Chapter 3 Special Addendum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3 Special Addendum


Period Costs ... Are expensed in the period they are incurred. They are also called Non-manufacturing Costs. ... manufacturing Costs = Period Costs. Cost ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 3 Special Addendum

Chapter 3 Special Addendum
Separating Mixed Costs into their Fixed and
Variable Components
An account analysis method can be used when you
know which components are variable and fixed
within the relevant range. Often, however the
fixed and variable components must be estimated
based on recent past experience. For example how
much electricity cost is variable, and how much
is fixed.
Product Costs (Manufacturing Firm)
  • There are three basic categories of Product Costs
  • Direct materials - ex. raw materials
  • Direct labor - ex. wages, fringe benefits related
    to completion of final inventory product (by
  • All other costs associated with the manufacture
    of the product
  • also called indirect manufacturing costs,
    manufacturing overhead, factory overhead, factory
  • These costs are also known as Inventoriable Costs
  • Under full absorption costing, these costs are
    inventoried (treated as an asset) until the
    product is sold.
  • Prime Costs Direct Materials Direct Labor.
  • Conversion Costs Direct Labor Factory

Period Costs
  • Costs that are not directly related to the
    manufacture of a product or the acquisition of
    inventory are called Period Costs
  • Are expensed in the period they are incurred
  • They are also called Non-manufacturing Costs.
  • These costs consist of
  • General and administrative costs,
  • Research and development costs, and/or
  • Marketing and selling costs.
  • These costs are not inventoriable costs.
  • Manufacturing Costs Product (or Inventoriable)
  • Non-manufacturing Costs Period Costs.

Cost Behavior/Level of Activity
  • Cost Behavior - is defined as how costs react
    when the level of activity (or volume) changes .
  • Identifying how different costs react as the
    level of activity changes allows management to
    determine how total costs will be affected by
    planned levels of activity
  • Example Renting a car
  • 100 a day with no mileage
  • 50 a day plus .60 a mile
  • The level of activity will determine the
    appropriate choice

Cost Drivers
  • Cost driver (a.k.a. Level of Activity) -
  • any factor whose change causes a change in the
    total cost of a related cost object
  • more simply, any factor that causes costs.
  • There is assumed to be a causal relation between
    the use of the cost driver and the incurrence of
    the cost.
  • A Cost driver is the activity that causes a
    particular type of cost to change
  • Cost drivers can be financial (e.g., direct
    materials costs) or non-financial (e.g., number
    of equipment setups).
  • Costs are often categorized based on their
    behavior relative to a cost driver (see next

Cost Behavior Variable Versus Fixed Costs
  • A fixed cost is a cost that does not change in
    total given changes in the level of the cost
    driver (overhead, depreciation, etc.).
  • A variable cost is a cost that changes in total
    in direct proportion to changes in the level of
    the cost driver (direct labor, direct materials,
  • We also have semi-variable (or mixed) costs which
    are costs that have both fixed and variable
    components (example renting a car for 50 a day
    plus .60 a mile).

Cost Behavior Variable Versus Fixed Costs
  • Step (or step-variable) costs are costs which
    change in steps as the cost driver changes.
  • Remains constant over a given range of activity
    and increases in fixed incremental amounts within
    the relevant range
  • Ex. machine operator gets paid 3000 per month
    for making 5,000 textbooks. For more than 5,000,
    company would have to hire another operator at
    another 5,000
  • Each of these behaviors may be valid only over a
    relevant range.
  • The relevant range is the operating range or
    activity level over which a firm finds it
    practical to operate in the short run.
  • Over the relevant range, total fixed costs and
    unit variable costs remain constant. This
    implies a linear relation between cost and the
    cost driver.

Other Cost Terms
  • Full cost - the sum of all costs of manufacturing
    and selling a unit of product (including fixed
    and variable costs).
  • Full absorption cost -
  • all variable and fixed manufacturing costs are
  • used to compute the value of inventory under
  • Variable costing -
  • only variable manufacturing costs are
  • Gross margin Revenue - COGS.
  • Contribution margin Revenue - Variable costs.

