GUI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Card, which arranges the components in a similar manner as the stack of cards ... Two Label objects (prompt and greeting) One TextField object (inputLine) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GUI

  • GUI programming consists of creating objects by
    which a user can effectively communicate with the
    underlying application program and effect its
    state and behavior.
  • The user must be able to understand the
    interface, its functions, its images, and its
    logical flow.

GUI Effectiveness
  • The users background, knowledge, experience, and
    perspective define a usage context.
  • Different categories of users will have different
  • The GUI should clearly convey the proper
    perspective and level of detail appropriate for
    the background of the target audience.

GUI Principles
  • When designing a GUI application, address the
    users need first.
  • The application should be comprehensive,
    meaningful, and appealing to the target audience.
  • The software design should support an interface
    with the most meaningful abstractions, and be
    intuitive for the user.

GUI Tools
  • C with MFC, OWL, Borland Component Classes,
    Motif (Unix), etc.
  • Visual Basic
  • Script languages Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk
  • Java with JFC
  • Others.

Tools (Cont.)
  • The tools provide implementations of visual
    components that represent familiar objects with
    which the user interacts
  • The software engineer creates visual abstractions
    of the interface using elements such as dialogs
    buttons, text fields, etc., as building blocks

Architecture for GUI Applications
  • The software engineer must work with two
    orthogonal sets of abstractions
  • The application logic
  • The application interface to users
  • The challenge to the software engineer is to
    bridge these abstractions so they can work

GUI Client/Server Model
Basic Graphical User Interfaces
  • With graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the user
    interacts with graphical elements such as
    buttons, dialog boxes, menus, and others.
  • Programs with graphical user interfaces present
    the user with a nice and convenient arrangement
    of graphical components and guide the user in a
    very effective manner when interacting with the
  • Java provides two important graphical libraries
    (or packages) of classes
  • the Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT)
  • Swing.

Graphical Objects
  • The most relevant objects that form part of a
    graphical user interface are
  • Containers
  • Components
  • Events
  • Listeners

Components and Containers
  • A container is an object that can hold graphical
    components and smaller containers. A container
    object also allows its contained objects to be
    arranged in various ways. This arrangement of
    objects is facilitated by special objects called
    layout managers. Examples of container objects
    are frames and panels.
  • Components are small objects that are usually
    arranged with other components in a container
    object. Examples of component objects are
    buttons, labels, and text fields.

General Structure of a GUI
Importing the AWT and Swing
  • The following two lines of code are the ones
    normally required by programs that access the
    graphical libraries AWT and Swing. The import
    statements shown give access to all the classes
    in the two packages.
  • import java.awt.
  • import javax.swing.

  • The largest type of container is a frame. This
    container can be created simply as an object of
    class JFrame of the Swing library.
  • An empty frame window can be built by creating an
    object of class JFrame with a specified title and
    setting the size for it. The next figure shows an
    empty frame (window). The relevant properties of
    this frame are its title, color, and size.

Empty Frame
KJP Code for Empty Frame
  • import javax.swing. // Library for
  • /
  • This class creates and displays an empty
    frame window.
  • /
  • public class Frame_sample
  • /
  • This is the main function of the
  • /
  • public static void main (Strings args)
  • final static int WIDTH 400
  • final static int HEIGHT 300
  • JFrame frame_obj
  • frame_obj new JFrame ("Frame sample)
  • frame_obj.setSize ( WIDTH, HEIGHT)
  • frame_obj.setVisible (true)
  • endfun main
  • //endclass Frame_sample

  • The size of graphical object on the screen is
    measured in pixels.
  • A pixel is the smallest unit of space that can be
    displayed on the video screen.
  • The total number of pixel on the screen defines
    the resolution of the screen.
  • High-resolution screens have a larger number of
    pixels, and the pixels are much smaller.

