Short Term or Working Memory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Short Term or Working Memory


The Effects of Word Length ... word-length effect derives from limited ... word-length effect for users of ASL -- long signs are just as difficult to keep ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Short Term or Working Memory

Short Term or Working Memory
Experimental Research
  • the systematic manipulation and measurement of
    variables and observing their effects on one
    another in controlled settings
  • allows for a causal statement to be made about
    the effect of one variable on another
  • researchers manipulate factors in order to
    measure the effect on some mental processes
  • independent variable the variable that is
    manipulated (factor)
  • dependent variable the measured variable
  • Confounding Variables
  • a factor that varies along with the independent
    variable, making the results difficult to
  • a researcher must ensure that the conditions
    being compared are as equivalent as possible

The Factorial Design
  • completely crossing each level of one independent
    variable with each level of the other independent
  • allows us to look at the joint effects of these
    variables (as well as the effect of each variable
    in isolation)
  • types
  • between-subjects factorial both variables are
    manipulated between-subjects
  • within-subjects factorial both variables are
    manipulated within-subjects
  • mixed factorial one of the variables would be
    manipulated between-subjects and the other would
    be manipulated within-subjects
  • extremely common in cognition research

The Factorial Design, cont.
  • A. Analyzing and Presenting Results
  • descriptive statistics are used to provide a
    thumbnail sketch of the data
  • measures of central tendency (the mean is the
    most commonly used) give an idea of the typical
    score for a given condition
  • inferential statistics allow a researcher to
    determine how likely it is that a difference
    between conditions occurred due to chance
  • if it is unlikely that the difference occurred by
    chance, the inference is that it must have
    occurred due to the differences in the levels of
    the independent variable (achieved statistical

The Factorial Design, cont.
  • Main Effects
  • a statistical comparison of the overall means for
    the levels of each independent variable
  • 2. Interactions
  • a statistical test to determine if the
    independent variables influence each other
  • might be described as a "difference of

Note error ?
The Factorial Design, cont.
  • 2. Interactions , cont.
  • example memory test/word frequency experiment
  • in recall there is a 14 advantage for
    high-frequency words in recognition, the
    difference is reversed, with a 24 advantage for
    low-frequency words
  • recognition is superior to recall overall, but
    the superiority is much more evident in the case
    of low-frequency words
  • 54 for low-frequency words, but only 16 for
    high-frequency words

Ch 4 Attention, Automaticity, Working Memory
  • I. Attention, Theories of
  • 1. Attention as a Gateway
  • 2. Attention as Capacity
  • 3. Multimode Theory of Attention
  • II. Automaticity
  • A. The Stroop Effect
  • B. Automaticity with Practice
  • C. Re-evaluating Automaticity
  • D. Costs of Automaticity Action Slips
  • III. Short-term Memory
  • A. Limited Duration
  • B. Limited Capacity Chunking and Word Length
  • C. Coding in STM
  • D. Forgetting in STM Decay Interference
  • IV. A Modular Approach to STM Working Memory
  • A. The Articulatory Loop and Articulatory
  • B. Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
  • C. Central Executive
  • D. Evaluation of Working Memory

DIFFERENCES Sex Differences in Visual
Articulatory Loop
III. Short-term Memory
  • Limited Duration
  • Brown-Peterson task
  • participants receive a brief presentation of a
    consonant trigram
    (e.g., JDL), immediately followed by presentation
    of a 3-digit number
  • participants must count backwards by threes from
    the digit (preventing rehearsal)
  • purpose is to prevent the participants from
    thinking about the material
  • within 20 seconds, the probability of recalling
    the trigram was only 10
  • 2. Limited Capacity (limited memory span)
  • the "magical number 7 2"
  • assessed through memory span--the longest string
    of digits (or some other simple stimulus) that a
    person can immediately recall
  • Chunking in STM
  • we can functionally increase the limits by
    recoding incoming information, combining it into
    larger and larger chunks
  • ability to chunk is impacted by a number of
  • As STM has relatively brief duration, rate of
    presentation is limiting factor
  • affected by knowledge base previous knowledge
    aids in your own personal reorganization of the

Chunking and Word Length
  • Chase and Ericsson (1985)
  • Studied influence of knowledge on STM
  • participant spent two years practicing his STM
  • read a digit sequence at a rate of one digit per
    second and then tested himself on the sequence
  • if recalled perfectly he increased the sequence
    by one digit
  • increased memory span to 80 items
  • he was an expert long distance runner and grouped
    digits as running times
  • The Effects of Word Length
  • retaining 7 2 long items (e.g., hippopotamus)
    in STM proves to be much more difficult than
    retaining 7 2 short items (e.g., cat)
  • Illustrates the time-based nature of STM (like a
    short tape loop)

