Title: The Companys Internal Environment
1The Companys Internal Environment
Part 2. Evaluating a Companys Resources and
Competitive Position Chapter 4 TSG Primus
2Company Situation AnalysisThe Key Questions
- Question 1 How Well Is the Companys Present
Strategy Working? - Question 2 What Are the Companys Resource
Strengths and Weaknesses and Its External
Opportunities and Threats? - Question 3 Are the Companys Prices and Costs
Competitive? - Question 4 Is the Company Competitively
Stronger or Weaker than Key Rivals? - Question 5 What Strategic Issues and Problems
Merit Urgent Managerial Attention?
3Question 3 Are the CompanysPrices and
Costs Competitive?
- Assessing whether a firms costs are competitive
with those of rivals is a crucial part of the
analysis of the companys situation - Key analytical tools
- Value chain analysis
- Benchmarking
4Concept Company Value Chain
- A companys business consists of all activities
undertaken in designing, producing, marketing,
delivering, and supporting its product or service
- All these activities that a company performs
internally combine to form a value
chainso-called because the underlying intent of
a companys activities is to do things that
ultimately create value for buyers - The value chain contains two types of activities
- Primary activities (where most ofthe value for
customers is created) - Support activities that facilitateperformance of
the primary activities
5Fig. 4.3 A Representative Company Value Chain
6Example Value Chain Activitiesfor a Baked
Goods Maker
- Primary Activities
- Supply chain management
- Recipe development and testing
- Mixing and baking
- Packaging
- Sales and marketing
- Distribution
- Support Activities
- Quality control
- Human resource management
- Administration
7Example Value Chain Activitiesfor a
Department Store Retailer
- Primary Activities
- Merchandise selection and purchasing
- Store layout and product display
- Advertising
- Customer service
- Support Activities
- Site selection
- Hiring and training
- Store maintenance
- Administrative activities
8Example Value ChainActivities for a Hotel
- Primary Activities
- Site selection and construction
- Reservations
- Operation of hotel properties
- Managing lineupof hotel locations
- Support Activities
- Accounting
- Hiring and training
- Advertising
- Building a brand and reputation
- Generaladministration
9Characteristics of Value Chain Analysis
- Combined costs of all activities in a companys
value chain define the companys internal cost
structure - Compares a firms costs activityby activity
against costs of key rivals - From raw materials purchase to
- Price paid by ultimate customer
- Clarifies which internal activities are asource
of cost advantage or disadvantage
10The Value Chain Systemfor an Entire
- Assessing a companys cost competitiveness
involves comparing costs all along the industrys
value chain - Suppliers value chains are relevant because
costs, performance features, and quality of
inputsprovided by suppliers influence a firms
own costsand product performance - Value chains of distributors and retailers
arerelevant because - Their costs and profit margins represent value
added and are part of the price paid by ultimate
end-user - The activities they perform affect end-user
11Example Value Chain Activities
Pulp Paper Industry
Timber farming Logging Pulp mills Papermaking Dist
12Example Value Chain Activities
Computer Software Industry
Programming Disk loading Marketing Distribution
13Benchmarking Costs ofKey Value Chain
- Focuses on cross-company comparisons of how
certain activities are performed and costs
associated with these activities - Purchase of materials
- Payment of suppliers
- Management of inventories
- Getting new products to market
- Performance of quality control
- Filling and shipping of customer orders
- Training of employees
- Processing of payrolls
14Objectives of Benchmarking
- Identify best and most efficient means of
performing various value chain activities - Learn what is the best way to perform a
particular activity from those companies who have
demonstrated that they are best-in-industry or
best-in-world at performing the activity - Learn what other firms do to perform an activity
at lower cost - Figure out what actions to take to improve a
companys own cost competitiveness
15What Determines If aCompany Is Cost
- Cost competitiveness depends on how well a
company manages its value chain relative to how
well competitors manage their value chains - When a companys costs are too high the
activities responsible for the higher costs may
be due to any of three parts of industry value
chain - 1. Activities performed by suppliers
- 2. A companys own internal activities
- 3. Activities performed by forward channel
allies the buyers
16Value Chain Activities and Competitive
- A company can create competitive advantage by
out-managing rivals in performing value chain
activities in either/both of two ways - Option 1 Develop competencies and
capabilitiesthat rivals dont have or cant
match do it better - Option 2 Do an overall better job than rivals
oflowering combined costs of performingthe
value chain activities do it cheaper
17Question 4 Is the Company Strongeror
Weaker than Key Rivals?
- Overall competitive position involvesanswering
two questions - How does a company rank relativeto competitors
on each key success factor? - Does a company have a netcompetitive advantage
or disadvantagevis-à-vis major competitors?
18Assessing a CompanysCompetitive Strength
vs. Key Rivals
1. List industry key success factors and other
relevant measures of competitive strength 2.
Rate firm and key rivals on each factor using
rating scale of 1 to 10 (1 very weak 5
average 10 very strong) 3. Decide whether to
use a weighted or unweighted rating system 4.
Sum individual ratings to get an overall measure
of competitive strength for each rival 5. Based
on overall strength ratings, determine overall
competitive position of firm
19(No Transcript)
20Why Do a CompetitiveStrength Assessment ?
- Reveals overall strength of firms competitive
position vis-à-vis key rivals - Shows how firm stacks up against rivals, for each
KSF identifies firms competitive strengths and
competitive weaknesses - Indicates whether firm is at a competitive
advantage or disadvantage against each rival - Identifies possible room for improvement
21Question 5 What Strategic IssuesMerit
Managerial Attention?
- Based on results of both industry and competitive
analysis and an evaluation of a companys
competitiveness, what items should beon a
companys worry list? - Requires thinking strategically about
- Pluses and minuses in the industryand
competitive situation - Companys resource strengths and weaknesses and
attractiveness of its competitive position
A good strategy must address what to doabout
each and every strategic issue!
22Identifying the Strategic Issues Some
- How to combat price discounting of rivals?
- How to reduce a companys high costs?
- How to sustain a companys present growthin
light of slowing buyer demand? - Whether to expand a companys product line?
- Whether to acquire a rival firm?
- Whether to expand into foreign markets rapidly or
cautiously? - What to do about aging demographics of a
companys customer base? - How to stave off market challenges from new
foreign competitors?