Title: Personal, Social and Pastoral Education
1Personal, Social and Pastoral Education
2In our efforts to produce decent young people, we
focus on
- A Pastoral system that provides plenty of
opportunities for guidance and intervention when
things are going right as well as for when they
are going wrong. - The creation of strong vertical and horizontal,
friendship groups throughout the school. - Opportunities for Charity work.
- Opportunities to take responsibility
- Social events to knit the school together.
3The Pastoral System
- There are three Houses Nevill, Tudor and
Woodstock. All students and most staff belong to
the House system. - Form Tutors actively counsel and look out for
their own classes. - All staff act as conduits and role models for the
students and they can be approached at any time
by any student for help.
4Friendship groups are encouraged
- Sports teams, School productions and Musical
activities all mix students of different age
groups. - This means that students will have friends in
their own Year Group
5They will also have friends in Year Groups above
and below them
6Very often they will keep friendships with those
at University or in the world of work.
Gosfieldians are always welcome to come back for
a visit or a game of soccer.
7Students will have the opportunity to take
responsibility as
- Prefects
- Sports Captains
- School Councillors
- Mentors
8Charity work makes us understand our
responsibilities towards those less fortunate
than ourselves
- We support Jeans for Genes, Red Nose Day, and
the Xmas Shoebox Appeal.
9(No Transcript)
10Our special charity is ex-Arsenal goalkeeper Bob
Wilsons Willow Foundation which provides Red
Letter days for terminally ill cancer patients.
This year we held a 24 Hour Football marathon to
raise funds for it.
11Social events are an important part of the
- At Christmas there is always a dinner for all
students. This is usually organised by the older
students and is a great opportunity to dress up
and show out! - In Yr 10 and 11, Tutors will usually organise
Form Dinners at a local restaurant - In the Sixth Form, students are invited to the
School Balls.
12Some people say that small schools dont cater
for the proper social development of young people.