Simple Components
  • The simplest types of components are labels,
    which can display text titles and images.
  • Text labels just display their text titles when
    they appear on a container of a window.
  • A text label is defined as an object of class
    JLabel The following KJP statements declare two
    text labels
  • JLabel blabel1 // text label
  • JLabel blabel2

Creating Objects of Class JLabel
  • When the objects of class JLabel are created,
    their text titles are defined. The following KJP
    statements create the two text objects and define
    their associated text titles.
  • blabel1 new JLabel (
  • "Kennesaw Java Preprocessor)
  • blabel2 new JLabel (
  • "The Language for OOP)

Image Labels
  • Image labels display a picture by indicating the
    corresponding icon.
  • In classes using Swing, a picture is set up into
    an icon in a label so that the classes can
    position the label in a container and display it.
  • The pictures are normally in a standard format
    such as JPEG or GIF.
  • A picture is defined as an icon, which is an
    object of class ImageIcon. The icon is then
    defined as part of the label.

Declaring and Creating Objects with Icons
  • The following statements declare an object
    variable of class ImageIcon and an object of
    class JLabel.
  • ImageIcon kjpimage // image
  • JLabel kjplabel // for image
  • kjpimage new ImageIcon(kjplogo2.gif)
  • Finally, with the icon object created, it can be
    defined as part of a label. The following
    statement creates the label object with the icon
    defined in object variable kjpimage.
  • kjplabel new JLabel (kjpimage)

Adding Components to a Window
  • Components cannot be added directly to a window,
    which is an object of class JFrame.
  • A special container called the content pane
    defines the working area for the window.
  • All the graphical elements, (components) and
    smaller containers are added to the content pane.
    The content pane is an object of class Container.
  • There are several ways to arrange graphical
    elements in the content pane. The type of
    arrangement is defined by the layout manager

Layout Managers
  • Border, which arranges the components in the
    north, east, west, center, and south positions in
    the container
  • Flow, which arranges the components in the
    container from left to right
  • Grid, which arranges the components in a matrix
    with row and column positions

Layout Managers (2)
  • Box, which arranges the components in a single
    row or single column
  • Card, which arranges the components in a similar
    manner as the stack of cards
  • Gridbag, which arranges components in a similar
    manner as the grid but with variable size cells

Border Layout
import javax.swing. // Library for
graphics import java.awt. / Create and
display a frame window with an image and two text
labels. / public class KjpLogo /
This is the main function of the application.
/ public static void main
(String args) final static int WIDTH
400 final static int HEIGHT 300
JFrame frame_obj // window
Container cpane // content pane
JLabel blabel1 // text label
JLabel blabel2 ImageIcon kjpimage //
image JLabel kjplabel // for
image BorderLayout lmanager // layout manager
frame_obj new JFrame ("KJP logo)
blabel1 new JLabel ( "Kennesaw Java
Preprocessor) blabel2 new JLabel ("The
Language for OOP) kjpimage new
ImageIcon ("kjplogo2.gif) kjplabel new
JLabel (kjpimage) lmanager new
BorderLayout() cpane frame_obj.getContent
Pane() cpane.setLayout (lmanager)
// layout manager
// add the text image label and text label
components // to the content pane of the
window cpane.add (kjplabel,
BorderLayout.CENTER) cpane.add (blabel1,
BorderLayout.NORTH) cpane.add (blabel2,
BorderLayout.SOUTH) frame_obj.setSize
(WIDTH, HEIGHT) frame_obj.setVisible
(true) // end main // end class KjpLogo
A Frame with Three Components
Attributes of Frames
  • Two attributes of frames that are used in the
    previous examples are title and size.
  • The title was set with the constructor of class
    JFrame when creating a frame object. This
    attribute can be set at any time by invoking
    method setTitle with a string argument.
  • For example, the following statement sets a title
    to the frame object declared with reference
    frame_obj in the previous example
  • call setTitle of frame_obj using
  • New Frame Title

  • The size of the frame object is normally set
    before displaying it on the screen.
  • As mentioned before, the units for size are in
  • The previous example used two named constants
    WIDTH and HEIGHT. This is the recommended manner
    to set the values for the size.
  • The size is set by invoking method setSize with
    the values in pixels for width and height of the
    frame. For example, to set the size of the frame
    referenced by frame_obj, the statement is
  • call setSize of frame_obj using WIDTH, HEIGHT

  • The third attribute of a frame is the color.
  • This attribute is normally set to a container in
    the frame such as, the content pane of the frame
    or the panels defined and contained in the
    content pane. In other words, the color of any of
    these containers can directly be set.
  • The most common method to invoke for a container
    is setBackground. The argument is normally a
    predefined constant in class Color, which is
    available in the AWT package.
  • These constants represent various colors to apply
    as background color to the container.

