June 30th to approve a
budget so it is possible that their vote may not
be taken until after the end of the 2009/2010
School Year. Our next informational meeting will
be scheduled as soon as the Council approves a
27Protective Lay-off Notices
- May 15th is the Unit A contract deadline for
notification for Reduction-in-force. - Traditionally we issue protective notices to all
non-PTS teachers. - If the Mayors budget were to be approved that
would be more than enough. - If the State budget forces deeper cuts and
layoffs then additional notices may issue later.
28FY 2010 Budget Planning