Coding in STM
  • auditory coding is the dominant mode of
  • STM like inward ear
  • supported by the phonological similarity effect
  • lists of similar-sounding items are more
    difficult to keep track of in STM than are lists
    of different-sounding items
  • even occurs when material is presented visually,
    strongly implying that visually-presented
    information is quickly converted into an auditory
  • visual coding also exists, especially so in
    children. inner eye
  • Phonological similarity effect also influences
    visual coding!
  • Brandimonte and Gerbino (1993)
  • can mental images (i.e., visual codings) of these
    reversible figures can be ambiguous, and
    interpreted in two different ways
  • employed reversible figures (pictures with two
    possible interpretations that can alternate as
    you're viewing it)

Brandimonte and Gerbino (1993) , cont.
  • training phase
  • trained participants with a couple of reversible
    figures in order to familiarize them with the
    reversals that could occur
  • after the training phase, they were presented
    with a new reversible figure
  • the presentation duration was brief (2 sec) so
    that participants could not experience the
    reversal while viewing it but was sufficient for
    auditory coding of the stimulus
  • during this brief presentation, half of the
    participants remained silent the other half was
    required to say "la, la, la..." (designed to
    prevent auditory rehearsal)
  • after the image was taken away, participants were
    asked what they had seen
  • imagery phase
  • participants were told to hold the figure in
    mind, and attempt to reverse it to reveal the
    second possible interpretation
  • would image reversals depend on whether or not
    participants were able to use an auditory code
    during the initial encoding
  • tested children and adults
  • younger children tend to rely on a visual code in
    STM tasks,
  • hypothesized that young children's ability to
    imagine the reversals would not differ in the
    auditory and visual coding conditions--young
    children don't rely on auditory coding so it
    should not matter whether they were allowed to
    rehearse or not

Brandimonte and Gerbino (1993) , cont.
  • results
  • reversals of the mental image were much more
    likely to occur when auditory rehearsal was
  • the effect did depend on age younger children
    experienced just as many image reversals when
    auditory rehearsal was prevented as when it wasn't

Sex Differences in Visual STM
  • four components of visuospatial processing in STM
  • image generation--bringing an image from LTM into
  • participants committed 10 different block letters
    to LTM through extensive encoding and drawing
    practice they were then presented with a lower
    case/script version of a letter, and finally
    an"X" was presented in a certain spot on the
  • task was to imagine the block-letter version of
    the presented lower-case letter, and decide
    whether the block version would cover the "X"
  • image maintenance--holding the image in STM once
    it has been formed
  • participants encoded a presented pattern, held
    the image in STM when it was removed
  • then, an "X" appeared on the screen and they were
    to indicate whether the image they were
    maintaining would have covered the presented "X"
  • image scanning--searching the image being held in
    STM for some feature
  • participants memorized a pattern of small squares
    that formed a large square some of these squares
    were filled, and some were not.
  • the pattern was then removed and an arrow
    appeared, pointing to one of the small squares
  • task was to indicate whether the arrow pointed to
    a filled or unfilled square
  • image transformation--actively manipulating an
    image being held in STM
  • participants had to decide whether 2 figures,
    presented side-by-side, were identical
  • the figures differed from each other only by
    varying degrees of rotation the decision
    required mental rotation of the right-hand figure
    to see if it matched the left-hand figure

Loring-Maier and Halpern (1999)
? Note error
  • results
  • males were faster than females in each of the
    four components of visual/spatial processing
  • does not represent a speed/accuracy tradeoff
  • error rate did not differ between males and
    females for any of the four tasks
  • implication
  • standardized tests that involve speeded tests of
    visual processing will lead to lower scores for
    women than men
  • May lie behind differential GRE scores of men and

Forgetting in STM
  • Decay
  • the loss of information from STM due to the
    passage of time
  • original support came from early studies using
    the Brown-Peterson task
  • forgetting occurred with minimal interference
  • counting was assumed to involve stimuli (numbers)
    that were too dissimilar to letters to cause
  • explanation seems to be inadequate it is not
    time but something that occurs in that time
    interval that is responsible for forgetting (cf.
  • Interference
  • information is lost from STM because information
    currently being processed is negatively
    influenced by the presentation of other
  • Types
  • proactive interference earlier information
    interferes with the ability to retain information
    that comes later
  • retroactive interference later information
    interferes with the ability to retain information
    that occurred earlier

