Title: To the Jew First Rom 1:16
1To the Jew First Rom 116
- New Covenant with Israel Ministries Jer 3131
- Opening Prayer
- New Covenant w/ Israel Ministries intro Gen
122 - Abraham Covenant
- Gen 122 And I will make you a great nation, And
I will bless you, And make your name great And
so you shall be a blessing - Gen 123 And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse. And in
you all the families of the earth will be
blessed." - Gen 17 Covenant of circumcision
- Hardening in part Rom 11
- Failure to complete Daniels 6 action points in
Dan 9 - No land Sabath 2Chr 3621 and Jer 29
- Outline discussion and pass out material
- 5 minute testimony of David and Eric
- Introduction
- Opening Prayer / Davids Testimony
- The Hope Video
- Reliability, Authenticity External Evidence of
the Bible - 2 Witnesses, 144k, AOD, Petra and impact we can
have - 700 Club Video
- 10 Minute Break
- 70 7s, and Messianic Prophecies
- Erics Testimony
- Role Playing and actual witnessing techniques
- Life Application
- Closing Prayer
4The Hope Video
5Reliability of Scripture
- Who wrote it ?
- When was it written ?
- Accuracy in duplication method
6Who wrote Jesus Story in the NT?
- Matthew John (eyewitness disciples)
- Matthew, former tax collector
- John, a angry young man who became the Apostle of
love - Mark (followed Peter, eyewitness disciple)
- Luke (medical doctor turned historian who
followed Paul Luke was a Gentile, not a Jew) - Lukes history is unsurpassed in respect of its
trustworthinessLuke is a historian of the first
rankthis author should be placed along with the
very greatest of historians. Sir William
Ramsey - renown archaeologist
7When were these bios written?
- Alexander the Greats biography was written 400
years after his death - vs. Jesus Christs, within 50 years some
fragments date soon after the resurrection! - Moreover, the Apostle Pauls earlier letters
include Confessions of Faith, Creeds, and Hymns
which speak of Jesus life/death/resurrection,
which were circulated within several years time!
(e.g. 1 Corinthians 153-7)
8How close to the original manuscripts or our
copies of the New Testament?
- Original copy Oldest existing copy
- shorter time gap, more reliable
- Time gap
- Aristotles Poetics 1400 years
- Caesars Gallic Wars 1000 years
- Homers Iliad 500 years
- New Testament lt 100 years(some fragments date
within a few years of Christs resurrection!
9Number of existing ancient copies
- More of copies, more reliable
- of copies
- Aristotles Poetics 5 MSS
- Caesars Gallic Wars 10 MSS
- Homers Iliad 643 MSS
- New Testament 20,000 MSS
10Do all copies say the same thing?
- Homers Iliad
- 764 lines (5) is doubtful
- New Testament
- Only 40 lines (0.05) are doubtful
11 The Bible is reliable!-
Doctrines in jeopardy due to variances ZERO!-
Average of corruption in Most Ancient Works -
10- The New Testament - .05
12Since the Bible is reliable
- We know the Gospel accounts of Jesus life, death,
and resurrection are valid!Our faith is valid
Jesus Christ is in fact risen!One day soon
the Rapture will take place!Some may still
ask, is there any other evidence other than the
13External Evidence
- Literature
- Archaeology
- Historical Christian AND Non-Christian
- Natural Occurrences
14External Evidence
- Other confirmations outside of the Bible
- Is the Bible True? U.S. News World Report,
October 25, 1999 - Mary Joseph travel to hometown for census?
- Recently discovered Roman Empire-wide census was
held every 14 years - Pool of Bethesda with 5 pillars? (John Chapter 5)
- Archaeologists recently discovered this pool
- Crucifixion? No skeletal remains found
- But in 1968, found a tomb with remains of a 24-28
year old man nailed to the cross, with leg broken
15Archaeology validates -Lukes record of the
Census-Crucifixion as described in the
Gospel-And many other facts recorded in
As we discover more from archeology, we find the
Story of Jesus solidified by the facts!