Summary of Cost Concepts
  • For purposes of assigning costs to cost objects,
    costs are classified as either direct or
  • For purposes of valuing inventories and measuring
    income, costs are classified as either product
    costs or period costs. For a manufacturing firm,
    costs can be classified as manufacturing or
    non-manufacturing costs.
  • For purposes of predicting cost behavior, costs
    are classified as either variable or fixed.

Cost Behavior
  • Why worry about cost behavior?
  • If managers know how costs behave, they can then
    estimate future costs.
  • Decision making involves choosing between
  • Management needs to know the costs that are
    likely to be incurred for each alternative.
  • For example
  • How much will costs increase if sales increase by
    10 percent?
  • What will costs be if the firm introduces a new
  • The link to firm value?
  • More accurate costs gt Better decisions gt
    Increased firm value

Cost Behavior
  • Cost category In Total Per Unit
  • Variable Total variable cost
    Variable cost per unit
  • changes as the activity remains the
    same over wide
  • level changes ranges of the
  • Fixed Total fixed cost
    remains Fixed cost per unit
  • constant even when the
    decreases when the
  • activity level changes activity
    level increases
  • Total costs Fixed costs Variable costs
  • F VX
  • where V is the variable cost per unit of the
    activity, and X is the volume of the activity in
    appropriate units. Managers often estimate the
    above linear cost function in order to forecast

Types of Fixed Costs
  • Committed fixed costs -
  • relate to the investment in facilities,
    equipment, and the basic organizational structure
    of the firm.
  • Examples include depreciation of buildings and
    equipment, taxes on real estate, insurance, etc.
  • Costs are incurred on a long-term basis and
    cannot be reduced in the short-run without
    impairing the organization's ability to operate
    at current levels
  • Discretionary fixed costs -
  • usually arise from annual decisions by management
    to spend in certain fixed cost areas.
  • Examples include advertising, research, public
    relations, etc.
  • Discretionary fixed costs may be modified in the
    short-term without impairing the organization's
    ability to operate at current levels.

The Relevant Range
  • The relevant range can also be defined as the
    activity range within which a cost projection may
    be valid (see slide 12).
  • Within the relevant range, both unit variable
    costs (V) and total fixed costs (F) remain
    essentially unchanged.
  • The relevant range includes the upper and lower
    limits of past activity for which (historical)
    data is available.
  • However, outside the relevant range, the general
    cost equation we estimate may not be valid.

Methods of Estimating Costs
  • There are several popular methods for estimating
  • Regression Analysis and the High-Low Methods are
    the most commonly used methods to estimate fixed
    and variable cost elements.
  • Each approach focuses on estimating cost
    functions that model mixed costs (a cost that has
    both fixed and variable components)
  • Total costs Fixed costs Variable costs
  • F VX

Separating Mixed Costs into their Fixed and
Variable Components
Regression Analysis A statistical technique used
to estimate the fixed and variable components of
a mixed cost is called least squares regression.
Regression analysis uses statistical methods to
fit a cost line (regression line) through a set
of points which minimizes the sum of the squared
distance from each data point to the line (hence
the name least squares regression).
Regression Analysis -Least Squares Regression
  • More specifically
  • Regression analysis is a statistical procedure
    that is used
  • (1) to assess the association(s) between
    variables and
  • (2) to estimate the slope and intercept of a
    model that can be used for forecasting purposes.
  • The coefficients of the following general cost
    equation are estimated
  • Total costs F VX
  • where
  • F the estimate of total fixed costs (the
    intercept coefficient).
  • V the estimate of variable cost per unit of
    the activity (the
  • slope coefficient).
  • X the volume of the activity.