Setting the Color
  • To set the background color of a container in a
    frame object, method setBackground is invoked
    with the selected color. This method is defined
    in class JFrame.
  • The following statement sets the background
    color to pink in frame frame_obj of the previous
  • call setBackground of cpane using

Events and Listeners
  • An event is a special non-visible object that
    represents and an occurrence or signal. It
    indicates some occurrence in the interaction
    between the user and the executing program.
  • Usually, the most important events are the ones
    originated by some user action. Examples are
  • the click of the mouse,
  • starting of mouse movement,
  • a keystroke on the keyboard,
  • and so on.

  • A listener is an object that waits for a specific
    event to occur and that responds to the event in
    some manner.
  • Each listener has a relationship with an event or
    with a group of similar events.
  • Listener objects must be carefully designed to
    respond to its type of events.

Components and Events
  • Buttons and text fields are examples of graphical
    components that generate events as a result of
    user actions.
  • The listener object will respond when the user
    clicks on the button.

An Action Event
Action Event
  • When a user clicks on a button, the type of event
    generated by the button is called action event.
  • The figure illustrates the relationship among the
    button object, the action event, and the listener
  • Creating the action event and invoking the
    appropriate function by the listener object to
    handle the event is done automatically.

Registering the Listener Object
  • The action event generated by the button is sent
    to a corresponding listener object that responds
    to the event.
  • The listener object must be set to respond to an
    event generated by the button object, this is
    known as registering the listener object with the
    button object.

Interaction Button - Listener
  • The next figure shows the UML collaboration
    diagram for an object of class JButton and a
    listener object of class Bquithandler.
  • The button object generates an action event that
    it sends to the listener object by invoking
    method actionPerformed.
  • The interaction between these objects occurs

Button and Listener Object
Declare and Create a Button Object
  • The following statement declares an object
    variable of class JButton.
  • object mybutton of class JButton // kjp
  • JButton mybutton // Java
  • The button object is created with a title. The
    following statement creates the button object
    with title Push to Quit.
  • create mybutton of class JButton using "Push
    to Quit"

Listener Object
  • The listener object will respond when the user
    clicks the mouse on the button.
  • The actual behavior of the listener object is
    defined in a class that has to be defined by the
  • The following statements declare and create the
    listener object bhandler of class Bquithandler.
  • object bhandler of class Bquithandler
  • ...
  • create bhandler of class Bquithandler

Registering the Listener Object
  • The listener object has to be registered as the
    listener to the button object.
  • The following statement invokes function
    addActionListener of the button to register its
    listener object, bhandler.
  • addActionListener of mybutton using bhandler call
  • Function addActionListener is defined in class

Adding the Button Object to Frame
  • The button can now be added to the content pane
    of the window.
  • The following statement adds the button defined
    before to the content pane and with the south
  • call add of cpane using mybutton,
  • The content pane uses the border layout manager
    in this example.

Class for Listener Object
  • The class definition that implements the behavior
    of listener objects depends on the type of events
    that these objects can handle (or respond to).
  • For action events, the class definition must
    implement interface ActionListener, which is
    included in package AWT.
  • The only method specified in the interface is
    actionPerformed and it has to be completely
    implemented in the class defined for action
    listener objects.