16What historians are saying
- On the Crucifixion, Harvey writes "It would be
no exaggeration to say that this event is better
attested, and supported by a more impressive
array of evidence, than any other event of
comparable importance of which we have knowledge
from the ancient world." Harv.JesC, 11 Dunn
Dunn.EvJ, 29
17Harvey goes on to say
- within thirty years there had evolved such a
coherent and consistent complex of traditions
such as we have in the sources of the Gospels
that it is established historical fact. It
involves too many complex and speculative
hypotheses, in contrast to the much simpler
explanation that there was a Jesus who said and
did more or less what the first three Gospels
attribute to him.
18Writings outside of the Bible
- Josephus, Jewish historian
- "at this time there was a wise man who was called
Jesus. And his conduct was good, and (he) was
known to be virtuous. And many people from among
the Jews and the other nations became his
disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified
and to die. And those who had become his
disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They
reported that he appeared to them three days
after his crucifixion and that He was alive
accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah
concerning whom the prophets have recounted
(Antiquities XVIII, 33)
19Josephus goes on to say
- Antiquities 20.9.1But the younger Ananus who, as
we said, received the high priesthood, was of a
bold disposition and exceptionally daring he
followed the party of the Sadducees, who are
severe in judgment above all the Jews, as we have
already shown. As therefore Ananus was of such a
disposition, he thought he had now a good
opportunity, as Festus was now dead, and Albinus
was still on the road so he assembled a council
of judges, and brought before it the brother of
Jesus the so-called Christ, whose name was James,
together with some others, and having accused
them as law-breakers, he delivered them over to
be stoned.
20James, the brother of Jesus
- Just a few days ago this article was published
Brother of Jesus' - Apr 19 2003
- The Western Mail - The National Newspaper Of
Wales -
- A 2,000-YEAR-OLD casket discovered in the Holy
Land may be the box that held the bones of James,
the brother of Jesus, scholars have said. - Tests were run to analyse the authenticity of the
"Jesus Box" which contained fragments of bones
believed to belong to James. - Scholars say the tests support the claim that the
box is genuine.
21Still another proof from antiquity!
James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus
22(No Transcript)
23Josephus -another translation
- Antiquities 18.3.3 Now there was about this time
Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a
man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, a
teacher of such men as receive the truth with
pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the
Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was the
Christ, and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the
principal men among us, had condemned him to the
cross, those that loved him at the first did not
forsake him for he appeared to them alive again
the third day as the divine prophets had
foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful
things concerning him. And the tribe of
Christians so named from him are not extinct at
this day.
24The Proof
- Josephus is a respected Jewish historian. He was
not a Christian and seems to have recorded
provable historical facts not myths or stories. - The afore mentioned quotes are in every copy we
have of his works. If Josephus did not write
this, the Jews would have produced a manuscript
that was earlier than the ones we have that
contained the original language. We must
conclude these are authentic and reliable.
25More non-Christian historians
- Tacitus, Roman historian
- In documenting Neros persecution of the
Christians in 64 AD mentions Pontius Pilate as
the one who handed the extreme penalty upon
Jesus - Phlegon, Greek historian
- In the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad 33 AD
there was the greatest eclipse of the sunit
became night in the sixth hour of the day noon
so that stars even appeared in the heavens.
There was a great earthquake in Bithynia and many
things were overturned in Nicaea. Ref Matt
26What about the sun growing dark?
- Luk 2342 And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me
when You come in Your kingdom!" - Luk 2343 And He said to him, "Truly I say to
you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." - Luk 2344 It was now about the sixth hour, and
darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth
hour, - Luk 2345 because the sun was obscured and the
veil of the temple was torn in two.
27A Roman Proconsul
- He wrote a letter to the emperor about killing
Christians. - He stated that under torture, they would not
deny this Jesus who was crucified under Pontious
and reportedly raised from the dead. - They worship this man Jesus, called the Christ.