Advantages of Regression Analysis
  • Unlike the high-low method, all data are used in
    computing parameter estimates
  • The approach yields a model that represents the
    best possible fit (I.e., it is the best
  • Statistical information generated can be used to
    assess the association between costs and activity
    levels and to forecast future costs given some
    anticipated level of the activity
  • The approach can be generalized to incorporate
    more than one cost driver in explaining total
  • Note There will not be any Least Squares Method
    calculations on the exam

Regression Analysis
Regression Line Total Overhead Cost
Slope of Regression Line Variable Cost per unit
Fixed Cost
Using a Spreadsheet Program to Perform Regression
Using the actual values of the mixed costs
(dependent variable) and the volume of production
(independent variable) and a spread sheet program
such as Excel, you can compute the regression
line using least squares regression.
Regression Statistics
Other uses for Regression Analysis Marketing
Managers can predict changes in sales based on
changes in advertising expenditures. Production
Managers interested in quality control might
collect data on overtime worked in a factory vs.
the number of defective items produced.
Estimating Variable and Fixed Cost Using the
High-Low Method
  • The high-low method is a computationally simple
    method of estimating the cost formula. The
    procedure is as follows
  • 1. Use only two data points, the high and low
    level of activity and their related total
    overhead costs.
  • 2. Subtract the smallest from the largest for
  • The estimated variable cost per activity unit is
    estimated as high low cost
    high - low activity

Estimating Variable and Fixed Cost Using the
High-Low Method
4. Substitute the total cost of one of the
points for y in the equation y a bx 5.
Substitute the variable cost found previously
for b 6. Substitute the number of activity
units for x and the corresponding cost for y
(either the high pair or the low pair can be
used) 7. Solve for fixed costs a 8. Use the
values derived for a and b for estimating
mixed costs at various levels of x
Two-Point (or High-Low) Method
  • Total Costs Fixed Costs (F) Variable Costs
  • Slope of line
  • V (Costhigh - Costlow) / (Unitshigh -
  • V Variable Cost per Unit of Activity
  • Intercept of line
  • F Costhigh - V (Unitshigh) Costlow - V

Estimating Variable and Fixed Cost Using the
High-Low Method
EXAMPLE If the high point of activity was 2,500
units with 12,450 of overhead costs and the low
point of activity was 1,950 units with 10,300 of
overhead costs, what would be the estimated total
costs at 2,435 units of activity?
Estimating Variable and Fixed Cost Using the
High-Low Method
1. High Point 2,500 units at 12,450 Low
Point 1,950 units at 10,525 2. high-low 2,500
- 1,950 550 units 12,450 - 10,525
1,925 3. 1,925 / 550 unit 3.50 variableb
Estimating Variable and Fixed Cost Using the
High-Low Method
Steps 4,5,6,7.
Y 12,450 12,450 3,700 COST FORMULA Y
a bx a 3.50 (2,500) a 8,750 a 3,700
8. Y 3,700 3.50 (2,435) Y 12,222.50
total overhead cost estimated for 2435 units
Regression Analysis and High Low Method may yield
different results
Line Total Overhead Cost
Slope of regression line
Slope of high-low Line
Fixed Cost estimates for regression and high low
Which method is better?
  • An advantage of regression analysis is that it
    makes use of all information points, not just the
    high and low activity levels.
  • Regression analysis also gives you more
    information because it tells you something about
    the strength of the relationship by means of R2
  • High-low must be used with caution because the
    high and low points of activity may be atypical
    or outside the normal range of activity.
  • The only advantage of the high-low method is its

Alternate Methods of Estimating Costs
  • There are three alternate methods for estimating
    costs that are also popular, especially when the
    use of Regression Analysis is not feasible
  • Graphical method.
  • Semi-averages method.
  • Semi-averages less outliers method.
  • As with the Regression Analysis and High-Low
    Methods, each of these approaches focuses on
    estimating cost functions that model mixed costs
    (a cost that has both fixed and variable
  • Total costs Fixed costs Variable costs
  • F VX

Graphical Method
  • Regardless of which method of estimation is used
    to estimate the cost formula, the graphical
    method approach is useful in analyzing costs.
  • Steps
  • - Plot the (historical) data points on a graph
    (total cost versus
  • activity) that includes the origin (zero total
    costs, zero
  • activity).
  • - Draw a line through the plotted data points
    so that about equal
  • numbers of points fall above and below the
  • - Extend the line to Total Cost axis. The
    point at which the line
  • intersects the Total Cost axis is F.
  • - The slope of the drawn line is V. The
    vertical distance in the
  • line is the change in cost, the horizontal
    distance the change
  • in the activity. The slope is computed as
    (Change in
  • cost/Change in units of activity).