Class for Listener
  • import all javax.swing
  • import all java.awt.event
  • description
  • This class defines the behavior of listener
  • objects for the button. When the user clicks
  • the mouse on the button, the program
  • /
  • class Bquithandler implements ActionListener is
  • public
  • description
  • The only function in the class. /
  • function actionPerformed parameters object
    myev of class ActionEvent is
  • begin
  • display Goodbye!
  • call System.exit using 0
  • endfun actionPerformed
  • endclass Bquithandler

Data Input
  • Instead of an object of class JButton, we can
    create an object of class JTextField.
  • The following Java class example, lets the user
    type data into the text field

Java Class InputData
  • import java.awt.
  • import javax.swing.
  • Class InputData
  • public static void main (String args)
  • JFrame myframe new JFrame(Input data)
  • Container pane myframe.getContentPane()
  • JTextField indata new JTextField(
  • Edit data then press Enter)
  • In_listener listener new In_listener()
  • indata.addActionListener(listener)
  • pane.add(indata)
  • myframe.pack()

Java Class In_listener
  • class In_listener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
  • JTextFiled myinput (JTextField)
  • String mydata myinput.getText()
  • System.out.println(mydata)
  • // end method
  • // end class
  • If an integer value was expected
  • int mynumber Integer.parseInt(mydata.trim())

  • A graphic object (of class Graphics) draws each
    pixel in a window
  • Pixels are dots on the screen used to create
    graphic images
  • Depending on the resolution, the screen has a
    large numbers of pixels (gt 786,432)
  • We use a coordinate system to draw on the screen
  • If g is of class Graphics, then to display a
  • g.drawString(Hello KSU!, 30, 40)

Drawing a Rectangle
  • To draw a rectangle at some specified position on
    the screen, and at a specified size
  • g.drawRect(50, 20, 100, 40)
  • This draws a rectangle with the left top corner
    at position (50,20)
  • The rectangle has size 100 pixels wide and 40
    pixels high

Coordinate Systems
  • Each pixel can be identified using a
    two-dimensional coordinate system
  • When referring to a pixel in a Java program, we
    use a coordinate system with the origin in the
    upper left corner

(112, 40)
Class for Display of Starburst
  • import java.awt.
  • import javax.swing.
  • Class StarDisplay
  • public static main (String, args)
  • JFrame frame new JFrame(StarDisplay)
  • Container pane frame.getContentPane()
  • Starb star new Starb()
  • pane.add(star)
  • pane.pack()

Class for Starburst
  • import java.awt.
  • import javax.swing.
  • class Starb extends JComponent
  • private static final int RADIUS 100
  • public void paint (Graphics g)
  • double x1, x2, y1, y2
  • for (double angle 0 angle lt Math.PI
  • angle angle Math.PI/16)
  • x1 Math.cos(angle) RADIUS RADIUS
  • y1 Math.sins(angle) RADIUS RADIUS
  • x2 Math.cos(angle Math.PI RADIUS
  • x2 Math.sin(angle Math.PI RADIUS
  • g.drawLine( (int) x1, (int) y1, (int) x2, (int)
  • // end paint
  • // end Starb

Java Applets
  • A small application that runs with a Web browser
  • Can be tested with the Java utility appletviewer.
  • The applet is run from an HTML file

  • A Java application is a stand-alone program with
    a main method (like the ones we've seen so far)
  • An applet is a Java program that is intended to
    transported over the web and executed using a web
  • An applet can also be executed using the
    appletviewer tool of the Java Software
    Development Kit
  • An applet doesn't have a main method
  • Instead, there are several special methods that
    serve specific purposes
  • The paint method, for instance, is automatically
    executed and is used to draw the applets contents

  • The paint method accepts a parameter that is an
    object of the Graphics class
  • A Graphics object defines a graphics context on
    which we can draw shapes and text
  • The Graphics class has several methods for
    drawing shapes
  • The class that defines the applet extends the
    JApplet class
  • This makes use of inheritance, an object-oriented

  • An applet is embedded into an HTML file using a
    tag that references the bytecode file of the
    applet class
  • It is actually the bytecode version of the
    program that is transported across the web
  • The applet is executed by a Java interpreter that
    is part of the browser

