The First Sultans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The First Sultans


Empire divided between three rival factions led by Yilduz, Aibak, and Qabacha. ... Access to kings and princes limited. Royal sons and grandsons given ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The First Sultans

The First Sultans
  • Iltutmish, Balban, and Ala-ud-din Khilji

Mahmuds motivation and his impact
  • Was his primary motivation political or religious
  • Primary impact was not that of conquest but of
    the possibility of gaining access to a vastly
    profitable landthe weakness of Indian borders.
    Also demonstrated the need for local allies and
    the difficulties of continued rule.
  • The raided parts quickly recovered. Trade was
    established, temples were rebuilt. Rajput
    confederacies quickly re-established political
  • The popular historiography is less helpful in
    giving us information about Mahmuds own time,
    much more useful in indicating his influence and
    growing myth in later times as exemplary Turkish
    warrior and ruler.

Sources for this period
  • UtubiMahmuds court historian
  • Al-Beruniwar captive and scholar
  • Later histories such as those authored by
    Ferishta, Isami, Barani some 200-400 years later
  • Rules governing Tarikh (Persian court histories)
    Indian Itihaasa/Purana traditions
  • How do we sift through these texts?
  • Be alert for biases
  • Look for obvious exaggerations, compare with
    other sources
  • Think carefully of the relationship between the
    author, patron, and the story being told

Ilbari Rule
  • Long gap of almost 150 years between Mahmud and
    the Ilbaris
  • Next campaign does not occur until the late 12th
    Century under Muhammad Ghori
  • The renewed strength of the Rajputs and Indian
    tribes is clearly demonstrated in their strong
    opposition of Muhammad Ghoris armies

Comparing Campaign Routes
Muiz-ud-din Mohamad Ghori, 1173-1206
  • Multan campaign1175-8
  • Lahore1179-86, three attempts
  • First Battle of Tarrain1190
  • Finally, Victory at the Second Battle of Tarrain,

After Ghuris death
  • Empire divided between three rival factions led
    by Yilduz, Aibak, and Qabacha. Aibak only
    retains central portions around Delhi.
  • The remaining Turkish amirs and maliks resent the
    elevation of one of their own
  • Indigenous chiefs (Thakurs, Rais, Rajas) also

Aibaks short Rule
  • Consolidates area around Delhi
  • Lays the basics of administration, using Iqtas
  • Builds alliances with powerful nobles
  • Dies prematurely in a polo accident in 1210
  • Sultanate remains very unstable

Iltutmish (1210-1236)
  • The Iron fist in the velvet glove
  • Brought to power through the influence of a
    clique of Turkish nobles, spends the majority of
    his reign trying to break their grip over power
  • Realizes the need to cultivate a power base
    spread through different social groups
  • Also tries to create a court culture to subtly
    create obvious differences in court between the
    ruler and the nobilityRole of ruler as patron

Iltutmishs military strategies
  • Keep buffer states in the northwest as a barrier
    against Mongols until 1227 when Chingiz Khan dies
  • Avoids supporting Khwarzim Shahs or Yilduz
  • 1228 Multan and Sind annexed
  • Also adds Eastern and Southern fronts
  • 1225-1229 direct control over Bengal
  • 1226-1228 Rajasthan
  • 1231-1235 Central India, inc. Gwalior, Malwa

Iltutmishs Conquests, c. 1236
Iltutmishs Strategies
  • Advantages to a diplomatic approach to
    different groupschehelgan, Sufis, local
    magnates, Mongols
  • Iqta reformsthose under khalisa increased
  • How successful was Iltutmish in his efforts to
  • Moderate, has the first long stable rule
  • Power of Chehelgan not completely diluted
  • Problems with the Iqta persist
  • More groups in Sultanate society, however, begin
    to have power and act as a counterbalance to the
  • Razias rule (1236-1240)how to interpret it?