Decay or Interference?
  • little forgetting on the first trial of a set of
    Brown-Peterson trials regardless of delay
  • delay has no effect until there is an opportunity
    for interference to accumulate
  • Theoretical explanations for detrimental effects
    of interference
  • encoding views
  • displacement view new item entering STM "bumps
    out" (displaces) previously stored item
  • overwriting view new item entering STM
    overwrites previously stored item
  • find more interference in a Brown-Peterson task
    if newer information was presented in the same
    modality as previously stored information (i.e.,
    both visual or both auditory) than if the two
    were presented in different modalities (i.e., one
    visual and one auditory)
  • indicates that the overwriting view may be a
    better description of the effects of
    interference-if the interference effect was due
    to items being "bumped out" of STM, the new
    information would bump the old stuff out,
    regardless of modality
  • retrieval views
  • according to the notion of blurring and
    deblurring, items in STM can blur into one
    another and become difficult to tell apart (or
    deblur) at retrieval.

Keppel Underwood (1962)
Wickens, Dalezman, and Eggemeier (1976)
  • employed the Brown-Peterson task, but used
    categorized lists instead of letters
  • each trial involved reading 3 items from a
    category and then counting backward at which time
    the items were to be recalled
  • presented 3 of these Brown-Peterson trials in a
    row, each time using three more items from the
    same category
  • recall fell by 60 from the first to third trials
  • on the fourth trial, participants were presented
    with three items but this time from a different
  • found release from proactive interference--recall
    bounced back up
  • the degree of release is greater, the greater the
    difference between the original lists and the
    trial four list
  • reveals that coding in STM is at least partially

IV. Modular Approach to STM Working Memory
  • A. The Articulatory Loop two sub-components
  • phonological store
  • allows one to hold information temporarily
  • word-length effect derives from limited duration
    of phonological store
  • subvocal rehearsal mechanism
  • an articulatory process used to rehearse
  • responsible for the phonological similarity
  • relies on the articulatory mechanism of the
  • auditory coding is prominent in WM not because
    the basic mechanisms of WM rely on the auditory
    modality but because WM relies on articulatory
    processes, which just happen to be auditory in
    hearing adults
  • phonological similarity effect the critical
    factor is not that the words sound similar, but
    that similar motor movements are required to
    articulate the words
  • analogous finding is found for users of ASL -- a
    sign-based similarity effect (similar-looking
    signs are more difficult to keep track of than
    different-looking signs because similarly looking
    signs share similar motor movements)
  • word-length effect for users of ASL -- long signs
    are just as difficult to keep straight for deaf
    signers, as long words are for hearing speakers

Working Memory Model
Effects of Articulatory Suppression
  • articulatory suppression task ("la, la, la..."
    task from rabbit/duck study)
  • designed to prevent the a person from using
    articulation mechanisms to recycle information by
    tying up the "inner voice" (subvocal rehearsal
    mechanism) with other matters
  • when used during the encoding of
    visually-presented items, there is no negative
    effect of phonological similarity or word length
  • the item can not be coded in terms of the
    articulatory mode of your communication
    system--sound--so the way the words sound or
    their length doesn't influence performance
  • articulatory suppression in users of ASL and its
    effect on word length
  • participants were required to touch their middle
    fingers to the respective thumbs (the ASL "8"
    handshape), while at the same time having their
    hands circle one another, with contact at the end
    of each circle (this is the sign for "world")
  • just as saying "la, la, la..." prevents someone
    from using the "inner voice" to vocally rehearse,
    making hand motions prevented one from using
    what might be termed the "inner hands" to
    manually rehearse
  • articulatory suppression also eliminated the
    sign-based similarity effect

Effects of Articulatory Suppression
PETscanning the Articulatory Loop
  • Awh, Jonides, Smith, Schumacher, Koeppe, and Katz
  • attempted to isolate the brain areas involved in
    the two components of the articulatory loop
  • procedure
  • participants tested in one of three conditions
    designed to involve or not involve the two
    components of the articulatory loop
  • two-back condition
  • participants saw a string of letters presented
    one at a time on a computer screen
  • after the presentation of each letter, their task
    was to determine whether that letter matched the
    one presented two items back by clicking a mouse
  • involves both components of the articulatory loop
  • participants must constantly manage a WM load
    (which uses the phonological store), and silently
    repeat each letter as it is presented (which uses
    the subvocal rehearsal mechanism)