28More proof
- TacitusNero from the infamy of being believed
to have ordered the conflagration, the fire of
Rome. Hence to suppress the rumor, he falsely
charged with the guilt, and punished Christians,
who were hated for their enormities. Christ-us,
the founder of the name, was put to death by
Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign
of Tiberius
29Tacitus confirms the following
- He regards "Christus" as the founder of the
movement. This mitigates against ideas that Paul
or some other person was the ideological head of
Christianity. - He confirms the execution of Jesus under Pilate,
during the reign of Tiberius. - He indicates that Jesus' death "checked"
Christianity for a time. This would hint at the
probability that Christianity was recognized to
have had some status as a movement (albeit not
under the name "Christianity") prior to the death
of Jesus. - He identifies Judaea as the "source" of the
movement. This mitigates against ideas that
Christianity was designed piecemeal from pagan
religious ideas. - He indicates that Christians in Rome in the
mid-60s A.D. were dying for their faith.
30The Shroud of Turin
An amazingly detailed picture of a bearded man
who had been beaten about the body, crowned with
thorns pierced with nails through the wrists
the feet," is how Newsweek magazine described the
Shroud of Turin. For centuries, this unique
burial cloth has generated intense controversy.
Many scholars, historians, scientists and
theologians have been convinced that it is the
cloth in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after his
crucifixion, and that by some unknown process his
image was transferred onto it.
31Is it authentic?
- The educational magazine, National Geographic,
reports that the face on the Shroud, hauntingly
serene in death, would grace a masterpiece of
art. The body, anatomically correct, bears the
frightful marks of scourging, crucifixion,
piercing--perhaps by thorns lance. It would
appear to be a portrait, uncannily accurate when
matched against the Gospel accounts, of Jesus of
32National Geographic goes on to say
- National Geographic reported, "Perhaps never
before had an object of art or archeology been
subjected to such exhaustive examination. The
scientists bombarded the relic with ultraviolet
radiation, X-rays, and examined it
microscopically took photo micrographs. With
sticky tape a vacuum device, bits of dust,
pollen other particles were captured for
33What was their findings?
- "I was convinced it was a forgery"
- confesses Dr, John Heller of Yale medical school,
the blood expert of the team. Today he admits, - "NO QUESTION IN MY MIND! There was a scourged,
crucified man in the Shroud." - STURP team member, Dr. Robert Bucklin, chief
pathologist of the Los Angeles city morgue,
states - "If I were asked in a court of law to stake my
professional reputation on the validity of the
shroud of Turin, I would answer very positively
firmly that it is the burialcloth of Christ. It's
Jesus Whose figure appears on the Shroud. It is
not a matter of faith to me, it's just a matter
of common sense. Knowing what we know, who else
could this have happened to?" - One of the World's top investigative dentists,
Dr. Max Frei of the University of Zurich, a
specialist in tracing where a fabric has been,
through microscopic pollen analysis, declares - "My tests have convinced me that this Shroud is
IN FACT the cloth in which CHRIST'S BODY was
34Jesus is Risen!
- Robert Dinager of the Los Alamos scientific
laboratory in New Mexico stated, - "It seems as if the image possibly came from some
short-term pulse of energy. You could say it was
instantaneous. It would have had to be a pretty
good amount of energy, but not too much or it
would have destroyed the cloth." - For those who believe the Bible, the answer is
apparent At the climactic moment that Jesus dead
body was quickened to life, this "photograph" was
left behind on His burial cloth as a silent
witness of the greatest miracle that ever took
place The resurrection of Christ!
35Future State of Israel, Gods Plan and The Good
News - David
- Rapture - Pre-Trib, Mid Trib, Pre-wrath, etc
- 2 Witness (probably Elijah and Moses)
- Armegedeon, 2nd coming and Gods plan for the
36Future State of Israel, Gods Plan and The Good
News - David
- The Rapture of the Church
- Many theories on the rapture (pre-trib,
pre-wrath, mid-trib, post-trib,and a-mil, which
says there is no rapture, just the second coming. - This event triggers a new era for the nation of
Israel - 144,000 Jews Saved
- Believers potentially have a chance, today, to be
a witness to, and have an effect on the 144,000. - Why this is a literal number
- The Two Witnesses
- Who are they?
