Politics versus Bureaucracy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Politics versus Bureaucracy


1) Pioneering cross-country study of What Produces QoG ... In Catholic & Muslim countries religions had excessive power and bureaucracies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Politics versus Bureaucracy

Politics versus Bureaucracy
  • Analyze further this tentative chain of
  • (PolAdm) Institutions ?QoG (Corruption) ? Eco
  • 1) Pioneering cross-country study of What
    Produces QoG
  • La Porta et al. 1999 few institutions(culture,
    traditions, geography)
  • 2) Politics is what matters
  • Tsebelis 1995 a new comparative political theory
    (veto players)
  • Andrews and Montinola 2004 apply veto players
    theory ? corruption
  • 3) What happens in the apartment upstairs does
    not matter how the Bureaucracy is
    organized/recruited is what matters
  • Evans and Rauch 1999

Good press for political institutions
  • Quality of Government
  • Democracy
  • Separation of powers
  • Veto players
  • Checks and balances
  • For both scholars and policy-makers

Bad press for bureaucracy
  • Quality of Government bureaucracy
  • Obsolescent, undesirable, and non-viable form of
  • Market gt Bureaucracy
  • Niskanen bureaucrats budget-maximizers
  • New Public Management gt Bureaucracy
  • States steering gt Private actors rowing
  • Although the Effects of New Public Management are
    not so clear
  • in OECD countries, probably positive
  • in developing countries, probably negative

Now, Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy (Johan Olsen
  • Is bureaucracy an organizational dinosaur
    helplessly involved in its death struggle?
  • No!! Chronology of a come back
  • 1980s case studies on the importance of the
    State ? Development in East Asia (Evans 1995)
  • 1990s international institutions (World Bank
  • 2000s expansion of theoretical empirical
  • Bureaucracy seem to matter, specially for
    developing countries

La Porta et al. (1999)
  • Pioneering first encompassing empirical test of
    what produces good government or QoG
  • Necessity to look at Exogenous factors ? QoG
  • No Economic Growth
  • What could be an exogenous factor?

Factors ? QoG
  • 1) Ethnic heterogeneity mechanisms?
  • Governments become more interventionist ? less
    efficient ? less quality of public goods
  • Alternative?
  • 2) Legal Origin Mechanisms?
  • Why Common Law gt Civil Law?
  • Civil Law instrument of the state for expanding
    its power
  • Socialist Law? It is an extreme civil law
  • So, the French, German and Scandinavian Law (as
    part of Civil Law) should be bad, but, wait a
    minute, they say German and Scandinavian are
  • Is there a problem of endogeneity in legal
    explanations of QoG/Type of State?

Factors ? QoG
  • 3) Religion mechanisms?
  • Max Weber Protestant gt Catholic
  • La Porta et al. 1997 hierarchical religions
    worse QoG. Why?
  • Are they more interventionist religions (they
    like to tell people what to do) than Protestant?
  • Iannacone and the positive effects of
    fundamentalism www.religionomics.com
  • In Catholic Muslim countries religions had
    excessive power and bureaucracies have developed
    from religious ranks (clerk come from cleric)
  • Is not counter-balancing power good? Arent
    religious good civil servants?

  • Good description of government indicators
  • Interesting approach
  • Correlations between dependent variables (T.2).
  • Correlations between in dependent variables (T.3)

Results (T.4-6)
  • Convincing results for you?
  • Some omitted variables? They dont include
    colonial status and continent. Right, wrong?
  • Other omitted variables?
  • Not much of political institutions (democracy vs.
    dictatorship, veto players..)
  • Not many interactions always ethnolinguistic
    heterogenity is bad?
  • Generally speaking, very few control variables
  • Maybe, better to focus on 1 dep var (instead of

Coming back to political institutions
  • New typology of political systems Tsebelis Veto
    Player Theory (1995, 2002)
  • Traditional typologies in comparative politics
  • Democracy/ Dictatorship
  • Presidential/ Parliamentary
  • Electoral systems Majoritarian/ Proportional
  • E.g. Persson and Tabellini

Sartori 1984 definition of political systems
  • Presidentialism
  • Head of State directly elected for a fixed time
  • Government not appointed by the Parliament, but
    by the President
  • Parliamentarism
  • Government is appointed by the Parliament
  • One-party or multiple-party coalition governments
  • Which one is separation-of-powers system and
    which one power-sharing systems?

