Title: XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
1XSLTeXtensible Stylesheet Language
- Advanced Internet Dev COMP 431
- Frank McCown
- Spring 2004
- Modified slides from www.corewebprogramming.com
- XSLT overview
- Understanding XPath notation
- Processing elements in XSLT templates
- Example
3XSLT Overview
- W3C technology for transforming an XML document
into some other text-based form XML, HTML, WML,
etc. - XSLT Versions
- XSLT 1.0 (Nov 1999)
- XSLT 2.0 (Nov 2002)
- Official web sitehttp//www.w3c.org/Style/XSL
4eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
- XSL is a language for expressing stylesheets.
- Transforming XML document
- Xpath
- Expression language used by XSLT to locate
elements and attributes in an XML doc. - XSL-FO (Formatting Objects)
- Specifies formatting properties for rendering the
doc to some other format.
5XSLT Advantages Disadvantages
- Advantages
- Easy display formatted XML data in browser.
- Easier to modify when XML data format changes
than to modify DOM and SAX parsing code. - Can be used with database queries that return
- Disadvantages
- Memory intensive, performance hit.
- Difficult to implement complex business rules.
- Have to learn new language.
6XSLT Processors
- Apache Xalanhttp//xml.apache.org/xalan
- SAXONhttp//saxon.sourceforge.net
- Microsofts XML Parser 4.0 (MSXML)http//www.micr
7XSLT and Java
- JDK 1.4 contains all necessary classes
- See javax.xml.transform package.
- Lower versions require downloading XSLT processor
and SAX parser.
8XML Transformation Example
9lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt lt!-- hello.xml
--gt lt?xmlstylesheet type"text/xsl"
href"hello.xsl"?gt ltmyMessagegt ltmessagegtHello
XSLT!lt/messagegt lt/myMessagegt
lthtmlgt ltbodygt lth1gtHello XSLT!lt/h1gt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt lt!-- hello.xsl
--gt ltxslstylesheet version"1.0"
ltxsltemplate match"myMessage"gt
lthtmlgtltbodygt lth1gtltxslvalue-of
select"message"/gtlt/h1gt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
lt/xsltemplategt lt/xslstylesheetgt
10Running Example
- Load hello.xml into IE.
- Run Xalan from the command linejava
org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in hello.xml -xsl
hello.xsl - Run our Transform.java from the command line.
- XPath is an expression language used to
- Find nodes and attributes (location paths) in the
XML file - Test boolean conditions
- Manipulate strings
- Perform numerical calculations
12Location Paths
- Example ltxsltemplate matchentry/address/
street/gt lt/xsltemplategt - Can be relative or absolute
- Each step in path separated by / or //
- Evaluated in reference to the current node
13Location Paths (cont.)
- Match root node
- ltxsltemplate match//gt
lt/xsltemplategt - Match all children
- ltxsltemplate match/gt
14Location Paths (cont.)
- Match an element
- Use // to indicate zero or more elements may
occur between slashes - ltxsltemplate matchentry//street/gt
lt!-- Match all street elements that are - grandchildren of entry. --gt
lt/xsltemplategt - ltxsltemplate matchorder//item/gt lt!--
Match all item elements that are - descendants of order. --gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
15Location Paths (cont.)
- Match a specific element
- Use as a predicate filter to select a
particular element -
- ltxsltemplate matchauthor/namemiddle/gt
lt!-- Match all name elements that have an
author - parent and a middle child. --gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
- ltxsltemplate matchentry/phone1/gt lt!--
Match the first phone element that is a - child of entry. --gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
16Location Paths (cont.)