- What purpose do they serve?
37- The Abomination of Desolation
- What is the Abomination of Desolation and how
does it affect the Jews? - Why its important to keep our eyes on the
building of a new temple in Jerusalem - How will Anti-Christ be revealed and what affect
will that have on the Jews? - The Flight to Petra
- What believers are doing today to help Jews in
the tribulation - Why Petra is a safe haven for Jews
38- Armageddon
- What nations are going to be there?
- Why its not a battle!
- The Second Coming
- Why this is a fulfillment of prophecy and what
every Jew has longed for - The sheep and the goats, and the least of
these. - The Millenium Period
- The peace that Jews have hoped for for centuries
- Jesus will rule over all
39Current Future State of Israel
- 700 Club Video Personal Testimony Psalms 83 6
days war - Relentless Video Clips if time permits
- Holocost
4010 Minute Break
41Messianic Fullfillment
- Daniels 70 7s
- Messianic Prophecies powerpoints from CCBCU
- Did Jesus raise from the dead?
- Lets examine the facts
42Quick Review
- Daniel 9 25 So you are to know and discern that
from the issuing of the decree to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince comes,
there will be seven sevens, and sixty-two
sevens. - We know when the decree was given
43From the issuing of the decree to the Messiah
From the issuing of a decree to rebuild
Until the Messiah
will be...
7 sevens
and 62 sevens
7 X 7 49
62 X 7 434
49 434 483 years 476 solar years
See number one in our series for the complete
44So when was the decree given?
Nehemiah 21ff In the month of Nisan in the
twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, Neh 27 And I
said to the king, "If it please the king, let
letters be given me for the governors of the
provinces beyond the River, that they may allow
me to pass through until I come to Judah, 8 and
a letter to Asaph the keeper of the king's
forest, that he may give me timber to make beams
for the gates of the fortress which is by the
temple, for the wall of the city and for the
house to which I will go." And the king granted
them to me because the good hand of my God was on
me. (The letters were the decree to rebuild,
using the Kings lumber!) When did this take
45According to the Encyclopedia Britannica
Nehemiah 21ff In the month of Nisan in the
twentieth year of King Artaxerxes
46465-20444 This is historical fact!
From the issuing of a decree to rebuild
Until the Messiah
will be... 476 years
7 sevens
and 62 sevens
33 AD
When Jesus rode in on a donkey - the crowd
hailed Him Messiah!
444 BC
47Was this foretold?
- Zechariah 99 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of
Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you He is just
and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted
on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a
Mat 216 The disciples went and did just as
Jesus had instructed them, Mat 217 and brought
the donkey and the colt, and laid their coats on
them and He sat on the coats. Mat 218 Most of
the crowd spread their coats in the road, and
others were cutting branches from the trees and
spreading them in the road. Mat 219 The crowds
going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were
shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David BLESSED
48Jesus fulfilled all 48 direct prophecies and over
300 indirect ones!
- Manner of birth (Isaiah 714) place of birth,
Bethlehem (Micah 52) manner of death (Isaiah
53) etc. - Odds of fulfilling 8 prophecies is 1017 to 1
- Odds of fulfilling 48 prophecies is 10157 to 1
- Maybe Jesus intentionally lived out those
prophecies? - But how could He plan the place of birth, death,
burial in a rich mans tomb, crucifixion, etc.? - Maybe prophecies were written after Jesus?
- In 1947, found Dead Sea Scrolls (age 200 BC)
- The Septuagint contained all the prophecies,
translated 285 BC!
49So what did Jesus say do?
- Jesus claimed to be God through His actions and
words and He raised from the dead! - There are only three options to consider 1.
Was He telling the truth is He Lord ? - 2. Was He lying?
- 3. Was He crazy a lunatic ?
50Was Jesus a liar?
- But He was morally impeccable
- No fault found, not even by enemies
- What is the motive?