PETscanning the Articulatory Loop
PETscanning the Articulatory Loop cont.
  • search-control condition
  • participants saw the same stimuli, and made the
    same physical response (clicking a mouse), but
    the task was far simpler
  • task was to judge whether each presented letter
    matched the first one they had seen in the
  • severely minimizes, if not eliminates, the need
    for either component of the articulatory loop
    very little must be held in the phonological
    store (the same letter) and there is really no
    need to continually rehearse the one letter so
    the subvocal rehearsal mechanism is not needed
  • so the only brain activity in this task is
    clicking the mouse and watching digits
  • looking at the difference in brain activation
    between the two-back and search-control
    conditions allowed the researchers to find the
    brain areas involved when the articulatory loop
    is active
  • brain areas for the articulatory loop were the
    speech areas in the frontal lobe (Brocas area,
    which is involved in speech planning and
    execution), and the posterior regions of the
    parietal cortex (which are involved the storage
    of verbal information)

PETscanning the Articulatory Loop cont.
  • rehearsal-control condition
  • participants saw the same stimuli, and made the
    same physical response (clicking a mouse), but
    they had to repeat each letter they saw silently
    until the next letter appeared
  • designed to isolate the brain areas active during
    the use of the subvocal rehearsal mechanism task
    does not require the use of the phonological
    store because there is essentially nothing to
    store (one letter)
  • subtracting this area of activation from the
    total area of activation involved in the
    articulatory loop leaves only a view of the brain
    areas involved in the phonological store
  • revealed that activation in the parietal regions
    seems to be the basis for the phonological store,
    while activation in the frontal lobe is
    associated with the subvocal rehearsal mechanism
  • the authors suggest that the subvocal rehearsal
    mechanism depends on the articulatory mechanisms
    similar to the ones used in overt speech (i.e.,
    Broca's area)-further supporting the idea that
    the subvocal rehearsal mechanism is based on
    articulation rather than sound

Modular Approach Working Memory
  • B. Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
  • responsible for the storage and manipulation of
    visual and spatial information, and seems to
    operate (in large part) independently of the
    other subsystem (the articulatory loop)
  • This was shown by Brooks (1967)
  • manipulated the task mode (visual or verbal) and
    the response mode (visual or verbal)gave two
    concurrent WM memory tasks (both visual, both
    verbal, or one of each)
  • participants had a great deal of difficulty
    combining tasks if they were both visual (i.e.,
    both engaging the visuo-spatial sketchpad) or
    both verbal (i.e., both engaging the articulatory
    loop), they were quite doable if the task
    combination was one of each
  • C. Central Executive
  • might be conceived of as the "gatekeeper" or
    "capacity allocator" for the attentional system
  • when a particular task demands extensive
    involvement of either the articulatory loop or
    visuo-spatial subsystem of working memory, the
    central executive deploys the necessary resources
  • thought to be responsible for the higher-level
    thought processes involved in reasoning and
    language comprehension

Evaluation of Working Memory
  • does a better job of describing STM than that
    proposed in the original modal model
  • original model simply viewed immediate memory as
    a static holding place for information the
    working memory model represents immediate memory
    as a set of processes involved in the dynamic
    manipulation as well as static storage of
  • working memory span
  • provides a more dynamic and valid
    characterization of immediate memory capacity
    than simple short-term memory span
  • example--operation span
  • participants receive trials like the following
  • Is (8/4) - 1 1? BEAR
  • Is (6 x 2) - 2 10? DAD
  • Is (10 x 2) - 6 12? BEANS
  • participants are to read the problems aloud and
    solve them
  • after each of the three problems in a trial has
    been presented, they are to recall the words that
    accompanied each problem
  • WM span performance is a good predictor of a
    broad range of more complex abilities (spoken and
    written language comprehension, writing,
    note-taking, etc.)

Evaluation of Working Memory
  • WM span performance is a good predictor of a
    broad range of more complex abilities (spoken and
    written language comprehension, writing,
    note-taking, etc.)
  • Why?
  • tasks involved in WM span are a microcosm of what
    is required during complex cognitive
    processing--must process multiple streams of
    information, keeping some of it active and easily
    retrievable even in the face of interference from
    other material that may be more relevant at the
  • predictive power of working memory span
    underscores the important role that attention and
    information manipulation play in more complex
    cognitive processing
  • working memory capacity is about attention in the
    service of memory
  • greater WM capacity means that more items can be
    maintained in the focus of attention, but it also
    means that information can be effectively blocked
    from the focus of attention
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