- Match a specific attribute
- Use _at_attribute to select a particular attribute
- ltxsltemplate matchphone_at_location/gt lt!--
Match all phone elements that have a - location attribute. --gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
- ltxsltemplate matchcatalog/item_at_id123/gt
lt!-- Match only item elements with id attribute - of 123. --gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
17XSLT Stylesheet Elements
- Matching and selection templates
- xsltemplate
- xslapply-templates
- xslvalue-of
- Branching elements
- xslfor-each
- xslif
- xslchoose
18XSLT template Element
- xsltemplate matchXPath
- Defines a template rule for producing output
- Is applied only to nodes that match the pattern
- Invoked by using ltxslapply-templates/gt
- ltxsltemplate match"/"gt
- lthtmlgtltbodygt
- ltxslapply-templates/gt
- lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
- ltxsltemplate matchname"gt
- Your name is ltxslvalue-of select."/gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
19XSLT value-of Element
- xslvalue-of selectexpression
- Evaluates the expression as a string and outputs
the result - Applied only to the first match
- . selects the text value of the current node
- ltname prefixMr.gtJohn Doelt/namegt
- _________________________________________________
- ltxsltemplate matchname"gt
- Your name is ltxslvalue-of select_at_prefix"/gt
ltxslvalue-of select."/gt - lt/xsltemplategt
20XSLT for-each Element
- xslfor-each selectexpression
- Processes each node selected by the XPath
expression - Applied only to the first match
- . selects the text value of the current node
- ltclassgt
- ltstudentgtKim Smithlt/studentgt
- ltstudentgtJack Blacklt/studentgt
- lt/classgt
- _________________________________________________
______ - ltxsltemplate matchclass"gt
- ltxslfor-each selectstudent"gt
- ltbgtltxslvalue-of select."/gtlt/bgt
- lt/xslfor-eachgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
21XSLT if Element
- xslif testexpression
- Evaluates the expression and if true applies the
template - No if-else, use choose instead
- ltxsltemplate matchclass"gt
- lt!-- Select the first node in the set. --gt
- ltxslif selectposition() first()"gt
- ltbgtltxslvalue-of select."/gtlt/bgt
- lt/xslifgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
22XSLT choose Element
- xslchoose
- Selects any number of alternatives
- Use instead of if-else, or switch statement used
in other programming languages - ltxslchoosegt
- ltxslwhen testnot(text())"gt
- Missing value!
- lt/xslwhengt
- ltxslotherwisegt
- ltxslvalue-of select./gt
- lt/xslotherwisegt
- lt/xslchoosegt
23XSLT Functions
- Large set of utility functions
- Examples
- count returns the number of nodes in a node
setltxslvalue-of select"count(/addressbook/e
ntry)"/gt - starts-with returns true if string starts with
a given characterltxslif test"starts-with(_at_loca
tion, 'h')"gt Starts with hlt/xslifgt
24Address Book Example
ltaddressbookgt ltentrygt ltname
prefix"Mr."gt Zack Blacklt/namegt ltaddressgt
ltstreetgt101 Main Stlt/streetgt
ltcitygtSearcylt/citygt ltstategtARlt/stategt
ltzipgt12345lt/zipgt lt/addressgt ltphone
location"home" number"501-279-9999" /gt
ltphone location"work" number"501-279-1111"
/gt lt/entrygt ltentrygt ltnamegtJohn
Brownlt/namegt ltphone number"501-305-2222" /gt
ltentrygt ltnamegtSusan Whitelt/namegt
ltaddressgt ltstreetgt2000 Center Rdlt/streetgt
ltcitygtDallaslt/citygt ltstategtTXlt/stategt
ltzipgt67790lt/zipgt lt/addressgt ltphone
location"home number"501-279-0000" /gt
lt/entrygt lt/addressbookgt
25lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt ltxsl
stylesheet xmlnsxsl"http//www.w3.org/1999/XS
L/Transform" version"1.0"gt ltxsloutput
method"html"/gt ltxsltemplate
match"/addressbook"gt lthtmlgtltbodygt
lttable border"1"gt ltcaptiongtAddress
Booklt/captiongt lttrgt ltthgtNamelt/thgtltthgtA
ddresslt/thgtltthgtPhone Number(s)lt/thgt lt/trgt
ltxslapply-templates select"entry"/gt
lt/tablegt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
26ltxsltemplate match"entry"gt lttrgt
lttdgtltxslapply-templates select"name"/gtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltxslapply-templates select"address"/gtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltxslapply-templates select"phone"/gtlt/td
gt lt/trgt lt/xsltemplategt ltxsltemplate
match"name"gt ltxslvalue-of
select"_at_prefix"/gt ltxsltextgt lt/xsltextgt
ltxslvalue-of select"."/gt lt/xsltemplategt
ltxsltemplate match"address"gt ltxslvalue-of
select"street"/gtltbr/gt ltxslvalue-of
select"city"/gt, ltxslvalue-of select"state"/gt
ltxsltextgt lt/xsltextgt ltxslvalue-of
select"zip"/gt lt/xsltemplategt ltxsltemplate
match"phone"gt ltxslvalue-of
select"_at_location"/gt ltxslvalue-of
select"_at_number"/gt ltbr/gt lt/xsltemplategt lt/
27(No Transcript)
- www.corewebprogramming.com
- www.w3c.org/Style/XSL
- XML How to Program by Deitel
29Esercizio 3
- Scrivere una trasformata XSLT per renderizzare in
HTML il file XML costruito allesercizio 2.