- No rich gain - only invited suffering
- Not for power he could have had it and didnt
- Not for personal gain He taught to deny
yourself, and He did just that.
51Was Jesus crazy?
- Any abnormalities in perception, emotion,
thought, behavior? (cant speak logically,
irrational, inappropriate dress) NO. - Schizophrenic Divinity complex ?
- Inflexible, dullness, inability to love others,
inability to understand others. NO - Jesus was of clear mind, sound teaching,
peaceful, understood peoples hearts deeply YES - And people took him very seriously
- And He performed miracles
52More on Miracles
- Many outside the Bible, including the opposition,
testify to Jesus miracles - Myths and legends are formulated several hundred
years later Jesus was still alive and doing
miracles when the crowds followed Him! - If miracles are not legitimate, then opponents
could find those people and reveal it But it
was always confirmed by opponents that the
miracles happened. - The greatest miracle is of course the
53Reasons for Resurrection
- Everyone agrees that Jesus tomb is empty
- Christians claim Jesus died and was resurrected
back to life on the 3rd day - Alternate explanations
- Jesus was not really dead
- Body stolen?
- Wrong tomb?
54Was Jesus really dead?
- On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ
Journal of the American Medical Society, March
21, 1986, p.1463 - Clearly, the weight of historical and medical
evidence indicates that Jesus was dead before the
wound to His side was inflicted the spear,
thrust between His right ribs, probably
perforated not only the right lung but also the
pericardium and heart and thereby ensured his
55Was Jesus body stolen?
- By Romans?
- But Jesus was a trouble maker to their rule why
create a deity / martyr that defeats death ? - By Jews?
- But Jesus was a threat to their religion - same
as above - By Disciples?
- But just before, they were frightened and fled.
And what about the guards ? - Roman guards stationed to guard the body. Roman
law provided that if guards did not protect the
prisoner that their fate would be the same as
the prisoner.
56Went to the wrong tomb?
- Why are angels seen inside the tomb?
- Why are the grave clothes there in an empty
tomb? - The troops were still at the tomb in a state of
shock over the events that transpired!
57Resurrection appearances
- Merely hallucinations?
- Many different occasions
- 500 people at the same time
- Because they so much wanted to see Jesus?
- But they didnt expect Him to come back
- Paul saw Him later on the road to Damascus!
- Thomas doubted until he touched Jesus wounds!
58Lasting impact of resurrection
- Dramatic transformation of the disciples
- 10 of the remaining 11 disciples were martyred, 6
were crucified - Because now unafraid of death
- Not a single disciple denied it
- In fact, all writings confirm the resurrection
miracles of Jesus! - Easter celebrated as the biggest day of the
Christian calendar - Jesus life and death and resurrection are
documented historic facts!
59The Bible is Gods Word!
- For me, it is proven fact confirmed by inner
transformation and miracles that still take place
in my life. - It must be, because you all just got an A on
the final! Thats Gods Grace!
60The Gospel in Genesis
- The names of Adams descendants were given their
names for a specific reason. The following is a
translation of their names to English and maybe a
possible reason for their names. - Name English Translation Biblical Reference
- Adam Man Genesis 52
- Seth Appointed Genesis 53
- Enosh Mortal Genesis 56
- Kenan Sorrows Genesis 59
- Mahalaleel The Blessed God Genesis 512
- Jared Shall come down Genesis 515
- Enoch Teaching Genesis 519
- Methuselah His death shall bring Genesis 521
- Lamech the despairing Genesis 525
- Noah Rest Genesis 529
- Read in order from Adam to Noah the names
translated to English would read like
(prepositions added to flow properly in English)
- Man is appointed mortal sorrows but the
Blessed God shall come down teaching that His
death shall bring the despairing rest.
61(No Transcript)
62Role Playing Witnessing Techniques
- Scripted
- Audience participation
63Life Application
- What can you do ?
- Tracts and other material at back
- Invite our ministry to your small group
- Start your own ask us how
- Jewish communitiesaid and assist them
- Response card at back
- Closing Prayer 5 min.
- Q A 15 min.