Semi-Averages Method
  • Similar to Two-Point Method, except that more
    than one observation is used to assess a "high"
    and a "low" level of activity.
  • The main benefit of using the Semi-Averages
    Method is that it uses more data to estimate the
    cost function, which can reduce the influence of
    abnormally high or low levels of cost and

Semi-Averages Method Example
  • Using the Semi-Averages Method, determine the
    fixed and variable components of the following
    indirect labor costs
  • Month Indirect Labor Labor Hours
  • Cost
  • January 15,000 3,500
  • February 30,000 9,500
  • March 28,000 7,500
  • April 21,000 5,500
  • May 24,000 6,000
  • June 32,000 10,000

Semi-Averages Method Example Contd
  • Indirect Labor Cost Labor Hours
  • Highest three months
  • February 30,000 9,500
  • March 28,000 7,500
  • June 32,000 10,000
  • Total 90,000 / 3 27,000 / 3
  • Average 30,000 9,000
  • Lowest three months
  • January 15,000 3,500
  • April 21,000 5,500
  • May 24,000 6,000
  • Total 60,000 / 3 15,000 / 3
  • Average 20,000 5,000

Semi-Averages Method (Contd)
  • Variable Cost per Hour V
  • (Costhigh - Costlow) / (Unitshigh - Unitslow)
  • (30,000-20,000)/(9,000 hrs - 5,000 hrs)
  • 2.50 per hour
  • Total Costs Fixed costs Variable Costs
  • 30,000 Fixed Costs (9,000 hours)(2.50
    per hour)
  • 30,000 Fixed Costs 22,500
  • Fixed Costs 30,000 - 22,500 7,500

Semi-Averages less Outliers Method
  • Similar to the Semi-Averages Method, except that
    more than one observation is used to assess a
    "high" and a "low" level of activity and the two
    extreme observations (outliers) are eliminated.
  • The main benefit of using the Semi-Averages less
    Outliers Method is that, like the Semi-Averages
    Method uses more data to estimate the cost
    function, which can reduce the influence of
    abnormally high or low levels of cost and
    activity, but it also considers potential effects
    of outliers (note if these observations are not
    outliers, there is a negligible effect on the

Semi-Averages less Outliers Method Example
  • Using the Semi-Averages Method, determine the
    fixed and variable components of the following
    indirect labor costs
  • Period Indirect Labor Labor Hours Cost/LH
  • Cost
  • January 15,000 3,500 4.29
  • February 30,000 9,500 3.16
  • March 28,000 7,500 3.73
  • April 21,000 5,500 3.82
  • May 24,000 6,000 4,00
  • June 32,000 10,000 3.20

Semi-Averages less Outliers Method Example
  • Indirect Labor Cost Labor Hours
  • Highest three months
  • February
  • March 28,000 7,500
  • June 32,000 10,000
  • Total 60,000 / 2 17,500 / 2
  • Average 30,000 8,750
  • Lowest three months
  • January
  • April 21,000 5,500
  • May 24,000 6,000
  • Total 45,000 / 2 11,500 / 2
  • Average 22,500 5,750

Semi-Averages less Outliers Method (Contd)
  • Variable Cost per Hour V
  • (Costhigh - Costlow) / (Unitshigh - Unitslow)
  • (30,000-22,500)/(8,750 hrs - 5,750 hrs)
  • 2.50 per hour
  • Total Costs Fixed costs Variable Costs
  • 30,000 Fixed Costs (8,750 hours)(2.50
    per hour)
  • 30,000 Fixed Costs 21,875
  • Fixed Costs 30,000 - 21,875 8,125
  • Total Costs Fixed costs Variable Costs
  • Total Costs 8,125 ( hours)(2.50 per

Advantages/Disadvantages of Graphical,Two-Point,
and Semi-Averages Methods
  • Advantages
  • - Plotting cost/activity data is useful in
  • associations and possible structural changes
  • - Involve relatively simple calculations
  • - Easy methods to apply
  • Disadvantages
  • - Inherently subjective in application
  • - Model estimates do not use all of the data
  • - No statistical means of assessing model fit
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