Tsebelis Veto Players Theory I
  • Veto players individual or collective actors
    whose agreement is necessary for a change of the
    status quo of policies
  • Prediction the More Veto Players a country has,
    the More Policy Stability

Tsebelis Veto Players Theory II
  • Instead of comparing political systems according
    to their formal classification as Presidential
    or Parliamentary, we should look at their number
    of veto players
  • Italy (where two or three parties must agree for
    legislation to pass) the US, where the
    agreement between several institutions is needed
    to pass a law
  • UK (all power in hands of one party) a
    presidential regime where the President and the
    Legislature are in hands of the same party

Andrews and Montinola 2004
  • Prediction More Veto Players ? More Rule of Law
  • Theoretical inspiration Madison (The Federalist
  • Institutions must be divided and arranged so that
    each may be a check on the other
  • The more checks (e.g. veto players) ? the less
    incumbents may misuse their power

AMs game-theory model
  • Canonical Prisoners Dilemma payoff structure

Empirical test
  • How would you test this theory?
  • What should be shown in an empirical test of this
    theoretical model?

Interesting empirical test
  • Faithful codification of the number of veto
    players in every country following Tsebelis
  • Very good control variables among others,
    Economic Development! (distrust those who dont)
  • Each vp ? 0.16 increase in the 1-6 index of
    rule of law
  • They test which classification of political
    systems works better the traditional
    Presidential/Parliamentary regimes or the new
    Veto Players one
  • Presidential regimes lt Parliamentary. Why?

Problems with the test?
  • 35 emerging democracies in around 20 years
    354 observations?
  • Other variables?
  • Legal origin? E.g. veto players only necessary in
    civil law countries
  • Time of democracy?

More Veto Players ? Better QoG?
More Veto Players ? Better QoG?
Party institutionalization in ten Latin American
Evans and Rauch 1999
  • What makes QoG are not the characteristics of the
    political system (Pres, Parl, VPs), but features
    of the Public Administration
  • Move the focus from the Executive and Legislature
    to the State Administration

The Bringing the State Back In School
  • 1980s case studies on the importance of the
    State ? Development in East Asia
  • 1990s also international institutions (World
    Bank 1997)
  • Lack of coherent theory and of broad empirical
    analysis (e.g. Evans 1995 Embedded Autonomy)

Evans Rauch 1999 a double advance
  • Theoretically show the mechanisms that connect
    the State Administration with Economic Growth
  • Empirically an original dataset on bureaucracies
  • 35 developing countries
  • Methodology experts survey

Weberian Administration ? Economic Growth
  • Weberian Bureaucracy
  • Max Weber Patrimonial Administrations vs.
    Bureaucratic (Weberian) ones
  • Bureaucracy meritocratic recruitment
    predictable long-term career rewards
  • Why is it good?

Mechanisms through which WB affect economic growth
  • More Efficient (better types, more competent)
  • OK, but why Microsoft does not use them?
  • Longer time horizons (Rauch 1995 US cities)
  • Signal to the private sector (impartiality)

Empirical analysis
  • 35 semi-industrialized countries
  • High correlation between Weberianess Scale and
    GDP/cap 0.67 !!
  • Regression WS trumps out or reduces the effect
    of traditional variables explaining economic
    growth (human capital, domestic investment)

Need for more data on bureaucracies
  • More within country and cross-country variations
  • Problems neglect of comparative datasets on
    bureaucracies by political scientists, public
    administration scholars and international

Rothstein Teorell 2005
  • Quality of Government matters, but we lack a
  • Economists use good governance
  • Definition of QoG Results of Government ? the
    Procedures of government

QoG impartial government institutions
  • Impartiality in policy implementation
  • Focus not on how decisions are taken in a
    country (dem, dict..), but on if policies are
    provided in an impartial way
  • Does policy implementation favour some people
    over others? Or is impartial?

  • Which are the differences between (the new)
    Impartiality and (the traditional) Rule of Law?
  • Are professional norms impartial?
  • A faithful implementation of a discriminatory law
    is impartiality?
  • Do you prefer Evans Rauch 1999 or Rothstein
    Teorell 2005 approach to good administration?
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