Source Java Code for an Applet
import java.applet. import java.awt. public
class Myapplet extends Applet public void
paint (Graphics mygraph)
mygraph.drawString (I am working in Java)
mygraph.drawRect(50, 50, 100, 30)
HTML file for the Applet
ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltAPPLET CODE Myapplet.class
WIDTH310 HEIGHT 200gt lt/APPLETgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Applets with GUIs
  • Access the applet class
  • Access the awt package -- The Abstract Windowing
  • import java.applet.
  • import java.awt.
  • These applets will normally need to declare and
    create GUI objects from the Awt or Swing packages

Placement of GUI Objects
  • After creating the GUI objects, they are placed
    on the viewer window
  • The default placing is left-to-right and
    top-to-bottom (the FlowLayout layout manager)

  • This applet uses
  • Two Label objects (prompt and greeting)
  • One TextField object (inputLine)
  • After declaring these objects, they need to be
    created, then they need to be associated with the
    applet by invoking the add method to make the
    objects visible.

Applet Example
Public GreetingApplet extends JApplet public
void init () Container pane
getContentPane() Label prompt new Label
(Type your name ) Label greeting new
Label() TextField inputLine new TextField
(20) // now make these objects visible
pane.add(prompt) pane.add(greeting)
Drawing Shapes
  • Let's explore some of the methods of the Graphics
    class that draw shapes in more detail
  • A shape can be filled or unfilled, depending on
    which method is invoked
  • The method parameters specify coordinates and
  • Java coordinate system has the origin in the
    upper left corner
  • Many shapes with curves, like an oval, are drawn
    by specifying its bounding rectangle
  • An arc can be thought of as a section of an oval

Drawing a Line
Drawing a Rectangle
page.drawRect (50, 20, 100, 40)
Drawing an Oval
bounding rectangle
page.drawOval (175, 20, 50, 80)
A Simple Applet
Import javax.swing. import java.awt. import
java.util.Calendar public class Myclass extends
JApplet ltFieldsgt ltMethodsgt
The Applet Methods
  • Public void init()... invoked when the applet
    is loaded initially
  • public void start()... invoked when entering
    the web page that contains the applet
  • public void stop()... invoked when leaving the
    web page that contains the applet
  • public void run()... run the applet, i.e., the
    main driver of the applet
  • public void paint(Graphics g)... paint the

The Life-Cycle of Applet
HTML Source
lt!--AppletDemo.html--gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt
lttitlegtTesting Appletlt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbody
bgcolorwhitegt lth1gtThe Good Appletlt/h1gtltpgt ltapplet
codeDigitalClock.class width250
height80gt lt/appletgt ltpgtlthrgt lta
hrefMyapplet.javagtThe sourcelt/agt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Representing Color
  • A black and white picture can be stored using one
    bit per pixel (0 white and 1 black)
  • A color picture requires more information, and
    there are several techniques for representing a
    particular color
  • For example, every color can be represented as a
    mixture of the three primary colors Red, Green,
    and Blue
  • In Java, each color is represented by three
    numbers between 0 and 255 that are collectively
    called an RGB value

The Color Class
  • A color is defined in a Java program using an
    object created from the Color class
  • The Color class also contains several static
    predefined colors
  • Every graphics context has a current foreground
  • Every drawing surface has a background color

The java.awt.Color Class
  • Instances of the Color class represent colors.
  • new Color(r, g, b)
  • where r, g, b are the values of the red, green,
    and blue components, respectively. They are
    in the in the range of 0 to 255.
  • Some common colors are predefined as constants.
  • black gray orange yellow
  • blue green pink
  • cyan lightGray red
  • darkGray magenta white

The java.awt.Font Class
  • Fonts are specified with three attributes
  • font name Serif Sans-serif Monospaced Dialog
    DialogInput TimesRoman Helvetica Courier
  • font style PLAIN BOLD ITALIC
  • Styles can be combined Font.BOLDFont.ITALIC
  • font size a positive integer
  • A font can be created as follows
  • new Font(name, style, size)
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