Some Problems of Ilbari rule
  • Problems with the Iqta system, attempts to
    integrate local magnates in administrationtoo
    little manpower available among Turks
  • Factionalism between the Turkish Chehelgan,
    useful and not
  • The position of the Sultan, in relation to Amirs,
    Sufi Sheikhs (Who really has authority in the
    eyes of the people?)
  • The place of Islam within courtly
    circleshistorical claims of the court chronicles
    v. probable reality
  • In the early period power is limited to cities
    such as Delhi and Lahore
  • Power is shared among the Turkish Chehelgan
    families, but alternative types of social and
    religious influence is also exercised by
    religious figures (Hindu and Muslim), local chiefs

  • Razias short reign and the confusion that
  • Indirect rule 1246-66, Nasir ud-din Sultan
  • has sultan marry his daughter, asks for title of
    Ulugh Khan
  • 1253 failed attempt by N. Khan reveals division
    amongst chehelgan favored Balban
  • Military strength squandered as chehelgan and
    Mongal threats grow
  • 1266 Nasir ud-din Khan poisoned, Balban becomes
  • Direct Rule 1266-87
  • Longest reign of early sultanate rulers (41 years)

Direct Rule 1266-87
  • Focus on Delhi and Doab
  • Settlement of garrison towns, different ethnic
    groups, particularly Afghans recruited
  • Increased incentives to cultivators, state help
    with deforestation, clearing of roads,
    encouraging trade
  • Centralized regiments created to counter reliance
    on chehelgani troops
  • Iqtas made non-hereditary, reduced in size

Balban cont.
  • Intelligence networks expanded, scrutiny over
    chehelgan alliances and iqta management increases
  • Authors his own book on courtly rule, creates and
    islamic veneer, but favors rules from pre-Islamic
  • Courtly protocol prioritizes rules from ancient
  • Formalized courtly etiquette treats ruler as most
    important, Gods shadow on earth
  • Kissing the ground in front of the ruler, bowing,
    prohibitions of turning back to ruler
  • Access to kings and princes limited
  • Royal sons and grandsons given Persianized names
  • Lots of pomp and ceremony, including increased
    consumption of luxury goods at court

Impact of Balban
  • Economy stabilizes, market towns increase in
    numberdue to increased migration from
    Afghanistan and Persia
  • Mongols contained
  • Power of chehelgan reduced, through iqta reform
    and garrison towns, but they become more hostile
    to centralized rule
  • Balbans severe punishments and killings greatly
    reduce the number of qualified officers and
    generals, independent action discouraged and
    sycophancy encouraged
  • No competent successor remains when Mohammad, the
    older son is dies in 1285.

Problems of succession
  • Turkish custom did not favor primogeniture
  • The nobility had some say in the selection of the
    next ruler if sultan did not appoint an heir
  • Balbans attempt to create a succession failed
  • Younger son Bughra Khan resented and feared his
    father since 1275 events in Bengal
  • Muhammads son Kaykhusrau was designated heir
    after Mohammads death in 1285 but opposed by
  • Bughar Khans son Kayqabad and his son Kayumars
    both had short reigns while the chehelgan
    attempted to use them as puppet rulers, Bughra
    stayed far away from Delhi

Ala-ud-din Khaljis Campaigns
  • Suppresses several attempts by mongols and
    secures NW borders b/w 1296-1306
  • 1299Gujrat (important for sea trade) and
    Ranthambor annexed
  • 1302-3Orrisa and Bengal campaign unsuccessful
  • 1303 Chittor and Central India
  • Malik Kafurs expeditions
  • Campaign against the Yadavs (Devgiri) 1306-07
  • Against the Kakatiyas of Warrangal 1309-1310
  • Against the Hoysalas of Dvarsamudra 1310
  • Against the Pandyas (southernmost) 1311

Iqta Reforms
  • Iqtas accessed and registered to reduce fraud and
  • Not hereditary, but assigned for a limited use,
    revert to treasure at end of appointment period
  • Sizes kept small, holdings scattered to reduce
    influence of iqta holders
  • Share of taxes from Iqtas reduced for chehelgan,
    other nobility and headmen, reducing their
    income, increasing the share of the treasury
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